Codeowners Plus Plus
(1)Tool to extend the functionality of GitHub's CODEOWNERS file with mandatory code reviews.
NOTE: This github action is currently under development, hence use with caution
- Add
file into repositories root, containing rules for code ownership. The syntax of the config is similar to github CODEOWNERS.
Sample codeowners-plus-plus config file
* @someone1
/some/path/** @someone1 && @someone2
/some/path/something.text @someone3
- Add a github action workflow on pull request event in your repository.
Sample workflow
name: Codeowners Plus Plus
on: pull_request
name: Check mandatory approvals
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# these permissions are required by the action to function
pull-requests: read
contents: read
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Run codeowners-plus-plus
uses: anshulsahni/codeowners-plus-plus
token: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}
- Make the above workflow as mandatory status check for merging a pull request. This can be done in by creating a Branch Protection Rule for your base branch and adding
Codeowners Plus Plus
workflow in Require Status Checks before Merging
And you are set. From now every pull request can only be merged if it has all the mandatory approvals required as per the rules in codeowners-plus-plus
NOTE: The action always read the config from the base branch. If the codeowners-plus-plus file is changed in your current branch that will not affect ownership rules for pull request created from that branch
We're just starting up 🤷, hence we support very less features
Use ||
opperator between two github Ids of two reviewers, to implement OR condition.
docs/** @user1 || @user2
The rule will pass if Pull Request is approved by either user1 or user2
Use &&
opperator between two github Ids of two reviewers, to implement AND condition.
docs/** @user1 && @user2
The rule will pass only if Pull Request is approved by both user1 & user2
Just like github CODEOWNERS features, if the repository is part of an org and you tag a team instead of a github individual user. Approval from any member of the team would be considered as success.
docs/** @writers
Pull request changing anything in docs/ directory will require an approval from someone part of the team named writers in the same org where repository belongs
NOTE: Original github CODEOWNERS considers OR rule when more than one user is tagged as codeowner for a path. Currently, codeowners-plus-plus doesn't support that. So there should be an operator between two users or team
Codeowners Plus Plus is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.