Ministerstvo zemědělství
Field Parcel Source: Data LPIS - SHP za celou ČR
Please note the CRS is EPSG:5514
Crop Declaration Source: Deklarace plodin
Field Parcel
Original attribute table column name | |
FID | parcel ID |
ID_DPB | parcel ID |
Crop Declaration
Original attribute table column name | |
FB_ID | parcel ID |
Rok žádosti | Year of application |
Plodina ID | Crop Code |
Název plodiny | Crop Name |
Please note: multiple crops could be grown on the same parcel. Since the Czech declarations also provided the area of cultivation, the crop with the greatest area of cultivation is assumed to be the main crop and used as the crop for the parcel. This is distinct from other countries which preserves all crops grown on the same parcel when applying HCAT mapping.