- implement learnings ...
- reference: .well-known/webfinger rfc7033 definition
- reference: acct: URI rfc7565 definition
- reference: Mastodon webfinger
- reference: avatar and profile-page webfinger link relations
- reference: existing link relations
- reference: .well-known/host-meta rfc6415 definition
- reference: .well-known/host-meta.json JRD format
- reference: webfinger response should use Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
- example template for webfinger output: ./tmp/webfinger-template.json
- webfinger: es6 exported function emitting rfc 7033 formatted data
- ↳ create unit test to validate formatting
- ↳ create unit test to validate data retrieval
- ↳ create intregration test with Mocha+Chai to validate proper HTTP responses
- webfinger client: sending a query to a remote host
- webfinger server: responding to a query about a local resource
- host-meta: es6 exported function emitting rfc 6415 formated host meta data
- ↳ create unit test to validate json formatting
- ↳ create unit test to validate data retrieval
- ↳ create integration test with Mocha+Chai to validate proper HTTP responses
- nodeinfo server: responding to a query about local server versions / statistics
- ↳ create a unit test to validate jrd+json response
- get: a functional wrapper around node:http(s) get function to be used by webfinger
- ↳ create unit test to send HTTP GET requests to a given URL
- ↳ create integration test with Mocha+Chai_Http to send GET requests
- post: a functional wrapper around node:http(s) request function to be used by webfinger
- ↳ create unit test to send HTTP POST requests to a given URL
- ↳ create integration test with Mocha+Chai_Http to send POST requets
- DB: provide a more abstract interface to database for issuing local queries.
- DB: provide a way to support Redis database queries.
- set up Mocha test framework
- set up Chai, Chai HTTP
- set up Koa testing / stub app server
- remote webfinger acct: URI
- [ ]