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556 lines (371 loc) · 54 KB

Changes to Mapbox Directions for Swift


  • This library now depends on Turf v2.8.x. (#825)


  • This library now depends on Turf v2.7.x. (#819)


  • Added Incident.trafficCodes and corresponding TrafficCodes struct to hold jartic codes. (#808)


  • Added Matrix API wrapper. The Mapbox Matrix API computes travel times between many points, and returns a matrix of all travel times between the locations. #626
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if only one Waypoint with a nonnull name was used in the Directions request. #797
  • Added Interchange and Junction structs describing IC and JCT. #799
  • Fixed an issue where using cashTollOnly for road class exclusions failed the directions request. (#801)


  • Added the RestStop.amenities property that describes useful and important facilities such as gas stations, restaurants, and ATMs. (#780)



  • This library now requires a minimum deployment target of iOS 12.0 or above, macOS 10.14.0 or above, tvOS 12.0 or above, or watchOS 5.0 or above. Older operating system versions are no longer supported. (#736)

Other changes

  • Added the Waypoint.layer property, which can ensure that the route begins on the correct road if it is above or below another road. (#745)
  • Added the AttributeOptions.update(customOption:comparisonPolicy:) method and AttributeOptions.customOptionsByRawValue property for specifying attribute options that are still marked as beta in the Mapbox Directions API. (#748)
  • Fixed stale Incident.shapeIndexRange values even after calling the RouteRefreshResponse.refreshLegIncidents(from:legIndex:legShapeIndex:) method. (#752)
  • Added the RouteLeg.closures property containing information about road closures based on live traffic conditions. This information requires adding AttributeOptions.closures to the RouteOptions.attributeOptions property and setting the DirectionsOptions.profileIdentifier property to ProfileIdentifier.automobileAvoidingTraffic. (#755)
  • Added the Route.refresh(from:refreshParameters:) method as a single entry point for refreshing various parameters of the Route object. (#755)



  • This release of MapboxDirections requires Turf v2.5.x to work around a dependency resolution failure. If you use Carthage, it requires Turf v2.5.0 exactly. (#766)



  • Xcode 13.0 or above and Swift 5.5 or above are now required to build MapboxDirections from source. (#725, #727)

Command line tool

  • Removed the --config option. Instead, pass in either the path to a JSON configuration file or the full URL to a Mapbox Directions API or Mapbox Map Matching API request. (#726)
  • When the MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable is unset, the tool exits with an error code instead of crashing. (#728)
  • The tool now connects to the API endpoint in the MAPBOX_HOST environment variable, if specified. (#728)

Other changes

  • Added Waypoint.allowsSnappingToStaticallyClosedRoad property to allow snapping the waypoint’s location to a statically (long-term) closed part of a road. (#721)
  • RouteOptions(url:) now returns nil if given a Mapbox Map Matching API request URL, and MatchOptions(url:) returns nil if given a Mapbox Directions API request URL. (#728)
  • Added the Directions.refreshRoute(responseIdentifier:routeIndex:fromLegAtIndex:currentRouteShapeIndex:completionHandler:) method, which takes the index into the route geometry at which to begin refreshing, as well as corresponding Directions.urlRequest(forRefreshing responseIdentifier:routeIndex:fromLegAtIndex:currentRouteShapeIndex:), RouteRefreshResponse.refreshLegAttributes(from:legIndex:legShapeIndex:), and RouteRefreshResponse.refreshLegIncidents(from:legIndex:legShapeIndex:) methods. (#733)



  • This release of MapboxDirections requires Turf v2.5.x to work around a dependency resolution failure. If you use Carthage, it requires Turf v2.5.0 exactly. (#771)


  • MapboxDirections now requires Turf v2.4. (#703)
  • Added the RouteOptions.maximumWeight property to compute routes that excludes roads with a lower weight limit. (#694)
  • Added Route.refreshLegIncidents(from:) method to allow refreshing RouteLeg.incidents during a route refresh. (#704)
  • Added the Intersection.railroadCrossing, Intersection.trafficSignal, Intersection.stopSign and Intersection.yieldSign properties to indicate the kind of traffic control devices at an intersection along the route. (#706)


  • Added the property. (#689)
  • Added the property. (#691)
  • Types that correspond to objects in the Mapbox Directions API response, such as RouteResponse, RouteRefreshResponse, MatchResponse, and RouteStep, now conform to the ForeignMemberContainer and ForeignMemberClassContainer protocols. Types that conform to these protocols can persist unrecognized properties in the response, such as properties that are in beta, even after coding and decoding. You can access these properties using the ForeignMemberContainer.foreignMembers and ForeignMemberClassContainer.foreignMembers properties. (#669)
  • Fixed an issue where RouteStep.distance, RouteStep.expectedTravelTime and RouteStep.typicalTravelTime were rounded to one decimal place when being encoded. (#697)
  • Fixed an issue where decoding a RouteResponse incorrectly set the Waypoint.snappedDistance property to nil. (#669)
  • The mapbox-directions-swift command line tool now requests routes from the Mapbox Directions API if no input file is specified. (#576)


