Eliminates the method of retrieving json data using retrofit repeatedly. so this project has a set of functions to retrieve data without the need for fetching data using the retrofit of the API
Please use frogo-consume-api Click Here to get the latest updates
News API | Chuck Data 1 | Chuck Data 2 |
This Is Latest Release
$version_release = 1.0.7
What's New??
* Update Build Gradle *
* Enhance Performance *
Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
// library consumable code news api
implementation 'com.github.amirisback:consumable-code-news-api:1.0.7'
val consumeNewsApi = ConsumeNewsApi(NewsUrl.NEWS_API_KEY) // Your API_KEY
consumeNewsApi.usingChuckInterceptor(this) // Using Chuck Interceptor
consumeNewsApi.getTopHeadline( // Adding Base Parameter on main function
object : NewsResultCallback<ArticleResponse> {
override fun getResultData(data: ArticleResponse) {
// Your Ui or data
override fun failedResult(statusCode: Int, errorMessage: String?) {
// Your failed to do
override fun onShowProgress() {
// Your Progress Show
override fun onHideProgress() {
// Your Progress Hide
object NewsConstant {
const val CATEGORY_BUSINESS = "business"
const val CATEGORY_ENTERTAIMENT = "entertainment"
const val CATEGORY_GENERAL = "general"
const val CATEGORY_HEALTH = "health"
const val CATEGORY_SCIENCE = "science"
const val CATEGORY_SPORTS = "sports"
const val CATEGORY_TECHNOLOGY = "technology"
// Switch For Using Chuck Interceptor
fun usingChuckInterceptor(context: Context)
// Get Top Headline
fun getTopHeadline(
q: String?,
sources: String?,
category: String?,
country: String?,
pageSize: Int?,
page: Int?,
callback: NewsResultCallback<ArticleResponse>
// Get Everythings
fun getEverythings(
q: String?,
from: String?,
to: String?,
qInTitle: String?,
sources: String?,
domains: String?,
excludeDomains: String?,
language: String?,
sortBy: String?,
pageSize: Int?,
page: Int?,
callback: NewsResultCallback<ArticleResponse>
// Get Sources
fun getSources(
language: String,
country: String,
category: String,
callback: NewsResultCallback<SourceResponse>
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Name Of Contribute
- Muhammad Faisal Amir
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Please enjoy and don't forget fork and give a star
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consumable-code-news-api is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.