Releases: maiconheck/krafted
New Features
Package: Krafted.Rfc
A set of building blocks to implement RFCs (Request for Comments), like the RFC 7807 (Problem Details for HTTP APIs).
Package: Krafted.UnitTests
: A attribute to replace the CurrentCulture with another culture.
- Common abstractions used between libraries moved to new package: Krafted.Abstractions.
- Code coverage increased
Breaking Changes
In order to improve even more the decoupling between the modules, the Notification.cs
class was moved to the new module/package Krafted.Abstractions
New Features
Package: Krafted
The Krafted's core library, containing a set of classes for the most common uses, like Guard Clauses, DataAnnotations and Extension Methods.
Package: Krafted.Configuration
A set of utility components for configuration management.
Package: Krafted.DesignPatterns
A set of building blocks and participants to implement Design Patterns of GoF, DDD (Domain-Driven Design) and others.
Package: Krafted.EntityFrameworkCore
Some common boilerplate classes used in EF Core projects like the IDesignTimeDbContextFactory implementation.
Package: Krafted.Net
A set of utility components for network operations.
Package: Krafted.UnitTests
Extension methods to enhance the unit tests.
Package: Krafted.ValueObjects
A set of common Value Objects, with comparison and shallow copy operations, full tested and ready to use.