What is the difference between "insights" and "data?"
Data is simply raw information: numbers, graphs, survey responses, etc. A viewer has to analyze data in order to come to a conclusion or solve a mystery.
An "insight" is: a presentation of information that solves a mystery for the viewer. Now, one can do this more or less--not all insights will fully answer every question. Some might just help clarify, and the viewer has to do the rest of the analysis to fully answer their question.
When you propose an system or process that provides insights, it is a good idea to explain:
- What mysteries does this solve?
- Are there mysteries it intentionally doesn't solve?
- How can you assure that this system currently provides (and continues to provide) trustworthy insights to its users?
- How will you change this system in the future if you discover a flaw in the metric, system, or process you’ve proposed?
- How do you ensure the accuracy of the data now and in the
Let's explain this a bit more, with some examples.
If you have ever heard somebody say, "But what does this graph mean?", you will understand the difference between data and insights. For example, let's say you have a graph that shows the average page-load latency of all pages on linkedin.com. This graph creates a huge mystery when it changes, for several reasons:
- Because it's an average, outliers can drastically affect it, meaning people who look at it have no idea if the spikes and dips are from outliers or from actual, relevant changes.
- Because it covers so many different areas of the site, it's hard to figure out who should even be digging into it.
- It, by itself, provides no avenue for further investigation--you have to go look at a lot of other data to be able to actually understand what you should do.
The most that this graph could do is allow an engineering leader to say, "One person should go investigate this and tell us what is up." That's not a very impactful decision or a good use of anybody's time. Basically, this graph, if it's all we have, creates a problem.
But what if, instead, we had a system that accurately informed front-line engineers and front-line managers when there was a significant difference in median (or 90th percentile) page-load latency between one release of a server and another? Or even better, if it could analyze changes between those two releases and tell you specifically which change introduced the latency? That's a much harder engineering problem, and may or may not be realistically possible. The point, though, is that that is an insight. It does its best to point specific individuals (in this case, the front-line engineers who own the system) toward specific work.
To be clear, if you want to develop a system that provides insights into latency, there are many levels at which you should do this and many different stakeholders who want to know many different things. These are just two examples to compare the difference between mystery and insight.
One of the biggest sources of mystery is free-text answers in surveys. If there are only a few answers that are relevant to your work, it's possible to read all of them. But once you have thousands of free-text answers, it's hard to process them all and make a decision based off of them. If you just give an engineering leader a spreadsheet with 1000 free-text answers in it, you have created a problem and a mystery for them. You have to process them somehow in order for the data to become understandable.
That's a reasonable way to think about the job of our team, by the way: make data understandable.
In this specific instance, there are lots of ways to make it understandable. Each of these leaves behind different types of mysteries. For example:
One common way of understanding free-text feedback is to have a person go through the negative comments and categorize them according to categories that they determine while reading the comments. Then, you count up the number of comments in each category and display them to engineering leadership as a way to decide where to assign engineers.
However, this leaves behind mysteries like, "What were the people complaining about, specifically? What was the actual problem with the system that we need to address?" For example, it might say that "code review" was the problem. But what about code review? If you're an engineer working on the code review system, you need those answers in order to do effective work. Engineering leaders also might want to know some specifics, so they understand how much work is involved in fixing the problem, who needs to be assigned to it, etc.
This could be solved by further analysis that summarizes the free-text feedback. Also, usually the team that works on the tool itself (the code review tool, in our example here) wants to see all of the raw free-text comments that relate to their tool.
There are various programmatic ways to analyze free-text feedback. You could use a Machine Learning system to do "sentiment analysis" that attempts to determine how people feel about various things and pull out the relevant data. You could use an LLM to summarize the feedback.
Each of these leave behind some degree of mystery. Readers usually wonder how accurate the analysis is. Summaries and sentiment analysis often leave out specifics that teams need in order to fully understand the feedback.
That said, these methods can be sufficient for certain situations and for certain audiences, like when you just want to know the general area of a problem and can accept some inaccuracy or lack of detail.
The insights that you provide must be trustworthy. You do not want to train your users to ignore the insights that you provide. If the insights you provide are wrong often enough, your users will learn to distrust them. Avoiding false insights is one of the most important duties of any system that generates insights and data, because providing too much false insight for too long can destroy all the usefulness of your system.
To be clear: if your system frequently provides false insights to its users, it would have been better if you hadn't made the system at all, because you will have spent a lot of effort to give people a system that confuses them, frustrates them, takes up their time, and which they eventually want to abandon and just "do it themselves."
This isn't just a one-time thing you have to think about when you first write a system for generating insights. Your own monitoring, testing, and maintenance of the system should assure that it continues to provide trustworthy insights to its users throughout its life.
The most important attribute of data is that it needs to be as accurate as reasonably possible. We often combine data from many different sources in order to create insights. If each of these data sources are inaccurate in different, significant ways, then it’s impossible to trust the insights we produce from them. Inaccuracy (and compensating for it) also makes life very difficult and complex for people doing data analysis--the data that you are providing now creates a problem for its consumers rather than solving a problem for them.
The degree of accuracy required depends on the purpose for which the data will be used. If you don’t know how it’s going to be used, then you should make the data as accurate as you can reasonably accomplish with the engineering resources that you have.
If there is anything about your data that would not be obvious to a casual viewer (such as low accuracy in some areas) then you should publish that fact and make it known to your users somehow. For example, if you have a system that is accurate for large sample sizes but inaccurate for small sample sizes, it should say so on the page that presents the data, or it should print a warning (one that actually makes sense and explains things to the user) any time it's displaying information about small sample sizes.