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817 lines (514 loc) · 29.4 KB

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817 lines (514 loc) · 29.4 KB


As of February 22, 2016 1:54pm. 83 total


  • 62 MIT
  • 6 Apache 2.0
  • 4 ruby
  • 3 unknown
  • 3 BSD
  • 1 2-clause BSDL
  • 1 GPL-2.0, LGPL-2.1, MPL-1.1, New BSD, Simplified BSD
  • 1 GNU GPL v2, MIT, Perl Artistic v2
  • 1 Artistic 2.0, GPL-2, MIT
  • 1 Simplified BSD


ZenTest v4.11.0 (development)

ZenTest provides 4 different tools: zentest, unit_diff, autotest, and multiruby

MIT whitelisted

ZenTest provides 4 different tools: zentest, unit_diff, autotest, and multiruby.

zentest scans your target and unit-test code and writes your missing code based on simple naming rules, enabling XP at a much quicker pace. zentest only works with Ruby and Minitest or Test::Unit. There is enough evidence to show that this is still proving useful to users, so it stays.

unit_diff is a command-line filter to diff expected results from actual results and allow you to quickly see exactly what is wrong. Do note that minitest 2.2+ provides an enhanced assert_equal obviating the need for unit_diff

autotest is a continous testing facility meant to be used during development. As soon as you save a file, autotest will run the corresponding dependent tests.

multiruby runs anything you want on multiple versions of ruby. Great for compatibility checking! Use multiruby_setup to manage your installed versions.

URI Implementation

Apache 2.0 whitelisted

Addressable is a replacement for the URI implementation that is part of Ruby's standard library. It more closely conforms to the relevant RFCs and adds support for IRIs and URI templates.

ast v2.1.0

A library for working with Abstract Syntax Trees.

MIT whitelisted

A library for working with Abstract Syntax Trees.

astrolabe v1.3.1

An object-oriented AST extension for Parser

MIT whitelisted

An object-oriented AST extension for Parser

aws-sdk v1.66.0

AWS SDK for Ruby V1

Apache 2.0 whitelisted

Version 1 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Available as both aws-sdk and aws-sdk-v1. Use aws-sdk-v1 if you want to load v1 and v2 of the Ruby SDK in the same application.

aws-sdk-v1 v1.66.0

AWS SDK for Ruby V1

Apache 2.0 whitelisted

Version 1 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Available as both aws-sdk and aws-sdk-v1. Use aws-sdk-v1 if you want to load v1 and v2 of the Ruby SDK in the same application.

bundler v1.11.2 (development)

unknown manually approved


coderay v1.1.0

Fast syntax highlighting for selected languages.

MIT whitelisted

Fast and easy syntax highlighting for selected languages, written in Ruby. Comes with RedCloth integration and LOC counter.

colored v1.2

Add some color to your life.

unknown manually approved


puts "this is red".red

puts "this is red with a blue background (read: ugly)".red_on_blue

puts "this is red with an underline".red.underline

puts "this is really bold and really blue"

logger.debug "hey this is broken!".red_on_yellow # in rails

puts "This is red" # but this part is mostly untested

crack v0.4.3

Really simple JSON and XML parsing, ripped from Merb and Rails.

MIT whitelisted

Really simple JSON and XML parsing, ripped from Merb and Rails.

debase v0.2.1 (development)

debase is a fast implementation of the standard Ruby debugger debug.rb for Ruby 2.0

MIT whitelisted

debase is a fast implementation of the standard Ruby debugger debug.rb for Ruby 2.0.
It is implemented by utilizing a new Ruby TracePoint class. The core component
provides support that front-ends can build on. It provides breakpoint
handling, bindings for stack frames among other things.

Provide Ruby core source files

MIT whitelisted

Provide Ruby core source files for C extensions that need them.

diff-lcs v1.2.5

Diff::LCS computes the difference between two Enumerable sequences using the McIlroy-Hunt longest common subsequence (LCS) algorithm

MIT, Perl Artistic v2, GNU GPL v2 whitelisted

Diff::LCS computes the difference between two Enumerable sequences using the McIlroy-Hunt longest common subsequence (LCS) algorithm. It includes utilities to create a simple HTML diff output format and a standard diff-like tool.

This is release 1.2.4, fixing a bug introduced after diff-lcs 1.1.3 that did not properly prune common sequences at the beginning of a comparison set. Thanks to Paul Kunysch for fixing this issue.

Coincident with the release of diff-lcs 1.2.3, we reported an issue with Rubinius in 1.9 mode ({rubinius/rubinius#2268}[rubinius/rubinius#2268]). We are happy to report that this issue has been resolved.

docile v1.1.5

Docile keeps your Ruby DSLs tame and well-behaved

MIT whitelisted

Docile turns any Ruby object into a DSL. Especially useful with the Builder pattern.

domain_name v0.5.25

Domain Name manipulation library for Ruby

Simplified BSD, New BSD, MPL-1.1, GPL-2.0, LGPL-2.1 manually approved


This is a Domain Name manipulation library for Ruby.

It can also be used for cookie domain validation based on the Public Suffix List.

erubis v2.7.0

a fast and extensible eRuby implementation which supports multi-language

MIT whitelisted

Erubis is an implementation of eRuby and has the following features:

  • Very fast, almost three times faster than ERB and about 10% faster than eruby.
  • Multi-language support (Ruby/PHP/C/Java/Scheme/Perl/Javascript)
  • Auto escaping support
  • Auto trimming spaces around '<% %>'
  • Embedded pattern changeable (default '<% %>')
  • Enable to handle Processing Instructions (PI) as embedded pattern (ex. '')
  • Context object available and easy to combine eRuby template with YAML datafile
  • Print statement available
  • Easy to extend and customize in subclass
  • Ruby on Rails support

faraday v0.9.2

HTTP/REST API client library.

MIT whitelisted

Various middleware for Faraday

MIT whitelisted

Various middleware for Faraday

ffi v1.9.10

Ruby FFI

BSD whitelisted

Ruby FFI library

formatador v0.2.5

Ruby STDOUT text formatting

MIT whitelisted

STDOUT text formatting

gli v2.13.4

Build command-suite CLI apps that are awesome.

Apache 2.0 whitelisted

Build command-suite CLI apps that are awesome. Bootstrap your app, add commands, options and documentation while maintaining a well-tested idiomatic command-line app

gooddata v0.6.24 (default)

A convenient Ruby wrapper around the GutData RESTful API

BSD whitelisted

Use the GutData::Client class to integrate GutData into your own application or use the CLI to work with GutData directly from the command line.

guard v2.13.0 (development)

Guard keeps an eye on your file modifications

MIT whitelisted

Guard is a command line tool to easily handle events on file system modifications.

guard-compat v1.2.1

Tools for developing Guard compatible plugins

MIT whitelisted

Helps creating valid Guard plugins and testing them

guard-rspec v4.6.4 (development)

Guard gem for RSpec

MIT whitelisted

Guard::RSpec automatically run your specs (much like autotest).

hashdiff v0.2.3

HashDiff is a diff lib to compute the smallest difference between two hashes.

MIT whitelisted

HashDiff is a diff lib to compute the smallest difference between two hashes.

hashie v3.4.3

Your friendly neighborhood hash library.

MIT whitelisted

Hashie is a collection of classes and mixins that make hashes more powerful.

highline v1.7.8

HighLine is a high-level command-line IO library.

ruby whitelisted

A high-level IO library that provides validation, type conversion, and more for command-line interfaces. HighLine also includes a complete menu system that can crank out anything from simple list selection to complete shells with just minutes of work.

