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Replace Value(s)

GitHub Action to replace value(s) in a specific file :octocat:
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Replace Values Action

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☞ GitHub Action to replace values in a specific file :octocat:

📚 Usage

Simple value

- name: Replace simple value in a specific file
  uses: GuillaumeFalourd/replace-values-action@v1.1
    file_path: ./path/to/file
    parameters: value1 >> value2

Multiline values

- name: Replace multiple values in a specific file
  uses: GuillaumeFalourd/replace-values-action@v1.1
    file_path: ./path/to/file
    parameters: |
       current_value_1 >> new_value_1
       current_value_2 >> new_value_2

🗂 Changelog


This version performs a split for the :: informed in each line of the parameters input, to identify the old value to replace and the new value to set instead.


This version performs a split for the >> informed in each line of the parameters input, to identify the old value to replace and the new value to set instead.

▶️ Action Inputs

Field Mandatory Observation
file_path YES Path to the file to update.
parameters YES value_to_replace >> new_value (can be an array).

🤝 Contributing

☞ If you're interested in contributing to this repository, please follow the guidelines

🏅 Licensed

☞ This repository uses the Apache License 2.0

Replace Value(s) is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


GitHub Action to replace value(s) in a specific file :octocat:

Replace Value(s) is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.