Container Structure Test Composite Action
ActionsA composite action to verify a container structure using GoogleContainerTools/container-structure-test
LatestBy actungs
(2)An action to setup, cache and run the GoogleContainerTools/container-structure-test executable.
actions/cache is used to cache the executable under <OS name>-container-structure-test
The cache should be deleted if the executable should be re-installed.
Currently this action only supports Linux and macOS GitHub runners.
- uses: actungs/container-structure-test-action@v1
# The full docker image tag to be verified.
# Required.
image: ''
# The path to the container structure configuration files.
# Required.
config_files: ''
# The version of container-structure-test to be installed.
# See the key property in for available versions.
# Default: 'latest'
version: ''
# The path to where the executable will be installed to.
# Default: '.bin'
install_path: ''
# Set to 'false' if color should be used in the output.
# Default: 'true'
no_color: ''
# Set to 'true' to force a pull of the image before running the tests.
# Default: 'false'
pull_image: ''
# The output format for the test report. Available format: text, json, junit.
# Default: 'text'
output_format: ''
# Write the test report to the specified file. Supported file types are json and junit.
# Set the `output_format` accordingly.
# If the `output_format` does not match the given file type, then `json` will be used instead.
# Default: ''
report_file: ''
A simplified example, on how this action can be utilized, could look like this.
"on": [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Build the container image
# ...
# Run the container test, assuming the image is 'actungs/test-image:local' and the configuration file is 'config.yaml'.
- uses: actungs/container-structure-test-action@v1
image: actungs/test-image:local
config_files: config.yaml
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Container Structure Test Composite Action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.