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643 lines (435 loc) · 23.5 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



[5.6.1] - 2023-10-09


  • Improved the IP rate limit error message to indicate that an HTTP status code 403 may also mean that the IP address was identified as being from the USA – all requests from USA IPs are banned by Bybit.

[5.6.0] - 2023-09-28


  • Add RSA authentication for HTTP and WebSocket (choose "Self-generated API Keys" when creating an API key)
    • To use it, pass rsa_authentication=True along with your api_key and api_secret
      • Your api_key is given to you after inputting your public key (RSA) into Bybit's API management system
      • Your api_secret is the private key (RSA) you generate
    • Learn more here
    • See examples files: HTTP and WebSocket
  • Add the HTTP method get_server_time()
  • Add HTTP methods for spot margin trading
  • Add HTTP method get_long_short_ratio()
  • Add optional private_auth_expire arg for WebSocket (bybit-exchange#154)


  • The HTTP method enable_universal_transfer_for_sub_uid()


  • Improve close_position logic

[5.5.0] - 2023-07-17


  • which includes the Helpers class and the close_position method, which can be imported and employed like so:
from pybit.helpers import Helpers
my_helper = Helpers(session)  # your HTTP session object (eg, from pybit.unified_trading import HTTP)
print(my_helper.close_position(category="linear", symbol="BTCUSDT"))

[5.4.0] - 2023-06-23


  • The following new endpoints to unified_trading:
    • get_broker_earnings
    • get_announcement
    • get_pre_upgrade_order_history
    • get_pre_upgrade_trade_history
    • get_pre_upgrade_closed_pnl
    • get_pre_upgrade_transaction_log
    • get_pre_upgrade_option_delivery_record
    • get_pre_upgrade_usdc_session_settlement
    • get_affiliate_user_info
    • get_uid_wallet_type

[5.3.0] - 2023-05-19


  • Multiple symbol support for WebSocket topics (pass symbol as a list)
  • Extra logging (log response headers) when passing log_requests=True
  • Argument return_response_headers for HTTP to allow returning the response headers to the user


  • Add response headers to exceptions


  • Update PyPI package's python version so that only =>3.9 is supported to prevent the error: TypeError: 'type' object is not subscriptable
  • Fix API rate limit handling
  • Remove unnecessary print statements in two methods

[5.2.0] - 2023-04-18


  • New asset endpoints: set_deposit_account(), get_internal_deposit_records(), get_withdrawable_amount()


  • Ensure that legacy submodule is packaged by
  • Fix non-UTA (normal account) spot margin trading endpoints
  • Fix wrong request method for set_dcp()

[5.1.1] - 2023-04-06


  • HTTP endpoints to the copy_trading module


  • Docstrings in the copy_trading module to make it easier to find the API documentation for reference
  • Example files


  • ticker_stream method in the unified_trading module, which was subscribing to the wrong WebSocket topic

[5.0.0] - 2023-04-03

This version upgrades pybit to Bybit's version 5 (v5) APIs. It supports both Unified Trading Accounts (UTA) and non-UTA accounts. Bybit is not expected to develop any more major API versions in the future, so Bybit's v5 API (and subsequently, pybit's 5.0.0) is expected to be supported in the long-term.

See the examples folder for examples on how to interact with the latest modules.


  • Bybit's v5 HTTP and WebSocket APIs in the unified_trading module. See what markets All-In-One V5 API supports in the upgrade guide.


  • Non-v5 modules like copy_trading, usdc_options, and usdc_perpetuals to continue to work from a legacy subpackage. Import like so: from pybit.legacy.copy_trading import HTTP . These modules are maintained because they are currently not supported by the v5 API; see the upgrade guide.


