Yadoms build script for Windows
ActionsThis action allow to generate a yadoms build for Windows using Github Actions.
required The image to use for building Yadoms.
optional The registry where to pull image (default : '').
optional The registry username (default : '')
optional The registry password (default : '')
optional To run the container in privileged mode, set this input to "--privileged"
optional The entrypoint override (default : C:\entrypoint_docker.cmd)
optional Free parameters passed to docker container
The current building yadoms full version, example : '2.5.0-beta.1'
- name: Yadoms build script uses: Yadoms/build-yadoms-windows-action@v2.0.0
Yadoms build script for Windows is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.