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Avatar API

Marius David Wieschollek edited this page Feb 4, 2024 · 1 revision

The avatar endpoint returns a png avatar icon for the given user id.



Version History

App Version Change
2018.1.0 Initial introduction of the API


User Avatar GET Endpoint


Path Method
/api/1.0/service/avatar/{user}/{size} GET


Arguments Type Default Required Description
user string - yes The user id
size int 32 no The size of the avatar in pixels. I must be a multiple of 8 and between 16 and 256.


  • Nextcloud Authentication required


The success status code is 200 Ok. This action returns a png image file on success

Status MIME Description
200 image/png The avatar image file
500 text/html Error page
502 text/html Error page


  • If the user did not specify an avatar a default image will be generated
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