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Create Release

Creates github releases
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Release Action

This action will create a GitHub release and optionally upload an artifact to it.

Action Inputs

  • allowUpdates: An optional flag which indicates if we should update a release if it already exists. Defaults to false.
  • artifactErrorsFailBuild: An optional flag which indicates if artifact read or upload errors should fail the build.
  • artifact (deprecated): An optional set of paths representing artifacts to upload to the release. This may be a single path or a comma delimited list of paths (or globs).
  • artifacts: An optional set of paths representing artifacts to upload to the release. This may be a single path or a comma delimited list of paths (or globs).
  • artifactContentType: The content type of the artifact. Defaults to raw.
  • body: An optional body for the release.
  • bodyFile: An optional body file for the release. This should be the path to the file.
  • commit: An optional commit reference. This will be used to create the tag if it does not exist.
  • discussionCategory: When provided this will generate a discussion of the specified category. The category must exist otherwise this will cause the action to fail. This isn't used with draft releases.
  • draft: Optionally marks this release as a draft release. Set to true to enable.
  • name: An optional name for the release. If this is omitted the tag will be used.
  • omitBody: Indicates if the release body should be omitted.
  • omitBodyDuringUpdate: Indicates if the release body should be omitted during updates. The body will still be applied for newly created releases. This will preserve the existing body during updates.
  • omitName: Indicates if the release name should be omitted.
  • omitNameDuringUpdate: Indicates if the release name should be omitted during updates. The name will still be applied for newly created releases. This will preserve the existing name during updates.
  • omitPrereleaseDuringUpdate: Indicates if the prerelease flag should be omitted during updates. The prerelease flag will still be applied for newly created releases. This will preserve the existing prerelease state during updates.
  • owner: Optionally specify the owner of the repo where the release should be generated. Defaults to current repo's owner.
  • prerelease: Optionally marks this release as prerelease. Set to true to enable.
  • replacesArtifacts: Indicates if existing release artifacts should be replaced. Defaults to true.
  • repo: Optionally specify the repo where the release should be generated. Defaults to current repo.
  • tag: An optional tag for the release. If this is omitted the git ref will be used (if it is a tag).
  • token: (Required) The GitHub token. Typically this will be ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}.

Action Outputs

  • id: The identifier of the created release.
  • html_url: The HTML URL of the release.
  • upload_url: The URL for uploading assets to the release.


This example will create a release when a tag is pushed:

name: Releases

    - '*'


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - uses: ncipollo/release-action@v1
        artifacts: "release.tar.gz,foo/*.txt"
        bodyFile: ""
        token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}


  • You must provide a tag either via the action input or the git ref (i.e push / create a tag). If you do not provide a tag the action will fail.
  • If the tag of the release you are creating does not yet exist, you should set both the tag and commit action inputs. commit can point to a commit hash or a branch name (ex - main).

Create Release is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Creates github releases

Create Release is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.