A Ruby library to handle HTTP Cookies based on RFC 6265

MIT whitelisted

HTTP::Cookie is a Ruby library to handle HTTP Cookies based on RFC 6265. It has with security, standards compliance and compatibility in mind, to behave just the same as today's major web browsers. It has builtin support for the legacy cookies.txt and the latest cookies.sqlite formats of Mozilla Firefox, and its modular API makes it easy to add support for a new backend store.

httparty v0.13.7

Makes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy.

MIT whitelisted

Makes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy.

json v1.8.3

JSON Implementation for Ruby

ruby whitelisted

This is a JSON implementation as a Ruby extension in C.

json_pure v1.8.3

JSON Implementation for Ruby

ruby whitelisted

This is a JSON implementation in pure Ruby.

license_finder v2.0.4 (development)

Audit the OSS licenses of your application's dependencies.

MIT whitelisted

LicenseFinder works with your package managers to find
dependencies, detect the licenses of the packages in them, compare
those licenses against a user-defined whitelist, and give you an
actionable exception report.

listen v3.0.5

Listen to file modifications

MIT whitelisted

The Listen gem listens to file modifications and notifies you about the changes. Works everywhere!

lumberjack v1.0.9

A simple, powerful, and very fast logging utility that can be a drop in replacement for Logger or ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger.

MIT whitelisted

A simple, powerful, and very fast logging utility that can be a drop in replacement for Logger or ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger. Provides support for automatically rolling log files even with multiple processes writing the same log file.

retrieve the sourcecode for a method

MIT whitelisted

retrieve the sourcecode for a method

The mime-types library provides a library and registry for information about MIME content type definitions

MIT, Artistic 2.0, GPL-2 whitelisted

The mime-types library provides a library and registry for information about MIME content type definitions. It can be used to determine defined filename extensions for MIME types, or to use filename extensions to look up the likely MIME type definitions.

This is release 2.99, the deprecation version of mime-types 2.x, where deprecation warnings are noisy and data that has been deprecated is now no longer available. The data is both dropped from the data files and is stubbed out as empty or +nil+ values as appropriate.

mime-types-2.6 was the last version of mime-types 2.x with newly available features, and mime-types 2.99 will only receive quarterly updates to the IANA registered MIME media types plus any security updates that may be required.

If the loss of the deprecated data matters, be sure to set your dependency appropriately:

gem 'mime-types', '~> 2.6, < 2.99'

Simplistic port-like solution for developers

MIT whitelisted

Simplistic port-like solution for developers. It provides a standard and simplified way to compile against dependency libraries without messing up your system.

multi_json v1.11.2

A common interface to multiple JSON libraries.

MIT whitelisted

A common interface to multiple JSON libraries, including Oj, Yajl, the JSON gem (with C-extensions), the pure-Ruby JSON gem, NSJSONSerialization, gson.rb, JrJackson, and OkJson.

multi_xml v0.5.5

A generic swappable back-end for XML parsing

MIT whitelisted

Provides swappable XML backends utilizing LibXML, Nokogiri, Ox, or REXML.

A multipart form post accessory for Net::HTTP.

MIT whitelisted

Use with Net::HTTP to do multipart form posts. IO values that have #content_type, #original_filename, and #local_path will be posted as a binary file.

nenv v0.2.0

Convenience wrapper for Ruby's ENV

MIT whitelisted

Using ENV is like using raw SQL statements in your code. We all know how that ends...

netrc v0.11.0

Library to read and write netrc files.

MIT whitelisted

This library can read and update netrc files, preserving formatting including comments and whitespace.

nokogiri v1.6.7

Nokogiri (鋸) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser

MIT whitelisted

Nokogiri (鋸) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser. Among Nokogiri's many features is the ability to search documents via XPath or CSS3 selectors.

