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File metadata and controls

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CV Circle: Documentation

NOTE: This documentation is outdated. Up-to-date information will be posted soon.


Here are some notes on the architecture of CV circle's backend. It's a work in progress! Diagrams are generated with mermaid.js. Swagger documentation to be added soon as well!

Posts Component

Here you'll find all the documentation concerning the endpoints for the Posts component. Navigate between them here:

Users Component

Here you'll find all the documentation concerning the endpoints for the Users component. Navigate between them here:

POST /api/posts

When a POST request is made to '/api/posts', a new post is created if all goes well.

Participant Abbreviations

Full Abbreviation Additional Notes
User U ----
Frontend F ----
makeExpressCallback MKE An adapter that provides an extra layer of indirection for req, res variables between frontend and controllers
PostPost PP The controller for the POST endpoint at /api/posts/
handleAttachmentPreview HAP Use case for handling process of generating preview from post attachment
createPost CP Use case for creating post
imagesDb IDB Interface for queries against the Supabase bucket that stores the posts' attachments' images
postsDb PDB Interface for queries against the Supabase table that stores the posts
makePdfPreview MPP A custom service used by HAP to transform the first page of a PDF file into an image
    activate U
    U->>+F: get post creation form
    alt User session authenticated
        F->>U: post creation form
        U->>F: post details
        F->>+MKE: request object
        MKE->>+PP: filtered request object
        Note over PP, HAP: Handle Attachment Preview
        rect rgba(255,0,0,0.1)
        break Handle Attachment Preview threw exception
            PP->>+MKE: response w/error details
            MKE->>+F: HTTP error response
            F->>U: error component
        PP->>+CP: post details with image CDN

        rect rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.1)
        break When post is missing a necessary detail (e.g. userId of author)
            CP->>CP: throw exception
            PP->>MKE: response w/error details
            MKE->>F: HTTP error response
            F->>U: error component

        CP->>+PDB: post entity

        rect rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.1)
        break When saving post unsuccessful
            PDB->>CP: error object
            CP->>CP: throw exception
            PP->>MKE: response w/error details
            MKE->>F: HTTP error response
            F->>U: error component

        PDB->>CP: database success response
        deactivate PDB
        CP->>PP: JSON object containing new post's DTO
        deactivate CP
        PP->>-MKE: JSON object with headers, body
        MKE->>-F: HTTP success response
    else User session not authenticated
        F->>-U: 404 error component
        deactivate U

GET /api/posts/:id

When a GET request is made to 'api/posts/:id', a single post is returned if all goes well.

Participant Abbreviations

Full Abbreviation Additional Notes
User U ----
Frontend F ----
makeExpressCallback MKE An adapter that provides an extra layer of indirection for req, res variables between frontend and controllers
getSinglePost GSP The controller for the GET endpoint at /api/posts/:id
retrieveSinglePost RSP The use case for retrieving a single post
postsDb PDB Interface for queries against the Supabase table that stores the posts
    activate U
    U->>+F: clicks on a post
    F->>+MKE: GET request
    MKE->>+GSP: filtered request object
    GSP->>+RSP: calls
    RSP->>+PDB: query for the corresponding post

    rect rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)
        break When database query fails
            PDB->>RSP: error object
            RSP->>RSP: throw exception
            GSP->>MKE: response w/error details
            MKE->>F: HTTP error response
            F->>U: error component

    PDB->>-RSP: complete JSON post record
    RSP->>-GSP: JSON DTO of the post
    GSP->>-MKE: JSON object with headers, body
    MKE->>-F: HTTP success response
    F->>-U: Single Post component
    deactivate U

GET /api/posts

When a GET request is made to '/api/posts', a list of posts is returned if all goes well.

Participant Abbreviations

Full Abbreviation Additional Notes
User U ----
Frontend F ----
makeExpressCallback MKE An adapter that provides an extra layer of indirection for req, res variables between frontend and controllers
getAllPosts GAP The controller for the GET endpoint at /api/posts/
retrievePosts RP The use case for retrieving all posts
postsDb PDB Interface for queries against the Supabase table that stores the posts
    activate U
    U->>+F: views All Posts component
    F->>+MKE: GET request
    MKE->>+GAP: filtered request object
    GAP->>+RP: calls
    RP->>+PDB: query for all posts stored in table

    rect rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)
        break When database query fails
            PDB->>RP: error object
            RP->>RP: throw exception
            GAP->>MKE: response w/error details
            MKE->>F: HTTP error response
            F->>U: error component

    PDB->>-RP: array of complete JSON post records
    RP->>-GAP: array of JSON DTO's of each post
    GAP->>-MKE: JSON object with headers, body
    MKE->>-F: HTTP success response
    F->>-U: updated All Posts component
    deactivate U

PATCH /api/posts/:id

When a PATCH request is made to '/api/posts/:id', the post with that ID is updated if all goes well.

