- add 2024 day 1 part 1 & 2
- add 2023 day 09
- add 2023 day 08 part 02
- add 2023 day 07 part 01
- add 2023 day 7 part 1 & 2
- add 2023 day 6 part 2
- add 2023 day 06 part 1
- add 2023 day 05 part 2
- add 2023 day 05 part 1
- add 2023 day 4 part 2
- add 2023 day 4 part 1
- add 2023 day 03
send user agent with input retrieval request
add return value
remove extra number in range
type hints
migrate to poetry
- add 2023 day 2 part 2
- add 2023 day 2 part 1
- apply linting outputs
- add 2023 day 2
- add 2023 day 1
- add registry
- mypy issues
- mypy errors
- flake8 errors
- flake8 and black
- don't use None as default for str type
- use httpx instead of requests and add docstrings
- add grid helpers
- add dark and light mode svg
- add dark and light mode svg
- gather average solution durations
- add dynamic star counter svg
- fix issue where both light and dark images would show side by side
- remove multiprocessing from benchmarks to prevent adding overhead
- make solution timer return duration when running benchmarks
- replace solution lists with tables
- add benchmarks
- checkout git repository in release.yaml
- make test template use test input by default
- add math helpers
- add test template to add-day script
- fix incorrect default data for filter list
- fix incorrect turn waypoint function
- fix incompatible types in assignment
- fix incorrect day replacement in test template
- display correct amount of microseconds in solution timer
- remove hardcoded day - year from get_input function
- flake 8 issues
- add memoization decorator
- add profiler decorator
- add clean-repo script
- add add-day script
- add codecov reports to tox
- add template for day
- strip _year suffix from day in clean_day
- check for None explicitly to prevent incorrect behaviour when answer is 0
- make all files unique to prevent issues in the global import namespace
- flake8 and mypy issues
- mypy and flake8 issues
- add run-all script
- modify solution timer output when run-all is used
- add functions to download input from aoc website using session cookie
- add run-all script
- add module helpers
- add function to retrieve input as string
- use GenericAlias for long layout type hint
- move console to own file
- move helper functions out of generate_readme.py and add emoji
- automatically update amount of stars collected
- add input helper functions
- don't commit when nothing to commit
- ci: fix incorrect indentation