  • Various legacy modules which have been superseded by the v5 API via the unified_trading module


  • Tests for V5 endpoints

[3.0.0rc5] - 2023-02-02


  • copy_trading module for the Copy Trading HTTP API and WebSocket


  • requirements.txt to require the latest version of websocket-client: 1.5.0.
    • If you are facing any problems with the WebSocket, ensure you upgrade to the right version of the dependency and try again. Upgrade like so: python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  • WebSocket pings (again)

[3.0.0rc4] - 2023-01-31


  • How WebSocket pings are sent in an effort to keep connections open longer

[3.0.0rc3] - 2023-01-27


  • Failure to resubscribe to private spot topics when reconnecting WebSocket


  • WebSocket error handling

[3.0.0rc2] - 2023-01-05


  • Failure to pass request parameters in certain methods

[3.0.0rc1] - 2023-01-04


  • Wrong endpoint paths in spot


  • Refactored WebSocket's test arg to testnet
  • Hardcoded WebSocket arguments into the child class the user accesses – meaning the user can easily see them, and IDEs should autocomplete them
    • (For v3 WebSockets only: contract, unified_margin, spot)

[3.0.0rc0] - 2022-12-28

This version upgrades pybit to Bybit's version 3 (v3) APIs. Some old API modules are maintained due to lack of or only partial support in v3. Method names have been improved and conform to an intuitive standard.

Future modules will be removed as Bybit's APIs are further unified so that they may be accessible from just one or two modules which should generally be divided by account type (eg, unified margin) rather than by market type (eg USDT perpetual).

This is a pre-release, as indicated by the rc (release candidate) in the version number. Future versions may have breaking changes. An imminent major version of the Bybit API will introduce major changes before these v3 APIs make it to the production version.


  • Bybit's main v3 HTTP and WebSocket APIs:
    • contract – inverse perpetuals, inverse futures, USDT perpetuals, and USDC options
    • unified_margin – USDT perpetuals and USDC options


  • spot to use v3 HTTP API and WebSocket APIs
  • account_asset to use v3 HTTP API


  • usdt_perpetual because it is now accessible via contract and unified_margin

[2.4.1rc0] - 2022-10-07


  • is_connected() and the WebSocket reconnection logic.

[2.4.1] - 2022-10-07

  • See below release candidates for further changes.


  • Wrong endpoint path in
  • Wrong endpoint path in

[2.4.0rc1] - 2022-09-20


  • USDC API's timestamp parameter

[2.4.0rc0] - 2022-09-15


  • The way in which the WebSocket handles errors, improving general usage and debugging (tracebacks) as well as clearly defining under which errors should the WebSocket attempt reconnection.


  • USDC API's timestamp parameter to avoid the occasional ret_msg: error sign!

[2.4.0] - 2022-07-26



  • USDC API to use the user's set recv_window


  • Did some internal code reorganisation

[2.3.1] - 2022-07-20


  • The ping_interval to 20 seconds to ensure WebSocket connection stability

[2.3.0] - 2022-06-24


  • HTTP methods for the spot API's Leveraged Token and Cross Margin endpoints
  • agentSource parameter when sending requests to place spot orders, which uses the referral_id argument, so that affiliates can track orders

[2.2.3] - 2022-06-22

  • There was a packaging problem with the previous version. There are no changes compared with 2.2.2.

[2.2.2] - 2022-06-22 [YANKED]

  • See below release candidates for further changes. TLDR: Improved WebSocket stability and reconnection logic.


  • retries argument so that users specify how many times the WebSocket tries to reconnect upon disconnection
    • The default is 10. To retry forever, set it to 0. pybit will wait 1 second between each retry.


  • Improved the logging around WebSocket disconnection

[2.2.2rc2] - 2022-06-15


  • WebSocket topic resubscription so that when a WebSocket connection is dropped and then reconnected it should resume pushing the same data as before. Essentially, completes the expected functionality of reconnecting to the WebSocket.


