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MaKarastY edited this page Mar 24, 2024 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the GuildInfo-Bot wiki!

Available modifiers:

Guild `{guild-approximate-members-count}` - `[int]`, The approximate number of members of the server, useful to understand the size of the guild.

`{guild-approximate-presences-count}` - `[int]`, The approximate number of server members in the network, useful to understand the size of the guild.

`{guild-bans-count}` - `[int]`, The number of all bans.

`{guild-channel-count}` - `[int]`, The number of all channels.

`{guild-threads-count}` - `[int]`, The number of all threads.

`{guild-emojis-count}` - `[sint]`, The number of all emojis.

`{guild-roles-count}` - `[sint]`, The number of all roles.

`{guild-stickers-count}` - `[sint]`, The number of all stickers.

`{guild-invites-count}` - `[int]`, Number of invitations created.

`{guild-member-count}` - `[int]`, The exact number of server members at the moment.

`{guild-users-count}` - `[int]`, The exact number of users on the server at the moment.

`{guild-bots-count}` - `[int]`, The exact number of bots on the server at the moment.

`{guild-premium-subscription-count}` - `[sint]`, How many reinforcements does the guild currently have.

`{guild-vanity-URL-uses}` - `[int]`, That's how many times the unique invitation (if any) was used.

`{guild-users-presence-offline}` - `[int]`, Number of users whose status is `Offline'.

`{guild-users-presence-online}` - `[int]`, Number of users whose status is `Online'.

`{guild-users-presence-idle}` - `[int]`, The number of users whose status is `Inactive'.

`{guild-users-presence-dnd}` - `[int]`, The number of users whose status is `Do not disturb'.

`{guild-bots-presence-offline}` - `[int]`, The number of bots whose status is `Offline`.

`{guild-bots-presence-online}` - `[int]`, The number of bots whose status is `Online`.

`{guild-bots-presence-idle}` - `[int]`, The number of bots whose status is `Inactive`.

`{guild-bots-presence-dnd}` - `[int]`, The number of bots whose status is `Do not disturb'.
Bot `{bot-network-status}` - `[string]`, Bot connection status to discord API

`{bot-commands-count}` - `[sint]`, The number of teams that are in the bot.

`{bot-users-count}` - `[int]`, The number of users the bot has, from all guilds.

`{bot-emojis-count}` - `[int]`, The number of emoji the bot has, from all guilds.

`{bot-channels-count}` - `[int]`, The number of channels the bot has, from all guilds.

`{bot-guilds-count}` - `[sint]`, The number of guilds the bot has.

`{bot-coldowns-count}` - `[int]`, The number of actions that are on hold, such as spam commands, etc.

`{bot-ping}` - `[sint]`, Bot connection delay to Discord API servers.

`{bot-memory-heap}` - `[string]`, The amount of RAM used by the bot.

`{bot-memory-rrs}` - `[string]`, The amount of RAM reserved by the bot process.

`{bot-memory-free}` - `[string]`, The amount of free RAM.
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