  • Fixed a crash that occurred when RouteOptions.roadClassesToAvoid or RouteOptions.roadClassesToAllow properties contained multiple road classes.
  • RoadClasses.tunnel and RoadClasses.restricted are no longer supported in RouteOptions.roadClassesToAvoid or RouteOptions.roadClassesToAllow properties
  • Added DirectionsOptions(url:), RouteOptions(url:) and extended existing DirectionsOptions(waypoints:profileIdentifier:queryItems:), RouteOptions(waypoints:profileIdentifier:queryItems:), MatchOptions(waypoints:profileIdentifier:queryItems:) and related convenience init methods for deserializing corresponding options object using appropriate request URL or it's query items. (#655)
  • Added Incident properties: countryCode, countryCodeAlpha3, roadIsClosed, longDescription, numberOfBlockedLanes, congestionLevel, affectedRoadNames. (#672)
  • Added departAt and arriveBy properties to RouteOptions to allow configuring Directions routes calculation. (#673)
  • Removed url request's .json suffix for Directions and Isochrones to follow V5 scheme. (#678)


  • Added VisualInstruction.Component.ShieldRepresentation struct and the VisualInstruction.Component.ImageRepresentation.shield property containing metadata for displaying a highway shield consistent with map styles used by the Mapbox Maps SDK. (#644, #647)
  • Added a RouteLeg.viaWaypoints property that lists the non-leg-separating waypoints (also known as “silent waypoints”) along a RouteLeg. Previously, you had to filter DirectionsOptions.waypoints to include only the items whose Waypoints.separatesLegs property was set to true, then zip them with RouteResponse.routes. This approach still works in some cases but is not guaranteed to be reliable for all Mapbox Directions API responses in the future. (#656)


  • Added the RouteResponse.roadClassViolations property, which indicates any requested RouteOptions.roadClassesToAvoid values that could not be satisfied when calculating the routes. You can use convenience RouteResponse.exclusionViolations(routeIndex:legIndex:stepIndex:intersectionIndex:) method to search for a specific item. (#627)
  • Fixed an issue where PolyLineString encoded an invalid GeoJSON LineString. (#638)
  • Added RouteRefreshSource protocol to allow refreshing Route objects with RefreshedRoute or another Route instance. (#634)


  • Added the Waypoint.snappedDistance property to get the straight-line distance from the waypoint to the location it was snapped to in the RouteResponse. (#616)
  • Added the RouteOptions.initialManeuverAvoidanceRadius property to avoid a sudden maneuver when calculating a route while the user is in motion. (#609)
  • Added the RoadClasses.unpaved option for avoiding unpaved roads. (#620)
  • Added the RoadClasses.cashOnlyToll property for avoiding toll roads that only accept cash payment. (#620)
  • Added Isochrones, which connects to the Mapbox Isochrone API to compute areas that are reachable within a specified amount of time from a location and return the reachable regions as contours of polygons or lines that you can display on a map. (#621)
  • Renamed DirectionsCredentials and DirectionsProfileIdentifier to Credentials and ProfileIdentifier, respectively. (#621)
  • Added the RouteOptions.maximumHeight and RouteOptions.maximumWidth properties for ensuring that the resulting routes can accommodate a vehicle of a certain size. (#623)
  • The DirectionsPriority struct now conforms to the Codable protocol. (#623)
  • Fixed an issue where the RouteOptions.alleyPriority, RouteOptions.walkwayPriority, and RouteOptions.speed properties were excluded from the encoded representation of a RouteOptions object. (#623)



  • To gain access to the Mapbox Directions and Map Matching APIs, set MBXAccessToken in your Info.plist. MGLMapboxAccessToken is still supported but is now deprecated. (#522)
  • MapboxDirections now requires Turf v2.x. (#571, #608)
  • Carthage v0.38 or above is now required for installing this SDK if you use Carthage. (#548)
  • Xcode 12.0 or above is now required to build MapboxDirections from source. (#548)
  • You can fully build this SDK on Macs with Apple Silicon. (#548)
  • The mapbox-directions-swift command line tool can no longer be built using Carthage. It now requires swift-argument-parser v1.0.0 or above. (#606)

