If AHK++ isn't behaving as you expect, here are some things you can try.
For AHK v2, the language server may not behave correctly if it fails to identify a valid path to an interpreter like AutoHotkey.exe
. The status bar at the bottom left of your IDE should show the current interpreter or an option to "Select AHK v2 Interpreter".
Currently, the "Select AHK v2 Interpreter" command does not work, ref #571. To ensure the extension fully recognizes your interpreter, try to run (not debug) an AHK v2 script. If you get a "... does not exist" error message, the corresponding quick pick will work.
Currently, AHK++ does not support the Windows Store edition of AHK v2, but there are plans to support it by the end of 2024, ref #496.
Interpreter found:
Interpreter not found:
Some settings changes only take effect after restart. Other issues may arise that are mitigated with a restart.
To restart all extensions, press F1
to open the command palette and enter "Developer: Restart Extension Host". Extensions should restart within a few seconds.
If you're able to consistently reproduce the issue, please open a bug.
If a recent release is causing issues, you can revert to a previous version via your IDE's extensions view.
- Select AHK++
- Near "uninstall", click the small caret (down arrow)
- Select "Install Specific Version..."
- A quick pick will open with all versions, select whichever one you like.
Note that changing the major version (e.g. from 6.x to 5.x) will likely result in some issues. Refer to changelog.md for details.
The current installed version of AHK++ is also shown to the right of the extension name for clarity, outlined above in red.
If the issue goes away with the older version of AHK++, please open a bug.
These steps shouldn't be necessary for most issues, and may be difficult to execute. Feel free to open an issue without trying these :)
Using Ctrl+Shift+U
to open the output view, you can select either of the AHK++ channels to see all debug logs. You're welcome to map these logs to Out.debug
and console.log
calls in the source code. Please include your findings if you open a bug.
VS Code automatically caches your extensions, even when uninstalled. You can use an app called Everything to quickly find and delete any cached versions, or navigate to them however you like. The default cache location is ~\AppData\Roaming\Code\CachedExtensionVSIXs\mark-wiemer.vscode-autohotkey-plus-plus
, where ~
is the path to your home folder, like C:\Users\mark
, so the absolute path would start with C:\Users\mark\AppData\...
After deleting these cache locations and restarting VS Code, you should be able to get a fully fresh installation from the registry. This should resolve any issues if you believe your installed extension files got corrupted.