react-native-filament is a powerful 3D rendering engine for React Native. It features:
- 🧊 Native C++ physically based rendering using filament
- 🏀 Native C++ physics using bullet3
- 🏎️ GPU-accelerated by Metal and OpenGL/Vulkan
- 📹 Renders on separate Threads
- 📦 Easy to use reactive declarative API
- 📚 Well documented
- ✅ Supports old and new arch
See the installation guide in the docs.
import { FilamentScene, FilamentView, Model, Camera, DefaultLight } from 'react-native-filament'
function App() {
return (
style={{ width: 100, height: 100 }}
{/* Render with the default camera and light: */}
<Camera />
<DefaultLight >
{/* Add a model to the scene (only glb supported yet): */}
<Model source={require('./duck.glb')}>
See the example app
One library to render 3D content is expo-gl usually used together with expo-three. react-native-filament has a few advantages over expo-gl:
- Supports using
files out of the box - On iOS react-native-filament uses Metal, where expo-gl is using the deprecated OpenGL ES apple framework
- The rendering happens on the JS thread for
, where react-native-filament uses a separate thread (and filament processes the rendering commands in a pool of different threads) - filament is battle tested and react-native-filament is used in production apps with millions of users already, proven to be highly stable
We welcome contributions to react-native-filament! 🎉
After cloning the repo make sure you have the submodules clones as well:
git submodule update --init --recursive --depth 1
Install all node modules (including the examples)
cd package
And finally build filament and bullet3:
# Inside ./package
yarn build-bullet3
yarn build-filament:release # or yarn build-filament:debug
You can then build one of the example apps in package/example/AppExamplePaper
or package/example/AppExampleFabric
react-native-filament is provided as is.
If you need help with integrating react-native-filament in your app or have additional bugfixing or feature requests, reach out to us at margelo.io.
- 🐦 Follow us on Twitter for updates
- 💬 Join the Margelo Community Discord for chatting about react-native-filament
react-native-filament was built for- and mostly funded by Slay - the creators of Pengu! 🐧 Without them, react-native-filament wouldn't exist, so thanks Slay! ❤️
react-native-filament uses filament (an amazing library by Google), and bullet3 (an amazing physics library by Bullet Physics). Without those core libraries and the geniuses behind them, react-native-filament wouldn't exist - so thanks Google & Bullet! ❤️
The example app in this project uses several free assets:
- Image by freepik
- Image by Freepik
- Image by Freepik
- Michelle by mixamo
- "Buster Drone" (https://skfb.ly/TBnX) by LaVADraGoN is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/).