Other changes

  • The Incident.impact property is now an Incident.Impact value instead of a string. (#519)
  • RouteOptions.alleyPriority, RouteOptions.walkwayPriority, and RouteOptions.speed are now optional. Set them explicitly if you want to include them in the HTTP request. Renamed DirectionsOptions.default to DirectionsOptions.medium. (#557)
  • Removed the DirectionsResult.routeIdentifier property. Use the RouteResponse.identifier property in conjunction with an index into the RouteResponse.routes array instead. (#562)
  • Added the Intersection.preferredApproachLanes and Intersection.usableLaneIndication properties that indicate preferred lane usage. VisualInstruction.Component.lane(indications:isUsable:) has been renamed to VisualInstruction.Component.lane(indications:isUsable:preferredDirection:). (#529)
  • Comparing two Intersections with == now considers whether the Intersection.restStop, Intersection.regionCode, and Intersection.outletMapboxStreetsRoadClass properties are equal. (#529)
  • Added the Waypoint.allowsSnappingToClosedRoad property to allow snapping the waypoint’s location to a closed part of a road. (#583)
  • Added AttributeOptions.numericCongestionLevel, RouteLeg.segmentNumericCongestionLevels, RouteLeg.Attributes.segmentNumericCongestionLevels and NumericCongestionLevel to support receiving the numeric value for congestion level along each segment of a RouteLeg. (#575)
  • Added a RouteOptions.roadClassesToAllow property that enables the resulting routes to use HOV-only roads or high-occupancy toll roads. (#598)
  • Added new optional parameters to the Directions(credentials:urlSession:processingQueue:) initializer that allow you to provide a custom URLSession and GCD processing queue. (#613)
  • Fixed an issue where RouteStep.exitIndex was always unset. (#567)
  • Fixed an issue where RouteLeg.segmentRangesByStep contained a range that was off by one for the arrival step of a leg. (#587)



  • Added support for building and running on any Linux distribution supported by Swift. (#488)
  • Added the MapboxDirectionsCLI command line tool that round-trips Mapbox Directions API responses between JSON format and Swift model objects. (#469)

Other changes

  • Added the RouteStep.segmentIndicesByIntersection property for associating Intersections with portions of the step’s shape. (#490)
  • Added the Intersection.outletMapboxStreetsRoadClass property that indicates a more detailed road classification than the existing Intersection.outletRoadClasses property. (#507)
  • Added the RouteLeg.incidents property that indicates known traffic incidents, toll collection points, rest areas, and border crossings along the route leg. (#466, #506)
  • Added the RouteLeg.regionCode(atStepIndex:intersectionIndex:) method and Intersection.regionCode property to get the administrative region where an intersection is located, as well as a RouteLeg.administrativeRegions property that indicates the administrative regions traversed by the route leg. (#466, #485, #506)
  • Added the Intersection.tunnelName, Intersection.tollCollection, Intersection.restStop, and Intersection.isUrban properties. (#466, #506)
  • The CongestionLevel enumeration now conforms to the CaseIterable protocol. (#500)


  • Added the DirectionsResult.typicalTravelTime, RouteLeg.typicalTravelTime and RouteStep.typicalTravelTime properties that indicate the typical travel time, as opposed to the current expected travel time. (#462)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when setting the Waypoint.separatesLegs property to true and setting the Waypoint.targetCoordinate property. (#480)
  • Directions.fetchAvailableOfflineVersions(completionHandler:) now calls its completion handler on the main queue consistently. (#475)
  • Upgraded to Polyline v5.0.0. (#487)


  • Added the Directions.refreshRoute(responseIdentifier:routeIndex:fromLegAtIndex:completionHandler:) method for refreshing attributes along the legs of a route and the Route.refreshLegAttributes(from:) method for merging the refreshed attributes into an existing route. To enable route refreshing for the routes in a particular route response, set RouteOptions.refreshingEnabled to true before passing the RouteOptions object into Directions.calculate(_:completionHandler:). (#420)
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if the Mapbox Directions API includes unrecognized RoadClasses values in its response. (#450)
  • Fixed malformed RouteStep.shape values that could occur when RouteStep.maneuverType is ManeuverType.arrive, DirectionsOptions.shapeFormat is RouteShapeFormat.polyline6, and the Mapbox Directions API returns certain encoded Polyline strings. (#456)
  • Restored the DirectionsOptions.urlQueryItems property so that subclasses of RouteOptions and MatchOptions can add any additional URL query parameters that are supported by the Mapbox Directions and Map Matching APIs. (#461)


  • Fixed an issue where waypoints in a RouteResponse did not persist the Waypoint.targetCoordinate, Waypoint.heading, Waypoint.headingAccuracy, and Waypoint.allowsArrivingOnOppositeSide properties from the initial RouteOptions object.


