Tools for palworld dedicated server.
- Check the memory usage of the mechine every 2 miniutes. If memory usage is above 90%, do the memory clean job below:
- Will use RCON protocol supported by PalWorld to restart the palwolrd server safely with data saving and backup. NO DATA WOULD BE LOST.
- Will notice players in gaming to logout and restart the palworld server.
- Make your palworld server controled by systemd. Won't worry the server interruption anymore.
- Todo: Automating update Palworld server.
- Shutdown your palworld server. If you run it with systemd or supervisor, remove it.
- Just run the script
chmod +x
- This tool would change your PalworldSetting file to set an AdminPassword and enable RCON.
- This tool would write a file to /etc/systemd/system/ to create a server to make Palworld server alive.
- This tool would write a file to /etc/cron.d/ to create a cron job to monitor memory and do the clean job.
- This tool would wirte a file to /usr/bin/ to install a RCON client.