The project supports an uno incrementing (incrementing by 1) sequence in hive utilizing hilo allocation alogorithm.
- A stateful UDF is created which maintains a HI/LO counters to increment the sequences.
- The HI value is maintained as distribute atomic long in zookeeper.
- The HI value is incremented & fetched for every n LO (default 200) iterations.
- The UDF supports a single String argument which is the sequence name used to maintain zNodes in zookeeper.
- The sequence name can't start with /
- The sequence name can be like a nested structure like "[directoryName]/[subdirectoies]/sequenceName"
- No need to create any znode manually prior to this, UDF will do it itself
- Sequence function can only be used in select queries, which can be nested as sub-select inside Insert queries.
- for example: you can insert into final table from staging table and can use UDF there.
- You can create multiple sequences by changing the sequence name argument while invoking the select.
- You can configure low values and seed values per sequence basis.
- You can configure these permanently in UDF properties file.
- OR you can pass these as arguments while invoking function.
- Seed value will only be used if sequence is being used for first time i.e. no zookeeper node exists for sequence path.
- If seed value is not provided the sequence will start from 0 if fresh or on the basis of last HI value if already used.
- If LO value is not provided the sequence will use default value ofof 200.
FunctionName( sequenceName, lowvalue[optional], seedvalue[optional])
checkout the repository
change the properties like zookeeper address, seed value, low values in the src/main/resources/
make the package
add the jar (without dependencies) to hive
create a temporary/permanent function using the class 'com.bigdata.hive.udf.HLSequenceGenerator'
If your select query involves join set auto conversion to map side joins to false.
- set;
If you get error like: [java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazybinary.LazyBinaryArray cannot be cast to [Ljava.lang.Object;]
- set hive.mapjoin.optimized.hashtable=false;
If sequence outputs same value for each row, this could be a caching issue bug: -- set hive.cache.expr.evaluation = false
If above doesn't solves the problem, concatenate sequence output with an empty zero length string. Hive will auto cast back the result to number. -- select concat(seq_func("sequence_name"),'') , other part of query .......
Use hive 2.x, udf doesn't show caching issue with latest version of hive.
use the function in your select queries
- Ex usage: select seq("modelIds", 300, 327L) from models;
- The UDF increments the HI values for every 200 iterations by default. This is to ensure that interactions with zookeeper are not done very frequently.
- However this also means that worst case 199 low values per mapper JVM can be wasted if not used.
- You can change these figures to achieve a tradeoff between performance and sequence values wastage.
The project supports a sequence cleaner function which would delete the zNode associated with hilo sequence created by sequence generator.
- A stateful UDF is created which is aimed at house keeping activities.
- The UDF accepts the sequence name and deletes the zNode at the associated path in zookeeper.
- This would avoid any manual interventions with zookeeper and any accidental deletions of unwanted nodes.
- Post cleanup, any subsequent usage of sequence will seed its value from 0.
- However you can provide a particular seed value which is an optional parameter with sequence generator function.
SELECT FunctionName( sequenceName)
- checkout the repository
- change the properties like zookeeper address, seed value, low values in the src/main/resources/
- make the package
- add the jar (without dependencies) to hive
- create a temporary/permanent function using the class 'com.bigdata.hive.udf.HLSequenceCleaner'
- use the function in your select queries so that it only fetches single row:
- Ex usage: select delete_hl_seq("modelIds");
- The UDF deletes the zNode associated with sequence in zoo keeper.
- Hence be careful that sequence is not being used by the generator function in any query.
- It is advisable that the clean up is performed by administrator in agreement with developers.