by Tom Donovam, 4/2/2011
Dependency | Tested with | Note |
Microsoft Visual Studio C++ | Visual Studio 2013 (aka VC12) | |
CMake build system | CMake v3.8.2 | |
Apache 2.4.x | Apache 2.4.27 | Apache must be built from source using the same Visual Studio compiler as mod_security. |
PCRE, Perl Compatible Regular Expression library | PCRE v8.40 | |
LibXML2 | LibXML2 v2.9.4 | |
Lua Scripting Language | Lua v5.3.4 | |
cURL multiprotocol file transfer library | cURL v7.54.0 |
The directory where you build software from source ( C:\work
in this exmaple)
must contain the Apache source you used to build the Apache web serverand the mod_security source
Apache source is in C:\work\httpd-2.4.27 in this example.
Apache has been installed to C:\Apache2427 in this example.
Mod_security source is in C:\work\mod_security in this example.
Download pcre-8.40.tar.gz from
untar it into C:\work\ creating C:\work\pcre-8.40
Download libxml2-2.9.4.tar.gz from
untar it into C:\work\ creating C:\work\libxml2-2.9.4
Download lua-5.3.4.tar.gz from
untar it into C:\work\ creating C:\work\lua-5.3.4
Download curl-7.54.0.tar.gz from
untar it into C:\work\ creating C:\work\curl-7.54.0
environment variable must include the Visual Studio variables as set byvsvars32.bat
environment variable must also include the CMAKEbin\
directory -
Set an environment variable to the Apache source code directory:
SET HTTPD_BUILD=C:\work\httpd-2.4.27
If OpenSSL and zlib support were included when you built Apache 2.4, and you want them available to LibXML2 and cURL
- Ensure that cURL and LibXML2 can find the OpenSSL and zlib includes and libraries that Apache was built with.
SET INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;%HTTPD_BUILD%\srclib\openssl\inc32;%HTTPD_BUILD%\srclib\zlib
SET LIB=%LIB%;%HTTPD_BUILD%\srclib\openssl\out32dll;%HTTPD_BUILD%\srclib\zlib
- Ensure that cURL and libXML2 don't use the static zlib library:
. Force cURL and libXML2 to usezdll.lib
instead, requiringzlib1.dll
at runtime:
IF EXIST %HTTPD_BUILD%\srclib\zlib\zlib.lib DEL %HTTPD_BUILD%\srclib\zlib\zlib.lib
CD C:\work\pcre-8.40
CD C:\work\libxml2-2.9.4\win32
CSCRIPT configure.js iconv=no vcmanifest=yes zlib=yes
NMAKE -f Makefile.msvc
CD C:\work\lua-5.3.4\src
CL /Ox /arch:SSE2 /GF /GL /Gy /FD /EHsc /MD /Zi /TC /wd4005 /D "_MBCS" /D "LUA_CORE" /D "LUA_BUILD_AS_DLL" /D "_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_WIN32" /D "_WINDLL" /c *.c
DEL lua.obj luac.obj
LINK /DLL /LTCG /DEBUG /OUT:lua5.1.dll *.obj
IF EXIST lua5.1.dll.manifest MT -manifest lua5.1.dll.manifest -outputresource:lua5.1.dll;2
CD C:\work\curl-7.54.0
CD C:\work\mod_security\apache2
NMAKE -f APACHE=C:\Apache2427 PCRE=C:\work\pcre-8.40 LIBXML2=C:\work\libxml2-2.9.4 LUA=C:\work\lua-5.3.4\src
Copy these five files to C:\Apache2427\bin
C:\work\pcre-8.40\pcre.dll C:\Apache2427\bin\
C:\work\lua-5.3.4\src\lua5.1.dll C:\Apache2427\bin\
C:\work\libxml2-2.9.4\win32\bin.msvc\libxml2.dll C:\Apache2427\bin\
C:\work\curl-7.54.0\libcurl.dll C:\Apache2427\bin\
Copy this one file to C:\Apache2427\modules
You may also copy C:\work\curl-7.54.0\curl.exe
to C:\Apache2427\bin
, if you want to use the cURL command-line program.
Download the core rules from and unzip them into C:\Apache2427\conf\modsecurity_crs
Add configuration directives to your Apache conf\httpd.conf:
# mod_security requires mod_unique_id
LoadModule unique_id_module modules/
# mod_security
LoadModule security2_module modules/
<IfModule security2_module>
SecRuleEngine On
SecDataDir logs
Include conf/modsecurity_crs/*.conf
Include conf/modsecurity_crs/base_rules/*.conf
SecAuditEngine RelevantOnly
SecAuditLogRelevantStatus "^(?:5|4\d[^4])"
SecAuditLogType Serial
SecAuditLogParts ABCDEFGHZ
SecAuditLog logs/modsecurity.log
Edit the top of C:\work\mod_security\apache2\mlogc-src\
and set your local paths
# Path to Apache httpd installation
BASE = C:\Apache2427
# Paths to required libraries
PCRE = C:\work\pcre-8.40
CURL = C:\work\curl-7.54.0
# Linking libraries
LIBS = $(BASE)\lib\libapr-1.lib \
$(BASE)\lib\libaprutil-1.lib \
$(PCRE)\pcre.lib \
$(CURL)\libcurl_imp.lib \
Build the mlogc.exe
CD C:\work\mod_security_trunk\mlogc
Copy mlocg.exe
to C:\Apache2427\bin\
Create a new command file C:\Apache2427\bin\mlogc.bat
with one line:
C:\Apache2427\bin\mlogc.exe C:\Apache2427\conf\mlogc.conf
Create a new configuration file C:\Apache2427\conf\mlogc.conf
to control the piped-logging program mlogc.exe
Here is an example conf\mlogc.conf
CollectorRoot "C:/Apache2427/logs"
ConsoleURI "https://localhost:8888/rpc/auditLogReceiver"
SensorUsername "test"
SensorPassword "testtest"
LogStorageDir "data"
TransactionLog "mlogc-transaction.log"
QueuePath "mlogc-queue.log"
ErrorLog "mlogc-error.log"
LockFile "mlogc.lck"
KeepEntries 0
ErrorLogLevel 2
MaxConnections 10
MaxWorkerRequests 1000
TransactionDelay 50
StartupDelay 5000
CheckpointInterval 15
ServerErrorTimeout 60
Change the SecAuditLog directive in conf\httpd.conf
to pipe the log data to mlogc instead of writing them to a file:
SecAuditLog |C:/Apache2427/bin/mlogc.bat