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Build and Deploy MkDocs Material (Reloaded)

Builds and/or Deploys MkDocs Material to GitHub Pages, or a Directory
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Reloaded MkDocs Workflow


This is a simple action that can be used to create an MkDocs page and upload it to GitHub Pages.

Example Usage


name: MkDocs Build and Deploy

    branches: [ main ]
      - "mkdocs.yml"
      - "docs/**"
    branches: [ main ]
      - "mkdocs.yml"
      - "docs/**"

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      contents: read
      pages: write
      id-token: write
      - name: Deploy MkDocs
        uses: Reloaded-Project/devops-mkdocs@v1
          requirements: ./docs/requirements.txt
          publish-to-pages: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' }}
          checkout-current-repo: true


To use this action in your own repository:

  1. Create a new workflow file (e.g., .github/workflows/mkdocs.yml) in your repository.
  2. Copy the example usage code from above into the new workflow file.
  3. If you have additional Python dependencies, create a requirements.txt file in your docs directory and list them there.

Ensure your MkDocs configuration file is named mkdocs.yml and located in the root of your repository (or update the config-file parameter in the workflow).



Input Required Default Description
mkdocs-version No latest MkDocs version to use
requirements No ./docs/requirements.txt Path to the requirements.txt file
config-file No mkdocs.yml Path to the mkdocs.yml file
publish-to-pages No true Whether to publish to GitHub Pages
checkout-current-repo No true Whether to perform repository checkout
output-directory No ./site Custom output directory for the MkDocs build
pre-build-command No Path to the pre-build command
pre-build-command-shell No bash Shell to use for running the pre-build command

Workflow Triggers

By default, the example workflow runs on:

  • Pushes to the main branch that modify the mkdocs.yml file or files in the docs/ directory.
  • Pull requests targeting the main branch that modify the mkdocs.yml file or files in the docs/ directory.
  • Manual runs triggered via the workflow_dispatch event.

Modify the on section of the workflow as needed for your desired trigger conditions.


Find more examples in the tests.

Custom MkDocs Version

- name: Deploy MkDocs
  uses: Reloaded-Project/devops-mkdocs@v1
    mkdocs-version: '9.5.24'

Custom Pre-build Command (Bash)

- name: Deploy MkDocs
  uses: Reloaded-Project/devops-mkdocs@v1
    pre-build-command: touch pre-build-bash-executed.txt
    pre-build-command-shell: bash

Custom Output Directory

- name: Deploy MkDocs
  uses: Reloaded-Project/devops-mkdocs@v1
    output-directory: custom_site_dir

Viewing the Generated Docs

After a successful run, the generated static site will be available on the GitHub Pages site for your repository.

To find the URL:

  1. Navigate to your repository on GitHub.
  2. Go to the "Settings" tab.
  3. Click on "Pages" in the side navigation.
  4. The GitHub Pages URL will be listed at the top, in the format https://<user><repo>/.

Why this Exists?

Previous actions for MkDocs that I've used relied on virtualization, such as Docker. This was slow and sometimes inflexible, for example, the Docker image may not have the latest version of MkDocs if not configured properly.

This action directly invokes pip and python on the host machine for improved performance and flexibility.


Contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request in this repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Build and Deploy MkDocs Material (Reloaded) is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Builds and/or Deploys MkDocs Material to GitHub Pages, or a Directory

Build and Deploy MkDocs Material (Reloaded) is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.