Supported languages
JavaScript, Ruby, C++, Python, PHP, Java, Go, C#, TypeScript, and CSS
From the developer
Allow authors of pull requests to set status to pending while still working on it.
By default, the WIP app sets a pull request status to pending if it finds one of the following terms in its title
- wip
- work in progress
- 🚧
The pro plan allows for configuration of both the terms and the locations that the app is looking for the terms. All revenue is donated to Processing | p5.js – one of the most diverse and impactful Open Source community there is.
The WIP app is open source and is meant as a reference implementation to help other integrators:
🤖📯Make sure to subscribe to the app updates.
Pricing and setup
Block pull requests with "WIP" in title.
Make it work with your workflow.
For teams of 10 and more. Fair play.
Make it work with your workflow.
- Configurable terms
- Configurable locations: title, body, labels and/or commit messages
- Support diversity in Open Source: all revenue donated to
WIP is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate privacy policy and support documentation