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284 lines (178 loc) · 6.68 KB

File metadata and controls

284 lines (178 loc) · 6.68 KB

####Login command: ssh -l msze compute01 -X

####Upload file: scp file.txt msze@compute01:/home/msze/data/

####Upload file to second server scp -r Hogg_Run505 msze@compute01:/home/msze/data/

####Download file: scp msze@compute01:/home/msze/data/file.txt .

####Print working directory: pwd

####Change Directory: cd

IP Address for Original RDP upload:

####Install rpm package:

sudo rpm -ivh packagename.rpm

####Install tar file:

tar –xvzf Apackage.tar.gz cd Apackage ./configure make make install

####directory size: du -h

####removing selective parts from text file title (output name: abcd_b_c)

gawk -F "" '/^[^>]/{print;next};{a=$1;b=$2;c=$3;print a "" b "_" c}' < input.fasta > output.fasta

####removing parts from text file and replacing with just the first part name before "_" (output name: abcd)

gawk -F "_" '/^[^>]/{print;next};{a=$1;print a}' < input.fasta > output.fasta

####Delete every 2nd line:

sed -n "p;N;" input.txt > output.txt

####Remove a specific character (e.g. ">") from every line:

sed 's/>//' input.txt > output.txt

####Remove a space at the beginning of every line:

sed 's/[ \t](.)/\1/' input.txt >output.txt

####Compare two files and output what is not in first file: (not in file 1 '^>' not in file 2 '^<')

sort file1.txt > file1-sorted.txt; sort file2.txt > file2-sorted.txt diff file1-sorted.txt file2-sorted.txt | grep '^>' not-in-file1.txt

####Output a text file with two columns when compared to a text file with only one column (outputs two columns of what was not common between the two text files)

awk ' FNR==NR {
data [ $1 ] = 1; next; } FNR < NR { if ( ! ($1 in data) ) { print $0; } } ' test1.1.groups trial1.groups > new.groups

####Generate list of two columns that is not common to both files:

comm -1 -3't.want.txt full.list.txt > output.txt

####combine two files (first file, second file, ...nfile)

cat file1 file2 > output.file

####Find common names in two files:

grep -f file1.csv file2.csv > common.csv

####unzip whole file to particular directory:

unzip -j tar zxvf fileNameHere.tgz gzip -d file.gz gunzip file.gz ###un-gzip all files in a directory gunzip *.fastq.gz

bzip2 -d filename.bz2

Kill a screen session:

screen -S ##### -X quit

Adding a new PATH to commands:

(Has to be in parent directory to set it up) PATH=$PATH:/home/msze/data/bowtie2/bowtie2-2.1.0/bowtie2-build/:home/msze/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:; export PATH

Link (Soft) command/program with bin folder - to allow PATH function to search bin for command and not have to retype PATH every login

ln -s /home/msze/data/bowtie2-build /home/msze/bin/bowtie2-build

Remove a directory

rm -r example

Server/computer info

cat /proc/cpuinfo free cat /proc/meminfo

ls command

-s is size of file in kilobytes -h adds the human lettering for the file size

make new directory


Access directories in schloss lab axiom and most modern mothur version

mnt/EXT/Schloss-data /share/scratch/schloss/mothur/mothur

####Commands to install python locally

mkdir /home/masi/.local

cd Python-2.6.1 make clean ./configure --prefix=/home/masi/.local make make install

####Using the git command

#Create git directory and setting it up to be pushed to a Schloss Lab respository in git hub git init git add . git commit -m "First commit" git remote add origin git remote -v git push origin master

#Change URL for the adding repository git remote set-url origin

#Add all changes to next commit to git repository git add .

#Observe what will be added to git repository git status

#Add all changes to repository git commit

#Exit text editor that is pulled up


#Alternative way git commit -m ''

#Submit job to axiom

qsub yourjob.pbs

#View Jobs on axiom

qstat qstat your_job_number

#delete a job qdel yourjobnumber

#Convert files from windows to linux on the command line

awk '{ sub("\r$", ""); print }' winfile.txt > unixfile.txt

and vice versa

awk 'sub("$", "\r")' unixfile.txt > winfile.txt

#Using the tr function instead of awk

tr -d '\15\32' < winfile.txt > unixfile.txt

##Download to server using wget and ftp #This will download all files #So you can search and download by project #Using NCBI database as a reference


#Example code below

wget -r -np - k

#definitions: - r (recursive) - np (don't follow links to parent directories) - k (to make links in downloaded HTML or CSS point to local files)

#Other option definitions - nd (no directories) - e (ignore robot.txt files, dont download robots.txt files) -A png,jpg (accept only files with the extensions png or jpg) -m (mirror) (-r --timestamping --level inf --no-remove-listing)

##Convert SRA to specific file type

fastq-dump XXXXXXX.sra sff-dump XXXXXXXX.sra

###Dowloading from MG-RAST and making a gzip file

curl > mgmXXXXX.3/gz

##Ftp server download for HMP

##make shell file chmod 755 XXXXXXX chmod u+x

##Run file ./XXXXXXX

##List number of files of a specific type ls -lR *.fna | wc -l

##List only specific files in a directory ls -R | grep .pbs$

##Rename multiple files in bulk

rename 'xyz.file' 'xyz123.file' *file

Find a specific sequence and get the line after it

The >> appends the selection to the bottom of the existing file.

The -w option means whole line must match

grep -w -A 1 'M00967_106_000000000-A9Y1K_1_2110_10786_12268' input.file >> test.fasta

Downloading from dropbox

Find a directory or file you want and select "share"

From here select the "create link" option and copy it


# Need to make sure to change the end of the link from dl=0 to dl=1

	#download single file using a username and password (to be asked - best to use this interactively)
		wget --max-redirect=20 --user --ask-password
	#download using a username and password a whole directory (zipped)
		wget -O --ask-password
	#download a whole directory without using a username and passwork (zipped)
		wget -O