  • is_connected() function to work with modules that utilise >1 WebSocket connections

[2.2.2rc1] - 2022-06-10


  • is_connected() function to WebSocket class so that you can check if your WebSocket connection is alive


  • Bug where, upon WebSocket disconnection, pybit rapidly tries to re-establish the connection, which results in being banned by the CDN for malicious activity

[2.2.2rc0] - 2022-06-10


  • Improved HTTP error handling and logging to ease troubleshooting

[2.2.1] - 2022-06-07


  • usdt_perpetual -> get_risk_limit() to not require authentication


  • usdt_perpetual -> add_reduce_margin() to use the correct request method

[2.2.0] - 2022-05-25


  • USDC options WebSocket and HTTP classes
  • Deposit/withdrawal endpoints to account_asset module

[2.1.2] - 2022-05-05


  • Initiating a WebSocket object without an api_key or api_secret for objects that create multiple WebSocket connections
  • Error thrown when processing WebSocket orderbook

[2.1.1] - 2022-04-30


  • USDC perpetual WebSocket and HTTP classes
  • USDT perpetual extended_user_trade_records() method


  • Expose all WebSocket arguments to users (fixing the previous "wonky and unintuitive" implementation by simplifying the inheritance design)
  • See below release candidates for details.

[2.1.1rc0] - 2022-04-14


  • Added arg (trace_logging) to enable websocket-client's trace logging, which reveals extra debug information regarding the websocket connection, including the raw sent & received messages
    • Note: the code implementation is a little wonky and unintuitive, and will be refined as much as possible before the proper release - although the functionality will remain the same.

[2.1.0] - 2022-04-08


  • The processing of instrument_info WebSocket messages so that the user receive a "type": "snapshot" every time, rather than having to do their own delta/snapshot processing
  • Fix AttributeError: '_FuturesWebSocketManager' object has no attribute 'endpoint' when attempting reconnect

[2.0.1] - 2022-03-17


  • record_request_time arg to HTTP classes which, if true, returns the response dictionary in a tuple with the request elapsed time - as recorded by requests


  • to demonstrate callbacks clearly
  • the license to reflect the transition to bybit-exchange


  • JSONDecodeError when trying to subscribe to a spot private WebSocket stream

[2.0.0] - 2022-03-09


  • New modules for each API as part of a restructuring effort:,,, and more
    • see the README for how to import these new modules
    • HTTP and WebSocket classes within each applicable module
    • These classes use inheritance to reflect the structure of the Bybit APIs - due to the division of endpoints along the lines of different market types
    • This means that different classes can share their common endpoints, such as api_key_info(), whilst keeping their distinctive endpoints like get_active_order() separate


  • WebSocket functionality to use callbacks instead of polling
    • This means that instead of polling ws.fetch() for your latest WebSocket messages, you can now simply define a function (my_callback_function), and pass this as an argument upon subscribing to your chosen topic
    • This also removes the need to remember topic names and JSON formats, as you now directly call a class method to subscribe
    • There is also a custom_topic_stream method which can be used if a new WebSocket topic has been released by Bybit, but it's not been added to pybit yet
  • HTTP classes will now instantiate a new HTTP session for each API (Spot (spot.HTTP), Account Asset (account_asset.HTTP), etc)
    • this is due to the restructuring of pybit to use class inheritance
  • Generally, the restructuring has allowed a great amount of segregation of the internal code to occur, which will allow for easier future development


  • The WebSocket class from the file, which was imported like so: from pybit import WebSocket
    • This is because of the aforementioned functionality changes, which also have the potential to improve performance (as a core no longer needs to be occupied polling ws.fetch())
  • However, the HTTP class was not removed from in an effort to provide a unified alternative
    • Despite this, we would recommend preferring the market-specific modules

[1.3.6] - 2022-02-28


  • Added query_trading_fee_rate()

[1.3.5] - 2022-01-12


  • position_mode_switch() to support USDT perp: /private/linear/position/switch-mode

[1.3.4] - 2021-12-30


  • endpoint arg to get_active_order()


