Ansible role to install and configure the Mackup sync utility.
If Mackup is not installed in the system it will ne installed via Homebrew.
- Jeff Geerling's' geerlingguy.homebrew which is defined as Ansible Galaxy dependency
It was tested on the following versions:
- 2.9
Target MacOS 10.15 possibly earlier versions too (not yet tested)
Just include this role in your list. For example
- host: all
mackup_engine:: icloud
- ansible
mackup_action: restore-only
- marcomc.macos_mackup
mackup_action: backup # backup, restore, restore-only, uninstall
mackup_engine: "dropbox" # dropbox, google_drive, icloud, file_system
mackup_path: "" # path to the directory that contains the 'mackup_directory' only IF the selected engine is 'file_system'
mackup_directory: "Mackup" # name of the mackup backup directory
mackup_applications_to_ignore: [] # list of application to be ignored when backing up or restoring with mackup
By default Mackup will place/look-for its backup folder in your Dropbox directory, but this assumes that Dropbox is already installed and configured in your system.
My personal preference is to have Mackup to backup into iCloud especially if you are using this role to restore your configuration on a new machine in which you have already signed in with iCloud (which is part of the Setup Assistant process).
- Activate Mackup then move your applications configurations into themackup_directory
then link them to their original location in your systemrestore
- Activate Mackup then link your applications configurations themackup_directory
to their original location in your system.restore-only
- Only copy your applications configurations from themackup_directory
to their original location in your system without activating Mackupuninstall
- Deactivate Mackup if it is active
- Dropboxgoogle_drive
- Google Driveicloud
- iCloudfile_system
- user arbitrary file_system path, requires you to specifymackup_path
This role has (not yet) a travis basic test (for github) only.
Marco Massari Calderone (c) 2020 -