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SharedMatrix is a rectangular 2D array of values. Matrix values are a superset of JSON serializable types that includes embedded IFluidHandle references to Fluid object.


The SharedMatrix currently supports the following operations:

  • insertCols(col, numCols) / removeCols(col, numCols)
  • insertRows(row, numRows) / removeRows(row, numRows)
  • setCells(row, col, numCols, values) (values is a 1D array in row-major order)

Insertion / removal operations are reconciled using Fluid sequence semantics, while setCells() uses Fluid map semantics.


The SharedMatrix data structure is comprised of:

  • Two 'PermutationVectors', which are used to process row/col insertion and removal ops
  • A sparse quadtree-like "physical store" for holding the cell values

Permutation Vectors

The 'PermutationVectors' provide a layer of indirection between the current logical row/col (e.g., R2) and the [x,y] coordinate in the physical store where the cell value is stored.

For example, to store the following matrix:

                        A B C D <- logical col
                    1 | . . . 3
    logical row ->  2 | . . . .
                    3 | 8 . . .
                    4 | C . . F

The SparseMatrix allocates 3 rows and 2 columns from the physical storage:

                     0 . . 1 <- column allocs
                 0 | . . . 3
                 . | . . . .
   row allocs -> 1 | 8 . . .
                 2 | C . . F

And writes the cell values to these locations:

                    0 1 <- physical col
                0 | . 3
physical row -> 1 | 8 .
                2 | C F

The next row/column to be inserted is assigned the next available physical address, regardless of where the row/col was logically inserted. Deleted rows/cols are recycled after clearing the physical store.

This indirection between logical row/col and storage row/col provides three functions:

  1. It is used to elide empty rows & cols, increasing the storage density.
  2. It avoids copying cell values when rows/cols are inserted and removed (just the logical -> storage vector is updated).
  3. It enables us to "time-travel" to previous matrix versions when reconciling ops from remote clients.

To support reconciliation, we use a MergeTree for each PermutationVector. MergeTree is a B-Tree of order 7 that temporarily maintains some extra metadata to reconcile ops while they are within the current collab window.

Physical Storage

Cell data is stored in a quadtree-like data structure that is a recursive subdivision of 16x16 tiles. The implementation leverages Morton coding to implement this as a cascade of fast 1D array accesses.

const keyHi = r0c0ToMorton2x16(row >>> 16, col >>> 16);
const keyLo = r0c0ToMorton2x16((row << 16) >>> 16, (col << 16) >>> 16);

const level0 = this.root[keyHi];
if (level0 !== undefined) {
    const level1 = level0[byte0(keyLo)];
    if (level1 !== undefined) {
        const level2 = level1[byte1(keyLo)];
        if (level2 !== undefined) {
            const level3 = level2[byte2(keyLo)];
            if (level3 !== undefined) {
                return level3[byte3(keyLo)];
return undefined;   // Empty region

A benefit of storing the cell data in Z-order is that both row-major and col-major traversal benefit from prefetching and cache coherence. Reading/writing to the physical storage along either axis is typically within an order of magnitude compared to sequentially accessing a cache hot native JavaScript array.