WebTalk is a modern blogging application with a serverless backend, built using React for the frontend and Hono, a lightweight serverless framework, for the backend. It utilizes CloudFrontWorkers for enhanced content delivery and PostgreSQL hosted on Aiven.io as the database. WebTalk aims to provide a hassle-free setup and robust performance for bloggers and content creators.
- User Management: Seamless signup and signin processes with JWT authentication.
- Blog Management: Easy creation, updating, and retrieval of blog posts.
- Rich Text Editing: Integration with popular rich text editor libraries such as Jodit and Quill.
- Input Validation: Utilizes Zod for input validation on both frontend and backend.
- Scalability: Serverless architecture ensures scalability to handle varying traffic demands effortlessly.
Client: React, React Router Dom, TailwindCSS, Axios, Zod, Jodit, Quill, Dompurify
Server: Hono, CloudFlare Worker, Prisma, Prisma-accelerate, BcryptJs, Zod
Frontend - Vercel
Backend - Cloudflare
Database - Aiven
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
Prisma Accelerate api key
-> You can get it from Here
Postgress Database
Install my-project with npm
git clone https://github.com/maruf-rahman007/WebTalk.git
cd WebTalk
cd backend
npm install
Create a wrangler.toml file and paste the following
name = "backend"
compatibility_date = "2023-12-01"
Create a .env and paste the following
npx prisma migrate dev --name init_schema
npx prisma generate --no-engine
npm run dev
Copy the url and open another terminal
cd frontend
npm install
Create a .env and paste the following
VITE_BACKEND_URL = "your backend url"
npm run dev
Now you are good to go
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at marufrahman.dev@gmail.com