Format: ENTITY_NAME<CHILD_TYPES>, * = required, [...] = array+bounds
- guide
- id<string> *
- title<string> *
- description<string> *
- introduction<content> *
- related<simple-content>[0-n]
- articles<article>[1-n]
- article
- id<string> *
- title<string> *
- description<string> *
- introduction<content> *
- related<simple-content>[0-n]
- topics<topic>[1-n]
- topic<content>
- id<string> *
- title<string> *
- IDs: <task id>, <concept id>, <topic id>, / all with w/ xml:lang
- <title>
- <shortdesc>
- <prereqs
- Body: <conbody>, <taskbody>, <body> (topic)
- <related-links>
- class
- id<string> *
- title<string> *
- description<string> *
- introduction<content> *
- related<simple-content>[0-n]
- dependencies<simple-content>[0-n]
- lessons<lesson>[1-n]
- lesson
- id<string> *
- title<string> *
- description<string> *
- introduction<content> *
- related<simple-content>[0-n]
- tasks<task>[1-n]
- task<content>
- id<string> *
- title<string> *
- <learningAssessment id=> <learningAssessmentbody> <learningPostAssessmentRef>
- <learningContent id=> <learningContentbody> <learningContentRef>
- <learningOverview id=> <learningOverviewbody> <learningOverviewRef>
- <learningPlan id=> <learningPlanbody> <learningPlanRef>
- <learningSummary id=> <learningSummarybody> <learningSummaryRef>
- <title>
- <shortdesc>
- <lcIntro>
- <lcAudience>
- <lcObjective>
- <lcDuration>
- <lcInteraction>
- <lsTrueFalse id=>
- <lcAsset>
- <lcAnswerOption>
- <lcReview>
- <lcResources>
- <task id>
- <taskbody>
- set
- id<string> *
- title<string> *
- description<string> *
- introduction<content> *
- related<simple-content>[0-n]
- items<set | class | guide | page>[1-n]
- task, concept, and topic IDs
- title
- shortdesc
- taskbody, conceptbody, body
- <related-links>
- link
- target-id<string> *
- external-link
- target<string> *
- EXTERNAL and Internal: <related-links> <link ref="">
- INTERNAL: Cross-references are also stored in the relationship table of the ditamap.
- simple-content<link | external-link | emphasis | strong>[1-n]
- content<link | external-link | emphasis | strong | paragraph | ordered-list | unordered-list | description-list | image | figure | note | section | subsection | table | code | code-set>[1-n]
- emphasis<string>
- strong<string>
- paragraph<string>
- ordered-list<list-item>[1-n]
- unordered-list<list-item>[1-n]
- list-item<simple-content>
- description-list<description-list-item>[1-n]
- description-list-item
- title<simple-content> *
- description<content> *
- image
- source<string> *
- description<string> *
- width<string>
- height<string>
- figure
- image<image> *
- caption<simple-content>
- importance<string>(primary | secondary | tertiary) *
- note<content-type>
- type<string>(note | tip | caution) *
- section<content-type>
- id<string> *
- title<string> *
- subsection<content-type>
- title<string> *
- table
- header<cell>[0-n]
- rows<row>[1-n]
- row<cell>[1-n]
- cell<content>
- colspan<int>
- rowspan<int>
- code<string>
- code-set<code>[1-n]
- language<string> *
- Emphasis: <i>
- Bold: <b>
- Paragraph: <p>
- Ordered lists: <ol>
- Un-ordered lists:
- <ul> and
- <dl> (definition lists: term with definition)
- <li> (for unordered and order lists)
- Simple list: <sl> <sli> (simple lists: short phrases w/o bullets)
- Definition list: <dl> <dlentry> <dt> <dd>
- Parameter list: <parml> <plentry> <pt> <pd>
- Notes: <note type=" tip, note, important, warning, caution, attention, remember, etc ">
- Images: <image placement align width height href> <alt>
- Figures: <fig> <title> <desc> <image placement align width height href>
- Tables:
- <table frame="" id=""> <title> <tgroup cols="">
- <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/> <thead> <row> <entry>
- Code:
- <codeph> (paragragh)
- <codeblock outputclass=""> (code block with language processing)
- <coderef> (code sample that are external but imported during processing)
- Sections: <section id=""> <title> (title is optional)
- Sub-sections: No sub-sections. Individual files can be children topics of parent topics.
- Grouping of topics are done through the dita map.
- entity
- name *
- ctor
- entity-name *
- name *
- property
- entity-name *
- name *
- method
- entity-name *
- name *
- Include and Exclude
<prop att="product" val="impress" action="flag">
<startflag imageref="delta_olive.gif">
<alt-text>Start of product - Impress</alt-text>
</startflag> </prop>
- Conditions, filtering, variants and ditaval
- Variables using conref and filtering
- <ph conref="abc.dita#product" />. The conref source is coded using metadata attributes that can be used for filtering, such as:
<ph id="product>
<ph product="Liberty">Liberty</ph>
<ph product="Legend">Legend</ph>
- When the content is published, the conditional filtering in the ditaval can be set so that only the applicable product name element is included in the output.