The primary focus of this release was to fix rollover issues
- MODFISTO-317 Upgrade RAML Module Builder
- MODFISTO-304 Lock budgets to update totals
- MODFISTO-311 Redundant "Rollover transfer" transactions are created during rollover for previously rolled over ledgers
- MODFISTO-309 Budgets not created during FYRO for some ledgers
- MODFISTO-299 Order and financial rollover errors are not reported
- MODFISTO-298 Unable to access adjustment ledger
- MODFISTO-214 Illegal cross-module * access on migration
The primary focus of this release was to voiding transactions support and fix encumbrance calculations
- MODFISTO-274 Extend transaction schema with voidedAmount field
- MODFISTO-273 Voided transactions will no longer count towards budgets and budget totals
- MODFISTO-269 Allow user to base encumbrance on "Initial encumbrance" during rollover
- MODFISTO-284 Cancel invoice does not update the encumbrance correctly
- MODFISTO-283 Over encumbrance calculation not aligned with encumbrance limit calculation
The primary focus of this release was to update Finance schema for combination of Fund code and Expense class, add validation for special character to Fund Code and Expense class code and prepare migration script
- MODFISTO-244 Add validation for special character to Fund Code and Expense class code and prepare migration script
- MODFISTO-243 Define DTO schema for combination of fund code and expense class
- MODFISTO-247 Rollover errors when at least 1 order has encumbrance with initialAllocation = 0
This release contains new logic of financial processing, RMB update up to v33.0.0, personal data disclosure form added
- MODFISTO-240 It should be possible to unrelease expended encumbrance
- MODFISTO-233 reOpen logic for encumbrances
- MODFISTO-231 Issue with database migration for Iris release
- MODFISTO-227 mod-finance-storage: Update RMB
- MODFISTO-201 Add personal data disclosure form
- MODFISTO-237 Transaction table upgrade failure when purchase order record is missing
- MODFISTO-225 The lost/extra penny when creating encumbrances during rollover
- MODFISTO-215 Remove uuid_generate_v4(), it fails in pgpool replication
The primary focus of this release was to fix cross migration fail once order is missing
- MODFISTO-237 Transaction table upgrade failure when purchase order record is missing
The primary focus of this release was to fix Unable to complete fiscal year rollover issue
- MODFISTO-234 Unable to complete fiscal year rollover
The primary focus of this release was to fix migration issues and lost/extra penny when creating encumbrances during rollover
- MODFISTO-225 The lost/extra penny when creating encumbrances during rollover
- MODFISTO-213 ledgerfy does not exist when migating from v4.2.2 to v6.0.1
The primary focus of this release was to update RMB, support of the fiscal year rollover feature and update total amounts calculations. Also a set of bugs were fixed.
- MODFISTO-199 mod-finance-storage: Update RMB
- MODFISTO-198 Fix fund type collection example JSON (acq-models)
- MODFISTO-224 Calculate transaction amount based on fundDistribution percentage value
- MODFISTO-222 Budget created for inactive fund
- MODFISTO-219 Allow user to delete a budget that has ONLY allocation type transactions
- MODFISTO-216 Ensure Increase and decrease in allocation are always positive values
- MODFISTO-210 Allow user to intentionally reset budget allowances during rollover
- MODFISTO-209 Update test data to include an FY2021
- MODFISTO-206 Ensure that Allowable Encumbrance and Allowable Expenditure restrictions are based on Total Funding
- MODFISTO-204 Define and implement rollover error report storage API
- MODFISTO-203 Update group-fiscal-year schema with new Financial information
- MODFISTO-197 Adjust fiscal year schema with financial summary model Max Shtanko
- MODFISTO-195 Create view with Budget financial detail information
- MODFISTO-194 Add order status to encumbrance schema
- MODFISTO-192 Define Rollover transfer transactionType
- MODFISTO-190 Migration : Fill new fields of the Budget schema with new Financial information
- MODFISTO-188 Update Ledger schema with new Financial information
- MODFISTO-187 Update logic with financial detail in the budget summary to improve the users ability
- MODFISTO-186 Update Budget schema with new Financial information
- MODFISTO-181 Move allocated logic from trigger to java code