Participant Abbreviations

Full Abbreviation Additional Notes
User U ----
Frontend F ----
makeExpressCallback MKE An adapter that provides an extra layer of indirection for req, res variables between frontend and controllers
patchPost PP The controller for the PATCH endpoint at /api/posts/
updatePost UP The use case for updating a posts
postsDb PDB Interface for queries against the Supabase table that stores the posts
    activate U
    U->>+F: Clicks Update Post button
    alt User session is active:
        F->>U: post update form
        U->>F: post update details
        F->>+MKE: PATCH request
        MKE->>+PP: filtered request object

        rect rgba(0,0,255,0.1)
        opt Post update details contain new attachment
            Note over PP, HAP: Handle Attachment Preview
            rect rgba(255,0,0,0.1)
            break Handle Attachment Preview threw exception
                PP->>+MKE: response w/error details
                MKE->>+F: HTTP error response
                F->>U: error component

        PP->+UP: post details

        rect rgba(255,0,0,0.1)
        break Post update details missing critical detail
            UP->>UP: throw exception
            UP->>MKE: response w/error details
            MKE->>F: HTTP error response
            F->>U: error component

        UP->>+PDB: post entity

        rect rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.1)
        break When saving post unsuccessful
            PDB->>UP: error object
            UP->>UP: throw exception
            PP->>MKE: response w/error details
            MKE->>F: HTTP error response
            F->>U: error component

        PDB->>-UP: database success response
        UP->>-PP: JSON object containing new post's DTO
        PP->>-MKE: JSON object with headers, body
        MKE->>-F: HTTP success response
        F->>U: success component
    else User session is expired/invalid:
        F->>-U: error component
        deactivate U

GET /api/auth/[provider]

When a GET request is made to '/api/auth/[provider]', the login / signup process with that provider begins. Current providers are Github and Google.

Participant Abbreviations

Full Abbreviation Additional Notes
User U ----
Browser B ----
Auth Controller AC Controller for the first GET endpoint reached in login/signup requests
Auth Callback Controller ACB Controller for the GET endpoint at the redirect URI in OAuth apps
Authenticator AUTH The authenticator middleware used - currently, Passport.js
OAuth Authorization Server O_AS The OAuth authorization server for the OAuth provider being used (e.g. Google)
OAuth API Provider endpoint O_APE The OAuth provider's API endpoint, which serves profile data
Database DB The application database, where users are stored
Other notes

URI's are referenced in diagram as follows:

URI Abbreviation Notes
/api/auth/[provider] AC Leads to the Auth Controller
/api/auth/[provider]/redirect AR The authorization redirect URL used in authentication strategies
/logged-in SR The success redirect URL
/login-failed FR The failure redirect URL
    activate U
    U->>+B: clicks login / signup
    B->>+AC: HTTP GET request to AC
    AC->>+AUTH: authorization request
    deactivate AC
    AUTH->>+O_AS: authorization request
    O_AS->>B: permission form

    alt Permission granted
    U->>B: permission & identifying credentials
    B->>O_AS: permission & identifying credentials
    O_AS->>B: HTTP redirect to AR
    B->>+ACB: authorization response
    ACB->>AUTH: authorization response
    AUTH->>O_AS: HTTP POST request w/authorization code
    O_AS->>AUTH: access token
    AUTH->>+O_APE: HTTP GET request w/access token
    O_APE->>-AUTH: user profile
    AUTH->>+DB: normalized user profile
    DB->>DB: upsert user profile

    alt Upserting user profile succeeds
        DB->>AUTH: success response
        AUTH->>AUTH: serialize user
        AUTH->>B: HTTP redirect to SR
        B->>U: success component
    else Upserting user profile fails
        DB->>-AUTH: error response
        AUTH->>AUTH: throw error
        AUTH->>B: HTTP redirect to FR
        B->>U: failure component

    else Permission not granted
    U->>B: permission denial
    B->>O_AS: permission denial
    O_AS->>-B: HTTP redirect to AR
    B->>ACB: authorization response
    ACB->>-AUTH: authorization response
    AUTH->>-B: HTTP redirect to FR
    B->>-U: failure component
    deactivate U

Supporting Diagrams for Posts Component

These are diagrams that are referenced in two or more diagrams.

Handle Attachment Preview

Participant Abbreviations

Full Abbreviation Additional Notes
Controller CTRL The controller at the endpoint
handleAttachmentPreview HAP Use case for handling process of generating preview from post attachment
imagesDb IDB Interface for queries against the Supabase bucket that stores the posts' attachments' images
makePdfPreview MPP A custom service used by HAP to transform the first page of a PDF file into an image
    activate CTRL
    CTRL->>+HAP: post attachment details
    alt Post contains valid attachment
        rect rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.1)
        opt Attachment is a PDF
            HAP->>+MPP: attachment file
            MPP->>-HAP: image of first page of PDF

        HAP->>+IDB: image entity

        rect rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.1)
        break When saving attachment preview image unsuccessful
            IDB->>HAP: error object
            HAP->>HAP: throw exception

    IDB->>-HAP: image CDN
    HAP->>CTRL: image entity
    else Post does not contain valid attachment
        HAP->>-HAP: throw exception