--You love repertory grids? So do we! Find out about a powerful tool to analyze your grids!
-OpenRepGrid is an R package to analyze and visualize repertory grid (often abbreviated grid or repgrid) data. The repertory grid technique (RGT) is a data collection method which originated from Personal Construct Theory (PCT) [@kelly_psychology_1955]. It was originally designed as an instrument for psychotherapy to shed light on a client’s construction of the world. Over subsequent decades, the technique has been adopted in many other fields, including market, organizational, political, educational and sensory research [@fransella_manual_2004].
-The data the RGT generates is qualitative and quantitative. On the qualitative side, the technique elicits the repertory of bipolar attributes (e.g. smart vs. dull, so called constructs in PCT terminology) an individual uses to make distinctions between entities of the world (e.g. different people, so called elements in PCT terminolgy). On the quatitative side, it requires rating each element on each elicited personal construct (e.g. Martin gets a score of 2 on the quarrelsome = 1 vs. peaceful = 6 construct, indicating that Martin is quite quarrelsome). The result of the data collection procedure is a data matrix. The constructs are usually presented as matrix rows, the elements as columns and each cell contains the corresponding rating score. Figure 1 depicts a repertory grid data set, with the rows (constructs) and columns (elements) being clustered by similarity (see below for details). A thorough introduction to the repertory grid technique is given by @fransella_manual_2004.
-You can install the latest release version from CRAN by typing
- -To install the latest development version from github you can use the devtools
To load the OpenRepGrid package after installation type
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- -Citation
-If you use OpenRepGrid in your publications, you can cite it as follows.
--- -Heckmann, M. (2023). OpenRepGrid: An R package for the analysis of repertory grids. ZENODO. doi:10.5281/zenodo.11623, R package version 0.0.15.
-- -Mark Heckmann (maintainer) -
- Richard C. Bell -
- Alejandro García Gutiérrez (@j4n7) -
- Diego Vitali (@artoo-git) -
- José Antonio González Del Puerto (@MindCartographer) -
- Jonathan D. Raskin -