- MODFISTO-177 Create migration script for setting in all encumbrances "reEncumber" = true
- MODFISTO-175 Define model and schema for the errors of the ledger fiscal year rollover
- MODFISTO-174 Define model and schema for the progress of the ledger fiscal year rollover
- MODFISTO-168 Define storage API for retrieving rollover status
- MODFISTO-167 Add ledger fiscal year rollover logic
- MODFISTO-164 Define model and schema of the fiscal year rollover for Ledger
- MODFISTO-163 Define storage API for the ledger fiscal year rollover
- MODFISTO-221 Rollover budget ignores expense classes when creating new budget
- MODFISTO-220 Funds lose group assignments after fiscal year rollover
- MODFISTO-217 When not checking Rollover or Available in roll settings, systems rolls all amounts
- MODFISTO-211 Incorrect budget overExpended value
The primary focus of this release was to fix RMB and logging issues
- MODFISTO-182 Update RMB up to v31.1.5
- MODFISTO-183 Awaiting payment value in the encumbrance not updated correctly
- MODFISTO-178 No logging in honeysuckle version
The primary focus of this release introduce shared allocations and net transfer for budgets. Also major versions of APIs were changed for finance-storage.ledgers
- MODFISTO-165 Field "expenseClassId" must be a part of unique-constraint
- MODFISTO-142 Restrict transfer money if budget doesn't have enough available price
- MODFISTO-140 Composite orders web API updates budget objects with invalid date updated values
- MODFISTO-137 Return helpful information when delete Budget with assigned Expense Classes
- MODFISTO-132 mod-finance-storage: Update RMB
- MODFISTO-128 Migrate mod-finance-storage to JDK 11
- MODFISTO-124 Return helpful information when store Expense Class with name/code which already exist
- MODFISTO-122 Remove ledgerFY totals calculation logic
- MODFISTO-120 Update ledger and ledgerFY schemas with new field "netTransfer"
- MODFISTO-119 Create migration script for filling "NetTransfer" field in the budget
- MODFISTO-115 Define and implement budget-expense-classes API
- MODFISTO-105 Define and Implement Storage API for expense classes
- MODFISTO-104 Create expense class schema
- MODFISTO-103 Add logic for calculating budget "netTransfer" field and store it in DB
- MODFISTO-102 Update budget schema with new field "netTransfers"
- MODFISTO-94 Migration script for performed transactions
- MODFISTO-166 Wrong calculation upon Pending payment update
- MODFISTO-136 Awaiting payment value not updated in encumbrances when invoice is paid.
- MODFISTO-113 Incorrect calculation of the "overEncumbrance"
This is a bugfix release and contains fix that user able to pay order and invoice if budget have enough money
- MODFISTO-125 MSU: cannot approve and pay an Amazon invoice
This is a bugfix release and contains fixes for budget, ledger, index creation. Also module was migrated on RMB 30.2.0
- MODFISTO-118 Budget is not updated if encumbrance status has not been changed
- MODFISTO-117 Index not being created during migration from FameFlower-Goldenrod
- MODFISTO-114 Ledger FY totals not updated after encumbrance update
The primary focus of this release was to implement "all or nothing" mechanism for Pending payment transaction type and update PUT transactions api to allow Unopen orders
- MODFISTO-111 Final verification migration scripts before release Q2 2020
- MODFISTO-110 mod-finance-storage: Update to RMB v30.0.2
- MODFISTO-109 Add ability update encumbrances and number of encumbrances based on order_transaction_summary
- MODFISTO-107 Cross-module data migration scripts for pending payments logic
- MODFISTO-106 Data migration scripts for schema changes
- MODFISTO-101 Return helpful and clear error code, when Group name already exist
- MODFISTO-90 Support all-or-nothing operations for pending payments by invoice
- MODFISTO-89 Transaction schema changes to support creation pending_payment upon invoice approval
- MODFISTO-85 Update the transaction 'source' enum
- MODFISTO-78 Add indexes for tables
- MODFISTO-75 LedgerFY records for past years
- MODFISTO-112 Available amount drops to 0 when encumbering money
The primary focus of this release was to fix critical issue with performing "all or nothing" mechanism
- MODFISTO-99 "All or nothing mechanism" performs two times
The primary focus of this release was to restrict processing transactions after performing "all or nothing" mechanism.