  • Fixed an issue where RouteResponse(matching:options:credentials:) and Directions.calculateRoutes(matching:completionHandler:) resulted in misshappen Route.shapes and RouteStep.shapes in the Atlantic Ocean if MatchOptions.shapeFormat was set to RouteShapeFormat.polyline6. (#437)


  • Fixed an issue where decoding and reencoding a JSON-formatted response from the Mapbox Directions API would cause the voiceLocale property to be omitted from route objects. (#424)
  • Added the Route(legs:shape:distance:expectedTravelTime:) and Route(from:) initializers. (#430)
  • Fixed an issue where VisualInstruction.Component.guidanceView lacked an image URL. (#432)


  • Removed the CoordinateBounds struct in favor of BoundingBox from Turf. (#427)
  • Added the VisualInstructionBanner.quaternaryInstruction property and VisualInstruction.Component.guidanceView(image:alternativeText:) enumeration case to represent a detailed image of an upcoming junction. (#425)


  • Fixed an issue where RouteResponse(matching:options:credentials:) and Directions.calculateRoutes(matching:completionHandler:) resulted in misshappen Route.shapes and RouteStep.shapes in the Atlantic Ocean if MatchOptions.shapeFormat was set to RouteShapeFormat.polyline6. (#437)



  • Renamed MapboxDirections.swift to Mapbox Directions for Swift. The CocoaPods pod is now named MapboxDirections, matching the module name. (#400)
  • This library now requires a minimum deployment target of iOS 10.0 or above, macOS 10.12.0 or above, tvOS 10.0 or above, or watchOS 3.0 or above. Older operating system versions are no longer supported. (#379)
  • Swift is now required to directly use public types and methods defined by this library. If your application is written in Objective-C or Cocoa-AppleScript, you need to implement your own wrapper in Swift that bridges to Objective-C. (#382)
  • This library now depends on Turf. (#382)

Error handling

  • The RouteCompletionHandler and MatchCompletionHandler closures’ error argument is now a DirectionsError instead of an NSError. (#382)
  • Classes such as Route, Match, and RouteStep conform to the Codable protocol, so you can create instances of them from JSON-formatted Data using JSONDecoder and round-trip them back to JSON using JSONEncoder. Malformed input now throws decoding errors instead of crashing by unwrapping nils. (#382)

Visual instructions

  • Removed the Lane class in favor of storing an array of LaneIndications directly in the Intersection.approachLanes property. (#382)
  • Removed the ComponentRepresentable protocol, VisualInstructionComponent class, and LaneIndicationComponent class in favor of a VisualInstruction.Component enumeration that contains a VisualInstruction.Component.TextRepresentation and/or VisualInstruction.Component.ImageRepresentation, depending on the type of component. (#382)
  • Added the VisualInstruction.Component.ImageRepresentation.imageURL(scale:format:) method for fetching images with scales other than the current screen’s native scale or formats other than PNG. (#382)

Other changes

  • Removed support for Mapbox Directions API v4. (#382)
  • Replaced the MBDefaultWalkingSpeed, MBMinimumWalkingSpeed, and MBMaximumWalkingSpeed constants with CLLocationSpeed.normalWalking, CLLocationSpeed.minimumWalking, and CLLocationSpeed.maximumWalking, respectively.
  • Replaced the Route.coordinates property with Route.shape and the RouteStep.coordinates property with RouteStep.shape. The Route.coordinateCount and RouteStep.coordinateCount properties have been removed, but you can use the LineString.coordinates property to get the array of CLLocationCoordinate2Ds. (#382)
  • RouteLeg.source and RouteLeg.destination are now optional. They can be nil when the RouteLeg object is decoded individually from JSON. (#382)
  • Removed TransportType.none, ManeuverType.none, and ManeuverDirection.none. Unrecognized TransportType and ManeuverDirection values now raise decoding errors. (#382)
  • RouteStep.maneuverType is now optional. (#382)
  • Renamed the Tracepoint.alternateCount property to Tracepoint.countOfAlternatives. (#382)
  • The Intersection.approachIndex and Intersection.outletIndex properties are now optional, not −1, in the case of a departure or arrival maneuver. (#393)
  • Added initializers for Route, Match, RouteLeg, and RouteStep. (#393)
  • Various properties of Route, RouteLeg, and RouteStep are now writable. (#393)
  • Added AttributeOptions.maximumSpeedLimit for getting maximum posted speed limits in the RouteLeg.segmentMaximumSpeedLimits property. (#367)
  • Added the RouteLeg.segmentRangesByStep property for more easily associating RouteSteps with the values in segment-based arrays such as RouteLeg.segmentCongestionLevels. (#367)
  • The RouteOptions.alleyPriority property now works with DirectionsProfileIdentifier.automobile, allowing you to request routes that prefer or avoid alleys while driving. (#416)