  • A WebSocket test case, by raising an exception instead of logging

[1.3.3] - 2021-12-24

  • Improve get_risk_limit()
    • Fixed: call this endpoint without authentication
    • Supported endpoint argument for my_position(), allowing the user to call this method without supplying a symbol
      • symbol is not a required parameter for these endpoints, but pybit typically relies on it for deciding which endpoint to call

[1.3.2] - 2021-11-05

  • Enabled WebSocket fetch() to handle multiple position sides from linear perp symbols
  • Fixed fetch() for private spot WebSocket
  • Supported endpoint argument for my_position(), allowing the user to call this method without supplying a symbol
    • symbol is not a required parameter for these endpoints, but pybit typically relies on it for deciding which endpoint to call
  • See below release candidates for details.

[1.3.2rc2] - 2021-11-03


  • Alter the spot endpoint paths used for get_active_order() and query_active_order()

[1.3.2rc1] - 2021-10-25


  • Fixed failure to load subscriptions when provided in as JSON strings

[1.3.2rc0] - 2021-10-19


  • Fixed the spot auth WebSocket to ensure subscriptions are not required

[1.3.1] - 2021-10-07


  • Fixed methods like query_symbol() (which have no API parameters) not working following the spot update

[1.3.0] - 2021-09-24


  • Implemented the Spot API in HTTP
  • Implemented the Account Asset API in HTTP
  • Implemented the Spot WebSocket in WebSocket

[1.2.1] - 2021-07-15


  • Removed position_mode_switch() as the endpoint has not been released to mainnet yet

[1.2.0] - 2021-07-09


  • Added new HTTP methods for new endpoints
  • Added new paths for existing methods


  • Fixed some old paths


  • is_linear argument in get_risk_limit()

[1.1.19] - 2021-06-15


  • Added some logic to decide if there is 'order_book' in order book snapshot push for WebSocket

[1.1.18] - 2020-03-23


  • Added ignore_codes argument to HTTP for status codes to not raise any errors on.

[1.1.17] - 2020-03-21


  • Removed extra suffix definition block in place_conditional_order.
  • Changed logger functionality so that it won't overwrite user's preferred logging settings.
  • Fixed wrong number of arguments error inside WebSocket on_message, on_close, on_open, on_error.

[1.1.16] - 2020-03-21


  • Fixed typo errors on endpoint urls.

[1.1.15] - 2020-03-21


  • Added support for futures endpoints on HTTP (using isdigit to detect futures symbols).


  • Using get method for dict for symbol check instead of calling by key.
  • endpoint on HTTP will now default to if no argument.
  • retry_codes is now user-definable in the HTTP arguments.
  • All logging is now on DEBUG level—user will need to manually set logging_level to DEBUG.
  • Added attempted request to FailedRequestError and InvalidRequestError for improved error logging.

[1.1.14] - 2020-02-06


  • Fixed unexpected tuple generation for status codes on InvalidRequestError and FailedRequestError.
  • Fixed how Websocket handles incoming orderBook data due to Bybit's topic naming changes.

[1.1.13] - 2020-02-01


  • requests will use JSONDecodeError from simplejson if it is available—pybit will now do the same to prevent errors.
  • Fixed a bug where HTTP retry would crash on rate limit reached due to undefined variable.
  • Improved InvalidRequestError and FailedRequestError to include error codes and times.

[1.1.12] - 2020-01-20


  • WebSocket will now temporarily differentiate between inverse and linear endpoints for the 'order' topic since incoming data has differing keys.

[1.1.11] - 2020-01-12


  • WebSocket now has purge_on_fetch (defaults to True), which allows the user to keep data between fetches.


  • Fixed a bug on 'stop_order' for WebSocket that would prevent data from being appended due to deprecation of stop_order_id.

[1.1.10] - 2020-01-08

  • See release candidates for details.

[1.1.10rc0] - 2020-01-05


  • Rewrote if-condition on _on_message in WebSocket class to check for linear or non-linear position data.

[1.1.9] - 2020-12-20


  • Added ability to handle from using from_time and from_id arguments since from is a reserved keyword.
  • Removed ignore_retries_for from HTTP. pybit now uses a standard list of non-critical errors that can be retried.
  • Added argument retry_delay for HTTP—allows user to add a custom retry delay for each retry.

[1.1.8] - 2020-11-21

  • See release candidates for details.

[1.1.8rc4] - 2020-11-14


  • Fixed raise error missing argument for FailedRequestError upon max retries.
  • Modified API endpoints to saistfy requirements for upcoming endpoint deprecation, see the API Documentation for more info.
  • Updated WebSocket class to properly handle candle from USDT perpetual streams.
  • Updated WebSocket class to return a copy of the collected data, preventing establishing a reference.
  • Updated WebSocket class to properly handle linear (USDT) orderbook data.
  • Performance improvements.

[1.1.8rc3] - 2020-11-12


  • Changed ignore_retries_for default argument to be empty tuple to prevent error.

[1.1.8rc2] - 2020-10-27


  • Added ignore_retries_for argument to HTTP auth method, allowing the user to choose which error codes should NOT be retried.

[1.1.8rc1] - 2020-10-27


  • FailedRequestError and InvalidRequestError now have message and status_code attributes.

[1.1.8rc0] - 2020-10-27


  • Will now catch and handle requests.exceptions.ConnectionError.

[1.1.7] - 2020-10-21


  • Added recv_window error handler to HTTP auth method.
  • Will now catch and handle requests.exceptions.SSLError.

[1.1.6] - 2020-10-09


  • Added recv_window argument to HTTP class.

[1.1.5] - 2020-09-30


  • Improved error handling.
  • Added max_retries argument to HTTP class.

[1.1.4] - 2020-09-17


  • Added FailedRequestError to differentiate between failed requests and invalid requests.
  • Fixed exit method on WebSocket to now properly handle the closing of the socket.

[1.1.3] - 2020-09-12


  • Increased expires time for WebSocket authentication to a full second.

[1.1.2] - 2020-09-12


  • Add option to handle timeout on request submission.

[1.1.1] - 2020-09-11


  • Fixed trailing decimal zero to prevent auth signature errors.

[1.1.0] - 2020-09-08


  • New HTTP methods.
  • New argument for HTTP class to log each outgoing request.
  • New argument for WebSocket class to attempt restart after an error is detected.


  • Mass simplification of all methods—each method now takes a series keyword arguments rather than a set number of required pre-defined arguments. This makes the library future-proof and prevents breaking on significant updates to the REST API endpoints. This, however, requires the user to study the API documentation and know which arguments are required for each endpoint.
  • One new exception has been added—InvalidRequestError. This exception will be raised if Bybit returns with an error, or if requests is unable to complete the request.
  • Inverse and Linear endpoints are now handled accordingly by differentiating from the symbol argument.
  • Updated existing HTTP method names to follow the same naming procedure as listed in the Bybit API documentation.
  • Reformatting of code to follow PEP-8 standards.
  • New docstring format.

[1.0.2] - 2020-04-05


  • Various logging features added to both HTTP and WebSocket classes.


  • Extensive WebSocket class updates.
    • Modified the WebSocketApp to send a heartbeat packet every 30 seconds, with a timeout of 10 seconds. These settings can be modified using the 'ping_interval' and 'ping_timeout' arguments of the WebSocket constructor.
    • User no longer needs to manage the incoming stream; pybit does all the work (insert, update, delete).
    • Modified for ease of use; simply use the function to send heartbeat packets. When something happens to the connection, Python will raise an Exception which the end-user can catch and handle.
  • Redundancy updates to the HTTP class.
  • Modified the HTTP class to use an endpoint argument, allowing users to take advantage of the USDT endpoints.

[1.0.1] - 2020-04-03


  • The file has been fixed to correctly install the pybit package.

[1.0.0] - 2020-04-03


  • The pybit module.