- Fix looping challenges and invalid cookies
- Update UC 3.5.4 & Selenium 4.15.2. Thanks @txtsd
- Add LANG ENV - resolves issues with YGGtorrent
- Fix for Docker build, capture TypeError
- Fix headless=true for Chrome 117+. Thanks @NabiKAZ
- Support running Chrome 119 from source. Thanks @koleg and @Chris7X
- Fix "OSError: [WinError 6] The handle is invalid" on exit. Thanks @enesgorkemgenc
- Bump to rebuild. Thanks @JoachimDorchies
- Update checkbox selector, again
- Change checkbox selector, support languages other than English
- Update checkbox selector
- Update undetected_chromedriver to v3.5.3
- Fix URL domain in Prometheus exporter
- Fix for Cloudflare verify checkbox
- Fix HEADLESS=false in Windows binary
- Fix Prometheus exporter for management and health endpoints
- Remove misleading stack trace when the verify checkbox is not found
- Revert "Update base Docker image to Debian Bookworm" #849
- Revert "Install Chromium 115 from Debian testing" #849
- Fix for new Cloudflare detection. Thanks @cedric-bour for #845
- Add support for proxy authentication username/password. Thanks @jacobprice808 for #807
- Implement Prometheus metrics
- Fix Chromium Driver for Chrome / Chromium version > 114
- Use Chromium 115 in binary packages (Windows and Linux)
- Install Chromium 115 from Debian testing (Docker)
- Update base Docker image to Debian Bookworm
- Update Selenium 4.11.2
- Update pyinstaller 5.13.0
- Add more traces in build_package.py
- Workaround for updated 'verify you are human' check
- Kill dead Chrome processes in Windows
- Fix Chrome GL erros in ASUSTOR NAS
- Support "proxy" param in requests and sessions
- Support "cookies" param in requests
- Fix Chromium exec permissions in Linux package
- Update Python dependencies
- Fix headless mode in macOS
- Remove redundant artifact from Windows binary package
- Bump Selenium dependency
- Distribute binary executables in compressed package
- Add icon for binary executable
- Include information about supported architectures in the readme
- Check Python version on start
- Build binaries for Linux x64 and Windows x64
- Sessions with auto-creation on fetch request and TTL
- Fix error trace: Crash Reports/pending No such file or directory
- Fix Waitress server error with asyncore_use_poll=true
- Attempt to fix Docker ARM32 build
- Print platform information on start up
- Add Fairlane challenge selector
- Update DDOS-GUARD title
- Update dependencies
- Click on the Cloudflare's 'Verify you are human' button if necessary
- Update undetected_chromedriver version to 3.4.6
- Detect Cloudflare blocked access
- Check Chrome / Chromium web browser is installed correctly
- Kill Chromium processes properly to avoid defunct/zombie processes
- Update undetected-chromedriver
- Disable Zygote sandbox in Chromium browser
- Add more selectors to detect blocked access
- Include procps (ps), curl and vim packages in the Docker image
- This is the first release of FlareSolverr v3. There are some breaking changes
- Docker images for linux/386, linux/amd64, linux/arm/v7 and linux/arm64/v8
- Replaced Firefox with Chrome
- Replaced NodeJS / Typescript with Python
- Replaced Puppeter with Selenium
- No binaries for Linux / Windows. You have to use the Docker image or install from Source code
- No proxy support
- No session support
- Detect DDoS-Guard through title content
- Detect Cloudflare Access Denied
- Commit the complete changelog
- Remove 30 s delay and clean legacy code
- Temporary fix: add 30s delay
- Update README.md
- Fix Cloudflare detection in POST requests
- Update GitHub actions to build executables with NodeJs 16
- Update Cloudflare selectors and add HTML samples
- Install Firefox 94 instead of the latest Nightly
- Update dependencies
- Upgrade Puppeteer (#396)
- Detect DDoS-Guard challenge
- Fix 2000 ms navigation timeout
- Update README.md (libseccomp2 package in Debian)
- Update README.md (clarify proxy parameter) (#307)
- Update NPM dependencies
- Disable Cloudflare ban detection
- Fix ban detection. Resolves #330 (#336)
- Fix max timeout error in some pages
- Avoid crashing in NodeJS 17 due to Unhandled promise rejection
- Improve proxy validation and debug traces
- Remove @types/puppeteer dependency
- Increase default BROWSER_TIMEOUT=40000 (40 seconds)
- Fix Puppeter deprecation warnings
- Update base Docker image Alpine 3.15 / NodeJS 16
- Build precompiled binaries with NodeJS 16
- Update Puppeter and other dependencies
- Add support for Custom CloudFlare challenge
- Add support for DDoS-GUARD challenge
- Add aarch64 to user agents to be replaced (#248)
- Fix SOCKSv4 and SOCKSv5 proxy. resolves #214 #220
- Remove redundant JSON key (postData) (#242)
- Make test URL configurable with TEST_URL env var. resolves #240
- Bypass new Cloudflare protection
- Update donation links
- Fix SOCKS5 proxy. Resolves #214
- Replace Firefox ERS with a newer version
- Catch startup exceptions and give some advices
- Add env var BROWSER_TIMEOUT for slow systems
- Fix NPM warning in Docker images
- Check user home dir before testing web browser installation
FlareSolverr 2.0.0 is out with some important changes:
- It is capable of solving the automatic challenges of Cloudflare. CAPTCHAs (hCaptcha) cannot be resolved and the old solvers have been removed.