  • Directions.fetchAvailableOfflineVersions(completionHandler:) and Directions.downloadTiles(in:version:completionHandler:) now resumes the data task before returning it to conform to its naming conventions and avoid confusion. (#353)


  • Added support for Swift Package Manager. (#362)


  • Added the RouteOptions.alleyPriority, RouteOptions.walkwayPriority, and RouteOptions.speed properties for fine-tuning walking directions. (#370)
  • Added the MBStringFromManeuverType(), MBStringFromManeuverDirection(), MBStringFromDrivingSide(), and MBStringFromTransportType() functions, which are intended for use in Objective-C. (#369)


  • Fixed compatibility issues with Xcode 10.2 when the SDK is installed using Carthage. (#363)


  • Fixed an issue where Waypoint.separatesLegs caused the resulting RouteLeg.source and RouteLeg.destination to have mismatched coordinates and names. (#358)
  • Fixed an issue where a Directions API or Map Matching API request would fail if a Waypoint has set and Waypoint.separatesLegs set to false. (#358)


Offline routing

  • Fixed an issue where Directions.downloadTiles(in:version:session:completionHandler:) always failed with an error after passing in a CoordinateBounds created using the CoordinateBounds(northWest:southEast:) initializer. (#349)
  • Added a CoordinateBounds(southWest:northEast:) initializer. (#349)
  • The versions passed into the completion handler of Directions.fetchAvailableOfflineVersions(completionHandler:) are now sorted in reverse chronological order. (#350)

Other changes

  • Fixed issues where VisualInstruction, VisualInstructionBanner, VisualInstructionComponent, LaneIndicationComponent, and RouteOptionsV4 objects failed to roundtrip through NSCoder. (#351)


  • If a RouteOptions object has exceptionally many waypoints or if many of the waypoint have very long names, Directions.calculate(_:completionHandler:) sends a POST request to the Mapbox Directions API instead of sending a GET request that returns an error. (#341)
  • When possible, Directions.calculateRoutes(matching:completionHandler:) now sends a GET request to the Mapbox Map Matching API instead of a POST request. (#341)
  • Fixed an issue where certain waypoint names would cause Directions.calculateRoutes(matching:completionHandler:) to return an error. (#341)
  • Added the Directions.url(forCalculating:httpMethod:) and Directions.urlRequest(forCalculating:) methods for implementing custom GET- and POST-compatible request code. (#341)
  • Added the Waypoint.separatesLegs property, which you can set to false to create a route that travels “via” the waypoint but doesn’t stop there. Deprecated the MatchOptions.waypointIndices property in favor of Waypoint.separatesLegs, which also works with RouteOptions. (#340)
  • Fixed unset properties in Waypoint objects that are included in a calculated Routes or Matches. (#340)
  • Added DirectionsResult.fetchStartDate and DirectionsResult.requestEndDate properties. (#335)
  • Added a DirectionsOptions.urlQueryItems property so that subclasses of RouteOptions and MatchOptions can add any additional URL query parameters that are supported by the Mapbox Directions and Map Matching APIs. (#343)


  • Waypoints and Tracepoints can now be compared for object equality. (#331)
  • Fixed an issue where the DirectionsResult.accessToken and DirectionsResult.apiEndpoint properties failed to roundtrip through NSCoder. (#331)
  • Route now supports secure coding via the NSSecureCoding protocol. (#331)
  • Fixed an issue where Intersection failed to decode when an outlet road has no road classes (i.e., a normal road that isn’t a bridge, tunnel, toll road, or motorway). (#331)


  • Renamed CoordinateBounds(_:) to CoordinateBounds(coordinates:). (#325)
  • Added a Waypoint.targetCoordinate property for specifying a more specific destination for arrival instructions. (#326)
  • Fixed an issue where the Waypoint.allowsArrivingOnOppositeSide property was not copied when copying a Waypoint object. (#326)


  • Fixed an issue where VisualInstructionComponent(json:) would set VisualInstructionComponent.imageURL to an invalid URL when the JSON representation includes an empty image URL. (#322)


  • Added the Directions.apiEndpoint and Directions.accessToken properties that reflect the values passed into the Directions class’s initializers. (#313)
  • Fixed an issue causing some requests with many waypoints or long waypoint names to fail. (#311)
  • Fixed an issue where some requests with very many waypoints would fail silently. (#314)


  • Added Directions.fetchAvailableOfflineVersions(completionHandler:) for listing available offline versions. (#303)
  • Added Directions.downloadTiles(in:version:session:completionHandler:) for downloading a tile pack. (#303)


