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Highlight changes in NPM Dependencies

Add a message in Pull Request with basic information when dependencies are added, updated or removed
By rknj
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Highlight changes in NPM dependencies on Pull Requests

(this is an extension of

In Pull Requests, this action highlight the addition of new NPM dependencies, the update or the removal of existing ones in one of the package.json of your repository. It also provides the link to the package page on npmJS and to the source code page

This action is not only looking at the root-level package.json but potentially any existing package.json in the project to be compatible with monorepo projects.

To highlight new/updated/removed packages, this action compares the list of dependencies registered in the current branch with the ones registered in the base branch. This check only occurs for each package.json file added or updated with the current pull request.

Dependencies updates

Adding new, upgrading or removing dependencies in a project should never be a small change, and often it should trigger discussions between maintainers. This action can help you making sure that you are not missing addition of new package, upgrades or removal in your NPM dependencies and devDependencies.


This GitHub Action should run everytime a commit is pushed to the pull request to check any potential addition or change in one of your package.json.

name: Inspect dependencies
  - pull_request

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Check for new and updated dependencies
        uses: rknj/dependencies-updates-action@v1.1.0
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          show_dev_dependencies: 'false'
          show_checklist: 'true'


Build the typescript and package it for distribution

$ npm run build && npm run pack

Example (with the optional checklist)

  • Did you check the impact on the platform?
  • Did you check if these libraries are still supported?
  • Did you check if there are security vulnerabilities?
  • Did you check if the licenses are compatible with our products?
Dependency Description Version License Source
i18next (Added) i18next internationalization framework 21.10.0 MIT i18next
copy-to-clipboard (Updated) Copy stuff into clipboard using JS with fallbacks 3.3.2 MIT copy-to-clipboard
react-dom (Removed) React package for working with the DOM. 18.2.0 MIT react-dom
Dev Dependency Description Version License Source
jest-junit (Removed) A jest reporter that generates junit xml files 14.0.1 Apache-2.0 jest-junit


This project is released under the MIT License.

Highlight changes in NPM Dependencies is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Add a message in Pull Request with basic information when dependencies are added, updated or removed
By rknj

Highlight changes in NPM Dependencies is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.