###Sed commands for large scale text editing
Gets rid of the character between the / and //
sed 's/>//' test.fasta > test2.fasta
Gets rid of everything after "_"
sed 's/_.*//' test2.fasta > test3.fasta
Gets rid of everything after the first space
sed 's/\s.*$//' test4.fasta > test5.fasta
Gets rid of everything before "_"
sed 's/.*_//' test2.fasta > test4.fasta
remove all white spaces
sed -r 's/\s+//g' list2.txt > list3.txt
*add something to the end of every word on the line (in this case the )
sed 's/>//g;s/$//' list4.txt > list5.txt
add to the end of every line ($ represents end, word between 2nd and 3rd / is what is added)
sed 's/$/.fasta/' name2.txt > name3.txt
add to the beginning of every line (^ is beginning 2nd and 3rd / is what is added)
sed 's/^/> /' name3.txt > name4.txt
Remove something after a period
sed 's/..*$//' names.txt > names2.txt
Replace a word with another word
sed 's/old/new/g' test.txt > test2.txt
Remove a space at the beginning of every line
sed 's/[ \t](.)/\1/' input.txt >output.txt
Delete every 2nd line
sed -n "p;N;" input.txt > output.txt