  • Added RouteOptions.response(from:) which can be used for deserializing a response from an external source. (#300)


  • DirectionsResult now includes the API response as JSON


  • Added Waypoint.allowsArrivingOnOppositeSide property for restricting the side of arrival. (#288)


  • Added the VisualInstructionBanner.tertiaryInstruction property for additional information to display, such as a lane configuration or subsequent turn. Renamed the VisualInstruction.textComponents property to VisualInstruction.components. Some of the components may be LaneIndicationComponent objects, representing a lane at an intersection. (#258)
  • Fixed a bug which caused coordinates to be off by a factor of 10 when requesting .polyline6 shape format. (#281)
  • Removed MBAttributeOpenStreetMapNodeIdentifier, as it is no longer being tracked by the API. This is a breaking change. (#275)


  • Renamed VisualInstruction.degrees to VisualInstruction.finalHeading. (#266)
  • Removed support for MBAttributeOpenStreetMapNodeIdentifier. (#272)
  • A named Waypoint will now be exposed in VisualInstructionComponent. (#273)


  • Banner instructions object now includes a degrees field, corresponding to the location at which the user should exit a roundabout. (#259)
  • Also introduces a VisualInstructionBanner object which now contains the primary and secondary VisualInstruction objects. (#259)


  • Fixed an issue that caused a warning when using Swift 4.1. (#254, #255)
  • Added types .exit and .exitCodes to MBVisualInstructionType. (#252)
  • Made an initializer on MBLane public. (#253)

This release includes the ability to make a Mapbox Map Matching request.


  • CompletionHandler has been renamed to RouteCompletionHandler to give room for MatchCompletionHandler.

Map matching

  • Added new class Match. A Match object defines a single route that was created from a series of points that were matched against a road network.
  • Added new class MatchOptions. A MatchOptions object is a structure that specifies the criteria for results returned by the Mapbox Map Matching API.
  • Added Directions.calculate(matchOptions:completionHandler:) which returns a Match.
  • Added Directions.calculateRoutes(matching:completionHandler:). This is useful for creating a Route from a map matching request.


  • Added support for abbreviations to VisualInstructionComponents. (#244)
  • Added new types to VisualInstructionComponentType. (#243)


  • Added ManeuverType and ManeuverDirection to VisualInstructionComponents (#239)


  • RouteStep.drivingSide is now safely unwrapped for cases where the value is missing from the response. (#233)
  • Added .tunnel as a valid RoadClass. (#237)
  • Added .speechLocale to Route for deciphering which Locale to use for speaking voice instructions. (#235)


  • The maneuverType, maneuverDirection, and transportType properties of RouteStep are now available in Objective-C code. The properties are no longer optional in Swift; check for ManeuverType.none ,ManeuverDirection.none, and TransportType.none instead of nil. (#227)


  • API Response parser now handles API JSON response containing empty waypoint names correctly. (#222)


  • Added property drivingSide to RouteStep that indicates which side of the road cars and traffic flow. (#219)
  • Fixed a bug where named Waypoints were having their names stripped from the response. (#218)
  • Moved the class SpokenInstruction from private to open for easier testability. (#216)


  • Added a RouteOption.roadClassesToAvoid property that avoids toll roads, motorways, or ferries. (#180)
  • The return value of Directions.calculate(_:completionHandler:) can be implicitly discarded. (#209)


  • Upgraded the project to Swift 4. A final Swift 3.2 version is v0.12.1 and is also available on the branch swift3.2. (#196)


  • Fixed an issue preventing Route objects archived prior to v0.12.0 from unarchiving. (#204)


  • The RouteOptions.locale property now defaults to the current system locale and is no longer optional in Swift or nullable in Objective-C. (#202)
  • The RouteOptions class now conforms to the NSCopying protocol. (#200)
  • Fixed an issue preventing the RouteOptions.distanceMeasurementSystem property from round-tripping after the RouteOptions object is encoded and decoded. (#200)
  • Clarified the factors that may affect the RouteStep.expectedTravelTime property’s accuracy. (#193)


  • Changed RouteOptions.includesVoiceInstructions to RouteOptions. includesSpokenInstructions.