- The Chrome browser has been replaced by Firefox. This has caused some functionality to be removed. Parameters:
no longer available. - Included
support without user/password credentials. If you are writing your own integration with FlareSolverr, make sure your client uses the same User-Agent header and Proxy that FlareSolverr uses. Those values together with the Cookie are checked and detected by Cloudflare. - FlareSolverr has been rewritten from scratch. From now on it should be easier to maintain and test.
- If you are using Jackett make sure you have version v0.18.1041 or higher. FlareSolverSharp v2.0.0 is out too.
Complete changelog:
- Bump version 2.0.0
- Set puppeteer timeout half of maxTimeout param. Resolves #180
- Add test for blocked IP
- Avoid reloading the page in case of error
- Improve Cloudflare detection
- Fix version
- Fix browser preferences and proxy
- Fix request.post method and clean error traces
- Use Firefox ESR for Docker images
- Improve Firefox start time and code clean up
- Improve bad request management and tests
- Build native packages with Firefox
- Update readme
- Improve Docker image and clean TODOs
- Add proxy support
- Implement request.post method for Firefox
- Code clean up, remove returnRawHtml, download, headers params
- Remove outdated chaptcha solvers
- Refactor the app to use Express server and Jest for tests
- Fix Cloudflare resolver for Linux ARM builds
- Fix Cloudflare resolver
- Replace Chrome web browser with Firefox
- Remove userAgent parameter since any modification is detected by CF
- Update dependencies
- Remove Puppeter steath plugin
- Improve "Execution context was destroyed" error handling
- Implement returnRawHtml parameter. resolves #172 resolves #165
- Capture Docker stop signal. resolves #158
- Reduce Docker image size 20 MB
- Fix page reload after challenge is solved. resolves #162 resolves #143
- Avoid loading images/css/fonts to speed up page load
- Improve Cloudflare IP ban detection
- Fix vulnerabilities
- Improve old JS challenge waiting. Resolves #129
- Improvements in Cloudflare redirect detection. Resolves #140
- Fix installation instructions
- Handle new Cloudflare challenge. Resolves #135 Resolves #134
- Provide reference Systemd unit file. Resolves #72
- Fix EACCES: permission denied, open '/tmp/flaresolverr.txt'. Resolves #120
- Configure timezone with TZ env var. Resolves #109
- Return the redirected URL in the response (#126)
- Show an error in hcaptcha-solver. Resolves #132
- Regenerate package-lock.json lockfileVersion 2
- Update issue template. Resolves #130
- Bump ws from 7.4.1 to 7.4.6 (#137)
- Bump hosted-git-info from 2.8.8 to 2.8.9 (#124)
- Bump lodash from 4.17.20 to 4.17.21 (#125)
- Fix memory regression, close test browser
- Fix release-docker GitHub action
- Include license in release zips. resolves #75
- Validate Chrome is working at startup
- Speedup Docker image build
- Add health check endpoint
- Update issue template
- Minor improvements in debug traces
- Validate environment variables at startup. resolves #101
- Add FlareSolverr logo. resolves #23
- CI/CD: Generate release changelog from commits. resolves #34
- Update README.md
- Add donation links
- Simplify docker-compose.yml
- Allow to configure "none" captcha resolver
- Override docker-compose.yml variables via .env resolves #64 (#66)
- Add documentation for precompiled binaries installation
- Add instructions to set environment variables in Windows
- Build Windows and Linux binaries. resolves #18
- Add release badge in the readme
- CI/CD: Generate release changelog from commits. resolves #34
- Add a notice about captcha solvers
- Add Chrome flag --disable-dev-shm-usage to fix crashes. resolves #45
- Fix Docker CLI documentation
- Add traces with captcha solver service. resolves #39
- Improve logic to detect Cloudflare captcha. resolves #48
- Move Cloudflare provider logic to his own class
- Simplify and document the "return only cookies" parameter
- Show message when debug log is enabled
- Update readme to add more clarifications. resolves #53 (#60)
- issue_template: typo fix (#52)
- Change version to match release tag / 1.2.0 => v1.2.0
- CI/CD Publish release in GitHub repository. resolves #34
- Add welcome message in / endpoint
- Rewrite request timeout handling (maxTimeout) resolves #42
- Add http status for better logging
- Return an error when no selectors are found, #25
- Add issue template, fix #32
- Moving log.html right after loading the page and add one on reload, fix #30
- Update User-Agent to match chromium version, ref: #15 (#28)
- Update install from source code documentation
- Update readme to add Docker instructions (#20)
- Clean up readme (#19)
- Add docker-compose
- Change default log level to info
- Fix User-Agent detected by CouldFlare (Docker ARM) resolves #15
- Include exception message in error response
- CI/CD: Rename GitHub Action build => publish
- Bump version
- Fix TypeScript compilation and bump minor version
- CI/CD: Bump minor version
- CI/CD: Configure GitHub Actions
- CI/CD: Configure GitHub Actions
- CI/CD: Bump minor version
- CI/CD: Configure Build GitHub Action
- CI/CD: Configure AutoTag GitHub Action (#14)
- CI/CD: Build the Docker images with GitHub Actions (#13)
- Update dependencies
- Backport changes from Cloudproxy (#11)