Tested with Python 3.7.4, but earlier versions of Python3 should work.
pip install --user hatch
hatch shell
pip install -r requirements.txt
To do the entire set of steps in a single command: first, make sure you're running in the python virtual environment by running:
hatch shell
If you're running on Windows
, run the following to activate bash (assumes you have git bash or similar installed & in path):
sh -l
sh run_all.sh
That should be it. You should now be looking at the full HTML report in a browser.
If you want to muck around with the scripts or just run a single part of the pipeline, you can follow these steps, instead (all assume you've run hatch shell
The format of the google sheets survey results isn't great for using it with pandas/notebook etc. Transform it into a form that's more suitable for visualising the results.
python transform_data.py
jupyter notebook
This will start a local server, and launch a browser tab pointing at http://localhost:8888/notebooks/
Note: While you can export to HTML via --to html
, nbconvert exports a bloated page with unused CSS & base64-encoded images. It took the page from ~250KB to over 700KB! Instead, we export to Markdown, then build a static page using Jekyll.
In the activated hatch shell:
jupyter nbconvert --to markdown overwatch_survey\Analysis.ipynb --output-dir static_site
While it should be possible to write a template that does this in the above nbconvert
step, I couldn't get it working. Instead, run:
python static_site_prep.py
Install Jekyll (note: it's a bit of a pain if you want to install it on Windows)
Then run:
cd static_site
bundle exec jekyll serve