Repository with tools, tricks, commands and resources for Salesforce development and administration. |
Título y Descripción | Comandos |
Retrieve metadata |
sfdx force:source:retrieve -m CustomObject:CustomObject__c sfdx force:source:retrieve -m ApexClass:MyApexClass sfdx force:source:retrieve -m Profile:Admin
Save logs beyond debugs logs - Enter this command in the VS Code terminal. - Leave it running while performing the desired actions. - Save file in root folder and put in the log.txt file all the logs that are produced.- Also, you can retrieve apex log in VS Code: Ctrl + Shif + P Log: Retrieve Apex Log And Show Analysis. |
sfdx force:apex:log:tail --color > log.txt
List ORGs |
sfdx force:org:list sf org list
Show ORG alias and value |
sfdx alias:list
Delete an org |
sfdx force:org:delete -p -u 'orgName'
Show ORG Description |
sfdx force:org:display
Unset Alias ORG |
sfdx alias:unset YourAlias
Create package from source in manifest folder |
sfdx force source manifest create --source-dir force-app/main/default --output-dir manifest --name=package_source
Create package from org in manifest folder |
sf project generate manifest --from-org OrgName --output-dir manifest --name=package_org
Retrieve from package.xml |
sf project retrieve start -o OrgName -x .\Package.xml
Assign Permission Set to user |
sf org assign permset --perm-set-name PermissionSetName -u OrgName
Create scratch-org |
sf org create scratch --target-dev-hub DevHubAlias --definition-file config/project-scratch-def.json --set-default --duration-days 30 --no-namespace --alias ScratchOrgAlias
SalesforceTreeAPI |
sfdx force:data:tree:import
Validate pre-deployment |
sf project deploy validate --source-dir force-app --test-level RunLocalTests --target-org NombreOrg --verbose | Out-File -FilePath validation.txt
Generate password for scratch-org user |
sf org generate password --target-org OrgName
See password and user info |
sf org display user -o userName
No reconoce ORGs Si no reconoce el valor de la ORG Logout all orgs Volver a conectar |
sfdx force:org:list sfdx alias:list sfdx alias:unset XXXX
Title & description | Commands |
Diff branches/commits |
git --no-pager diff --stat branch1..branch2
See log history |
git log --graph --oneline --all --decorate
# ------------------- Variable para especificar el nombre de la org según VS Code
# ------------------- Especificar Package.xml, solo debe contener clases APEX y nomenclatura para Test.
# ------------------- Ej.: <nombreClase>_Test, <nombreClase>Test
#------------ Variable para montar el comando de ejecucion de clases especificas del Test
while read line;
if [[ $line == *'Test'* ]];
if [[ $line != *'DataTestFactory'* ]];
# ------------------- Imprimimos el comando lanzado en la terminal
echo "sfdx force:source:deploy -x "${FILE_PACKAGE}" -l RunSpecifiedTests -r "${APEXTEST_LIST}" -c -u "${DESTINATION}" --verbose";
# ------------------- Comando sfdx para validar clases Apex ejecutando Test Especificos
sfdx force:source:deploy -x ${FILE_PACKAGE} -l RunSpecifiedTests -r ${APEXTEST_LIST} -c -u ${DESTINATION} --verbose;