- Updated documentation
- Fixed display of web support on pub.dev
- Fixed scrollbar on wide screens
- Fixed 'trailing' when used 'SettingsTile.switchTile'
- Fixed color scheme on web version
- Fixed default vertical padding on web version
- Enabled parameter for the ListTile widget
- Trailing parameter for the ListTile widget
- Fixed minor bugs
- Cover image was updated
- The whole codebase was refactored
- Bug fixes and stability improvements
- Allow manual platform style selection
- Fixed iOS Title text getting cut off in version 1.0.0
- CustomTile implemented
- Implement titleWidget and subtitleWidget parameters
- Implement the native behaviour for the iOS switch tile
- Dropped use of 'dart:io'
- Use Theme.of(context) to detect platform
- Fixed a bug with long subtitles in iOS
- Enable web support
- Round borders for web and iPad settings tiles
- Null safety preview release
- Fixed double trailing on iOS devices
- Support for MacOS
- Fixed padding in the project example
- Fixed subtitle for iOS
- Added iosChevron and iosChevronPadding for forward chevron and color in iOS.
- CupertinoSettingsItem toggle on disabled fix
- Content padding implementation
- Ripple effect for Android
- Ability to setup padding and subtitle for sections
- New onPressed(context) parameter for SettingsTile, onTap() is deprecated from now on.
- Custom colors support for SettingsList
- Allow physics and shrinkWrap on SettingsList
- CupertinoSettingsItemButton ripple effect
- Device preview disabled for Flutter Web
- CustomSection implementation (possibility to add your own widget)
- Use Target Platform to determine which Settings UI to show
- Change background color for dark theme in SettingsList with backgroundColor attribute.
- Ability to add trailing widgets to tiles.
- Added enabled attribute to tile.
- Flutter Web support.
- Added onTap color change for cupertino tiles.
- Slight updates.
- Initial release with basic SettingsTile and SettingsTile.switchTile.