  • Fixed a bug when decoding a Route, if the route did not include a locale option, it would fail. (#187)


  • Added instructionsSpokenAlongStep to RouteOptions. This can be used for getting voice instructions for a RouteStep (#175)
  • Added locale to RouteOptions. This can be used for setting the language settings for instructions on a RouteStep. (#176)


  • Fixed build errors in Xcode 9. (#183)


  • Added RouteStep.phoneticNames and RouteStep.phoneticExitNames for providing speech synthesizers with accurate road name pronunciation data. (#174)


  • Added a RouteShapeFormat.polyline6 option for enhanced route line precision. (#167)
  • Added a RouteOptions.includeExitRoundaboutManeuver option to get separate steps for entering and exiting each roundabout. (#168, #169)


  • Added a RouteShapeFormat.polyline6 option for enhanced route line precision. (#167)
  • Added a RouteOptions.includeExitRoundaboutManeuver option to get separate steps for entering and exiting each roundabout. (#168, #169)


  • Added a Route.routeIdentifer property that contains the unique identifier associated with the network request that created the route. (#165)


  • While the debugger is paused, you can visually inspect Route, RouteLeg, RouteStep, and Waypoint objects using Xcode’s built-in Quick Look feature. (#152)
  • Fixed an issue causing an exit with multiple exit numbers to correspond to only a single item in the RouteStep.exitCodes property. (#149)
  • Added an Intersection.outletRoadClasses property that provides details about the road leading away from the intersection. (#154, #157)
  • Added properties to Route that indicate the access token and API endpoint of the Directions object that created the route. (#155)


  • Added an AttributeOptions option, congestion, for obtaining the level of traffic congestion along each segment of a RouteLeg. (#123)
  • Added a RouteStep.exitCodes property that contains the exit number of a takeOffRamp maneuver. (#147)
  • Renamed Directions.urlForCalculating(_:) to url(forCalculating:) to adhere to Swift 3 naming conventions. (#138)
  • If any of the waypoints ofRouteOptions is named, those names persist in the RouteLegs’ waypoints.
  • Fixed an issue causing RouteSteps to fail to decode if the maneuverDirection was omitted or unrecognized. (#137)
  • Changed the raw values of the AttributeOptions options. (#123)


  • RouteOptions now conforms to NSSecureCoding. (#129)
  • Multiple AttributeOptions values can be specified simultaneously in one RouteOptions object. (#129)


  • Added an option to RouteOptions for obtaining attributes about each node or segment between nodes in the returned route legs. Available attributes include expected speed and travel time. (#118)
  • Replaced Route’s profileIdentifier property with a routeOptions property set to the RouteOptions object that was used to obtain the route. (#122)



  • Migrated to Swift 3.0. If your application is written in Swift 2.3, you should stick to v0.7.x or use the swift2.3 branch. (#57)
  • Fixed an issue causing the error “The sandbox is not in sync with the Podfile.lock” when updating a Carthage-based project that requires this framework. (#102)
  • Replaced the profile identifier constants with the MBDirectionsProfileIdentifier extensible string enumeration, which is available to both Objective-C and Swift. (#106)


  • Migrated to Swift 2.3.
  • Fixed an error that occurred when archiving an application that links to this library. (#108)
  • Added the profile identifier constant MBDirectionsProfileIdentifierAutomobileAvoidingTraffic for driving routes that avoid traffic congestion. (#86)
  • Replaced RouteStep’s name property with a names property; each string in the array is a road name that was previously delimited by a semicolon. (#91)
  • Added a codes property to RouteStep that contains any highway route numbers associated with the road. These are the same route numbers that were formerly parenthesized in the name property. (#91)
  • Added a destinations property to RouteStep that indicates a highway ramp’s signposted destination. (#63)
  • Added an intersections property to RouteStep that indicates the locations and configurations of each intersection along the step, including turn lane markings. (#80)
  • Added UseLane and TakeRotary maneuver types, which indicate an instruction to change lanes or enter a large, named roundabout, respectively. (#93)
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when the user is connected to a captive network. (#71)
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when a request failed due to rate limiting. (#103)
  • The Route, RouteLeg, and RouteStep classes now conform to the NSSecureCoding protocol. (#68)
  • Added convenience initializers to RouteLeg and RouteStep that accept a JSON dictionary formatted as the relevant part of a Mapbox Directions API response. (#92)
  • The user agent string sent by the Mac version of this library now says “macOS” instead of “OS X”. (#55)


This is a complete rewrite of mapbox-directions-swift that focuses on making the API more Swift-like in Swift but also adds Objective-C support (#47). The goal is no longer to be a drop-in replacement for MapKit’s MKDirections API, but the library continues to use terminology familiar to Cocoa and Cocoa Touch developers. This version includes a number of breaking changes:

  • Most types and methods can now be used in Objective-C.
  • Removed the MB class prefix from Swift but kept it for Objective-C. If any type conflicts with a type in your application’s module, prefix it with MapboxDirections..
  • Added a shared (singleton) Directions object. Use the shared object if you’ve set your Mapbox access token in the MGLMapboxAccessToken key of your application’s Info.plist file. (You may have already done so if you’ve installed the Mapbox iOS SDK or Mapbox OS X SDK.) Otherwise, create a Directions object with the access token explicitly.
  • Simplified the networking part of the library:
    • Removed the dependency on RequestKit. If you’re upgrading to this version using CocoaPods, you can remove the NBNRequestKit dependency override.
    • Directions no longer needs to be strongly held in order for the request to finish. Instead, the request is made against the shared URL session; to use a custom URL session, make the request yourself using the URL returned by the URLForCalculatingDirections(options:) property.
    • A single directions object uses the shared URL session for all requests, so it can handle multiple requests concurrently without raising an exception.
    • Removed the cancel() method; instead, directly cancel the NSURLSessionDataTask returned by calculateDirections(options:completionHandler:).
  • Replaced calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler(_:completionHandler:) and calculateETAWithCompletionHandler(_:completionHandler:) with a single calculateDirections(options:completionHandler:) method, which takes a RouteOptions object that supports all the options exposed by the Geocoding API. If you need to use Mapbox Directions API v4, use a RouteOptionsV4 instead of RouteOptions.
  • Steps are no longer returned by default, and the overview geometry is simplified by default. If you want full, turn-by-turn directions, configure the RouteOptions object to include the route steps and full-resolution route shapes. If you only want the estimated travel time or distance to a destination, use the default values in RouteOptions.
  • Replaced the MBDirectionsRequest.TransportType type with a freeform profileIdentifier option. Use one of the three profile identifier constants with this option.
  • Removed the MBDirectionsResponse class in favor of passing the waypoints and routes from the response directly into the completion handler.
  • Renamed Route.geometry to Route.coordinates. For Objective-C compatibility, there are additional methods that work with C arrays of coordinates.
  • Each enumeration’s raw values are integer types instead of strings, but the enumerations also conform to CustomStringConvertible in Swift, allowing the enumeration values to be converted to and from strings easily.

Other changes since v0.5.0:

  • Added official support for OS X, tvOS, and watchOS. (#49)
  • Added documentation for the entire library. You can access the documentation for any symbol using Quick Help (option-click) or Jump to Definition (command-click). (#47)
  • Replaced the TakeRamp maneuver type with TakeOnRamp, TakeOffRamp, and TurnAtRoundabout to reflect changes in OSRM v5.1.0 and Mapbox Directions API v5. (#45)
  • Added options to configure what’s included in the output, how close the route needs to come to the specified waypoints, and whether to include routes that U-turn at intermediate waypoints. (#47)
  • Added a way to specify the heading accuracy of any waypoint. (#47)
  • By default, returned routes may U-turn at intermediate waypoints. (#47)
  • Various error conditions returned by the API, such as the rate limiting error, cause the localized failure reason and recovery suggestion to be set in the NSError object that is passed into the completion handler. (#47)
  • Requests sent through this library now use a more specific user agent string, so you can more easily identify this library on your Statistics page in Mapbox Studio. (#50)


  • Updated Directions API v5 support to reflect late-breaking changes to the API. (#40)
  • Distinguished between requested transport types and transport types in the response. Each route step in a returned route may have a different transport type. (#40)
  • Route lines returned by the Directions API are now polyline-encoded instead of GeoJSON-encoded, so your application receives directions faster with less data usage (#27)
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when encountering an unrecognized maneuver type from the Directions API. The API reserves the right to add new maneuver types at any time. Now unrecognized maneuver types resolve to nil. (#38)
  • Route summaries are synthesized on the client side when absent from routes returned from the server. (#40)
  • A single MBDirections object can manage multiple concurrent requests. cancel() cancels all outstanding tasks. (#42)


  • Added support for Mapbox Directions API v5. (#23, #25) Some highlights:
    • An MBRoute now contains one or more MBRouteLegs, each of which contains one or more MBRouteSteps. A route leg connects two waypoints.
    • The arrival step now announces the side of the street that contains the destination, if available.
    • Specify an initial heading to avoid getting directions that begin opposite the current course.
    • Start and end headings are provided for most steps.
  • The library is now packaged as a dynamic framework, MapboxDirections.framework, rather than a collection of standalone Swift files. (#24)
  • Added support for getting the estimated travel time to a destination. (#17)
  • Added support for intermediate waypoints. (#16)
  • Added support for specifying a custom profile identifier beyond the standard driving, biking, and walking profiles. (#15)
  • An alternative route is no longer requested by default but can be requested by setting MBDirectionsRequest.requestsAlternateRoutes. (#19)
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the departure step required a turn. (#24)


No notable changes.


No notable changes.


  • Removed the use of SwiftyJSON.
  • Updated the API endpoint URL. (#5)


Initial release.