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RxResource & RxMutation for Angular

This project introduces prototype APIs for handling data fetching and mutations in Angular applications using a reactive approach. These utilities bridge RxJS with Angular Signals to provide a clean, declarative pattern for managing asynchronous operations.

Table of Contents


rxResource is a utility for handling data fetching operations with built-in status tracking.

// Simple Fetching
const customers = rxResource({
  loader: () => customersService.getAll(),
  initialValue: [], // undefined by default

// Access State
console.log(customerDetails.value()); // current value
console.log(customerDetails.status()); // idle, pending, fulfilled, or error
console.log(customerDetails.isPending()); // true if loading
console.log(customerDetails.isFulfilled()); // true if successfully loaded
console.log(customerDetails.error()); // error object if failed

// Reload Data

// Fetch on State Changes
const query = signal('');
const limit = signal(10);
const customers = rxResource({
  source: () => ({ query: query(), limit: limit() }), // computation fn or observable
  loader: (filter) => customersService.getByFilter(filter),
  initialValue: [],

// Fetch on Trigger
const trigger$ = new Subject<void>();
const query = signal('');
const customers = rxResource({
  source: trigger$, // fetches only when trigger$ emits a value
  loader: () => customersService.getByQuery(query()),

// Fetch Data

// Auto-Polling
const customers = rxResource({
  source: timer(0, 30_000), // re-fetch every 30 seconds
  loader: () => customersService.getAll(),
  initialValue: [],

// Change Default Fetching Behavior
const customers = rxResource({
  loader: () => customersService.getAll(),
  operator: exhaustMap, // switchMap by default

// Disable Auto-Fetching
const enabled = signal(false);
const customers = rxResource({
  loader: () => customersService.getAll(),
  enabled, // boolean or computation fn; true by default

// Start Fetching


rxMutation is a utility for data mutations (create, update, delete) with built-in status tracking.

// Simple Mutation
const deleteCustomer = rxMutation((id: number) => customerService.delete(id));

// Trigger Mutation

// Mutation Status
console.log(addToCart.status()); // idle, pending, fulfilled, or error
console.log(addToCart.isPending()); // true if operation is in progress
console.log(addToCart.isFulfilled()); // true if operation completed successfully
console.log(addToCart.value()); // value returned by the mutation
console.log(addToCart.error()); // error object if mutation failed

// Change Default Mutating Behavior
const deleteCustomer = rxMutation({
  executor: (id: number) => customerService.delete(id),
  operator: concatMap, // mergeMap by default to enable parallel mutations

// Handle Success and Error Responses
const updateCustomer = rxMutation({
  executor: (customer: Customer) => customerService.update(customer),
  onSuccess: ({ value }) => {
    toastr.success(`Customer ${} has been successfully updated.`);
  onError: ({ input, error }) => {
    toastr.error(`Customer ${} cannot be updated.`, error);

Development Setup

This project uses Angular 19 for the frontend and json-server for a mock REST API.


  • Node.js (v20)
  • pnpm (v10)


git clone
cd rx-resource-proto
pnpm install

Running the Application

The start script runs both the Angular development server and the json-server API:

pnpm start

This will:

Project Commands

# Start both servers
pnpm start

# Start only Angular dev server
pnpm start:app

# Start only mock API server
pnpm start:server

# Build production bundle
pnpm build

# Format code with Prettier
pnpm format

Mock API

The application uses json-server to provide a mock REST API. The data is stored in db.json and automatically persisted between restarts.