Issue-Label Bot
AppAutomatically label GitHub Issues with machine learning
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Issue Label Bot automatically labels issues as either a feature request, bug or question, using machine learning. You can alias these labels so that the labels are personalized for your repo (for example if you prefer enhancement vs. feature_request).
Instructions on how to alias the labels can be viewed on the app's website.
This app only works on public repositories.
See this blog post for more background behind the motivation for this app.
Links to more information, as well as example predictions, are available on the app's website.
Automatically labeling a feature request.
Automatically labeling an issue as a bug.
Labeling issue as a question (user created an alias "#question" for question)
Example of user defined alias "#enhancement" for feature request.
Plans and pricing
Free for everyone, only works on public repos.
$0Issue-Label Bot is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation