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Account Api

Marius David Wieschollek edited this page May 30, 2021 · 5 revisions

The account api allows general the management of the user account.

Available api actions

| Action | Url | Method | Session required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | reset | /api/1.0/account/reset | GET | yes | Reset the user account | | reset | /api/1.0/account/reset | POST | yes | Reset the user account | | challenge/get | /api/1.0/account/challenge/get | GET | no | Get the current login challenge | | challenge/set | /api/1.0/account/challenge/set | POST | no | Set or update the login challenge |

The reset action

The reset action will delete all user data and settings and reset the account to a blank state. This is a destructive action and can only be undone with a backup. Any request without a code will return a random reset code. The client should show the code to the user and request that the user enters the code manually to confirm the account reset. If the request contains a code, the app will check if it matches the last given code and perform the reset if so.


Argument Type Default Required Description
code string - no The code for the user to enter

Return value

The success status code is 200 Ok or 202 Accepted.

Argument Type Description
status string Either "accepted" or "ok". Ok means the action was completed
code string Random string for the user to enter to confirm the request


  • This request will close the session
  • This request requires an active session to work
  • This request will not delete any app or device tokens

The get challenge action

The get challenge action will return the current password challenge.


There are no arguments for this action.

Return value

The success status code is 200 Ok . The request returns an object with the challenge data and the property token which identifies the challenge type. The format matches the one in of the challenge property from request session.

The set challenge action

The set challenge action will create or update the user challenge and enable CSE and SSEv2. It is not possible to specify the challenge type and the server always expects you to use the latest challenge method. This is currently PWDv1r1.


Argument Type Default Required Description
secret string - yes The computed secret of the new challenge
data array - yes An array with the challenge data
oldSecret string/null null sometimes If the user already has CSE set up, the secret of the current challenge is required

Return value

The success status code is 200 Ok . The request returns an object property success and the value true if successful.


  • This action will fail if the client-side-encryption feature is disabled on the server
  • This action will authorize the current session if successful
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