- MODFISTO-98 Impossible to delete/enable modules after running API tests
- MODFISTO-97 Issues upgrading module from Edelweiss to Fameflower
- MODFISTO-96 Add logic upon budget deletion
- MODFISTO-95 Not able to pay invoice after approval
- MODFISTO-87 Able to apply transactions after all or nothing operation was performed
- MODFISTO-84 Remove default values for budget.allowableEncumbrance and budget.allowableExpenditure
The primary focus of this release was to implement calculations and restrictions based on finance data
- MODFISTO-86 Update encumbrance doesn't work as expected
- MODFISTO-83 Migration script improvement to support transition of non-unique index to unique one
- MODFISTO-82 AwaitingPayment should never go below 0
- MODFISTO-81 Budget expenditures must always be updated on payments/credits
- MODFISTO-80 LedgerFY records must be updated on payments/credits
- MODFISTO-63 Encumbrance restrictions
- MODFISTO-62 Payment restrictions
- MODFISTO-61 Budget/ledger unavailable shouldn't include overEncumbered amounts
- MODFISTO-28 Transaction Calculations - Payments/Credits
- MODFISTO-91 Budgets aren't updated correctly upon updating/releasing encumbrance
This is a bugfix release, incrementing the fromModuleVersion so that updates to transactions.sql are captured
This is a bugfix release, with fixes to sample data for new year FY20 and ledger schema changes
- MODFISTO-64 Ability to override allowableEncumbrance/allowableExpenditure
- MODFISTO-74 mod-finance storage fails tenant init when loadSample is enabled
The primary focus of this release was to fix logic for the finance calculated values
- MODFISTO-67 Update RMB to 29.1.1
- MODFISTO-72 ledgerFY.unavailable and budget.unavailable must not change during Transfer
- MODFISTO-71 Persist totals to ledgerFY table
- MODFISTO-68 Fix Transaction Calculations - Encumbrance upon update
The primary focus of this release was to implement additional finance API and significantly update existent finance schemas.
- MODFISTO-59 Transaction Calculations - Encumbrance upon update
- MODFISTO-56 Support all-or-nothing operations for encumbrances by order
- MODFISTO-55 Create order_transaction_summaries API
- MODFISTO-54 Encumbrance Schema Updates
- MODFISTO-50 GroupFiscalYearSummary Schema
- MODFISTO-49 Ledger/LedgerFY updates: Schema changes
- MODFISTO-48 Adjustments to allow listing budgets by group/fiscalYear/ledger
- MODFISTO-46 Update transaction schema
- MODFISTO-42 Finance Records: Inheriting status from parent
- MODFISTO-41 Data migration scripts for recent schema changes
- MODFISTO-38 Create GroupFundFY API
- MODFISTO-37 Update LedgerFY table
- MODFISTO-35 Update GroupFundFY table
- MODFISTO-33 Define and implement the GroupFundFY API
- MODFISTO-32 Define and implement the LedgerFY API
- MODFISTO-31 Add support for querying Budget API by fund/ledger/fiscalYear fields
- MODFISTO-29 Transaction Calculations - Encumbrance
- MODFISTO-27 Transaction Calculations - Transfers
- MODFISTO-26 Transaction Calculations - Allocations
- MODFISTO-25 Update FiscalYear schema
- MODFISTO-24 Update Budget Schema
- MODFISTO-23 Define and implement group API
- MODFISTO-22 Create Group schemas
- MODFISTO-21 Create/Update Ledger schemas
- MODFISTO-20 Update Transaction schemas
- MODFISTO-19 Update fund schema
- MODFISTO-18 Define and Implement FundType API
- MODFISTO-2358 Use JVM features (UseContainerSupport, MaxRAMPercentage) to manage container memory
- MODFISTO-52 Unavailable increasing when allocating from budget to budget
This release contains only changes about removing acquisitionsUnit from fund schema
- MODFISTO-14 Remove fund.acquisitionsUnit
This release contains implementation of encumbrance
and fund
endpoints, finance schemas updates, created
unique index on fund code
- MODFISTO-12 Implemented fund API
- MODFISTO-11 Implemented encumbrance API
- MODFISTO-10 Encumbrance schema updated
- MODFISTO-9 Unique index created on the fund code column
- MODFISTO-8 Fund schema updated
- MODFISTO-15 Updated fiscal year schema
The primary focus of this release was to enable loading sample data by TenantAPI from Raml Module Builder v.23
- MODFISTO-5 Use loadSample/loadReference to load sample and reference data
- MODFISTO-1 Update to RAML 1.0 and RMB 23
- Model updates to support additional UI functionality
CRUD APIs for the following endpoints: