A couple of simple useful Admin/Creative Tools.
Some of them are pieces I took from the Bad Company mod and adapted.
- Black Pill: Cures pretty much everything, and fills Health, Stamina, Wellness, Food and Water.
- Super Digger: The already existing commented Super Digger.
- Grass Bomb: A throwable that gets rid of grass and plants quickly.
- Terrain Cleaner Bomb: A throwable that cleans a terrain quickly (grass, plants, wood, rocks).
- Get skill points: 4 "fake" quests to give yourself skill points:
- adminskill5
- adminskill15
- adminskill25
- adminskill50
You need StompyNZ's ConsoleCmd mod for these new commands to work.
getentityinfos: lists infos on en entity. first param is the id of the entity:
- Command: getentityinfos or gei
getentityprefabinfos: lists infos on en entity prefab. first param is the id of the entity:
- Command: getentityprefabinfos or gepi
listspawnableentities: list all spawnable entities, with an optional "contains(string)" parameter:
- Command: listspawnableentities or lse
- lse : lists all spawnable entities.
- lse yoursearchstring : to list all spawnable entities that contain the specified string.
setentitystat: Sets an Entity Stat:
- Command: setentitystat or ses
- ses 'entity id' 'entity stat name' 'new entity stat value'
- Supported Entity Stats:
- health
- stamina
- sickness
- gassiness
- speedmodifier
- wellness
- coretemp
- food
- water
- waterlevel