(1)Github Action to purge githubusercontent camo cache.
Purge shield badges cache from for githubusercontent camo.
Quick Setup: Simply add a GitHub Action to your workflow.
Easy: No arguments required.
Auto Detect Just add the action and it will automatically detect the branch and org names.
- uses: kevincobain2000/action-camo-purge@v1
Github badges are cached by camo.
This action purges the cache for the badges or any other images in
Badges from codecov,, or any other external images in
are cached by Github using camo. This means, that the images are not loaded from the original source, but from a proxy server.
Purging camo cache is necessary on regular basis, in order to show the latest values on the shield badges.
This action purges the camo cache for the images in
, whenever there is a change in the repository on push
or pull_request
events, for a branch. It can also be used on a cron
The action picks up the branch names and org names automatically, so no need to pass any arguments.
v1.0.0 - Initial release
action-camo-purge is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.