XML is like violence - if it doesn’t solve your problems, you are not using enough of it.

notiffany v0.0.8

Notifier library (extracted from Guard project)

MIT whitelisted

Wrapper libray for most popular notification
libraries such as Growl, Libnotify, Notifu

Config File Parser for Standard Unix/Linux Type Config Files

MIT whitelisted

ParseConfig provides simple parsing of standard configuration files in the form of 'param = value'. It also supports nested [group] sections.

parser v2.2.3.0

A Ruby parser written in pure Ruby.

MIT whitelisted

A Ruby parser written in pure Ruby.

pmap v1.1.1

Add parallel methods into Enumerable: pmap and peach

Apache 2.0 whitelisted

Add parallel methods into Enumerable: pmap and peach

powerpack v0.1.1

A few useful extensions to core Ruby classes.

MIT whitelisted

A few useful extensions to core Ruby classes.

pry v0.10.3

An IRB alternative and runtime developer console

MIT whitelisted

An IRB alternative and runtime developer console

rainbow v2.0.0

Colorize printed text on ANSI terminals

MIT whitelisted

Colorize printed text on ANSI terminals

rake v10.4.2 (development)

This rake is bundled with Ruby

unknown manually approved


rake-notes v0.2.0 (development)

rake notes task for non-Rails' projects

MIT whitelisted

rake notes task for non-Rails' projects

rb-fsevent v0.9.6

Very simple & usable FSEvents API

MIT whitelisted

FSEvents API with Signals catching (without RubyCocoa)

rb-inotify v0.9.5

A Ruby wrapper for Linux's inotify, using FFI

MIT whitelisted

A Ruby wrapper for Linux's inotify, using FFI

redcarpet v3.3.3 (development)

Markdown that smells nice

MIT whitelisted

A fast, safe and extensible Markdown to (X)HTML parser

Simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by microframework syntax for specifying actions.

MIT whitelisted

A simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by the Sinatra microframework style of specifying actions: get, put, post, delete.

restforce v2.1.2

A lightweight ruby client for the Salesforce REST API.

MIT whitelisted

A lightweight ruby client for the Salesforce REST API.

rspec v3.4.0 (development)


MIT whitelisted

BDD for Ruby

rspec-core v3.4.1


MIT whitelisted

BDD for Ruby. RSpec runner and example groups.


MIT whitelisted

rspec-expectations provides a simple, readable API to express expected outcomes of a code example.


MIT whitelisted

RSpec's 'test double' framework, with support for stubbing and mocking


MIT whitelisted

Support utilities for RSpec gems

rubocop v0.35.1 (development)

Automatic Ruby code style checking tool.

MIT whitelisted

Automatic Ruby code style checking tool.
Aims to enforce the community-driven Ruby Style Guide.

ruby-debug-ide v0.6.0 (development)

IDE interface for ruby-debug.

MIT whitelisted

An interface which glues ruby-debug to IDEs like Eclipse (RDT), NetBeans and RubyMine.

Ruby/ProgressBar is a flexible text progress bar library for Ruby.

MIT whitelisted

Ruby/ProgressBar is an extremely flexible text progress bar library for Ruby. The output can be customized with a flexible formatting system including: percentage, bars of various formats, elapsed time and estimated time remaining.

rubyzip v1.1.7

rubyzip is a ruby module for reading and writing zip files

Simplified BSD whitelisted

safe_yaml v1.0.4

SameYAML provides an alternative implementation of YAML.load suitable for accepting user input in Ruby applications.

MIT whitelisted

Parse YAML safely

Downloading data from Salesforce Bulk API made easy and scalable.

BSD whitelisted

A library for downloading data from Salesforce Bulk API. We only focus on querying, other operations of the API aren't supported. Designed to handle a lot of data.

shellany v0.0.1

Simple, somewhat portable command capturing

MIT whitelisted

MRI+JRuby compatible command output capturing

simplecov v0.11.1 (development)

Code coverage for Ruby 1.9+ with a powerful configuration library and automatic merging of coverage across test suites

MIT whitelisted

Code coverage for Ruby 1.9+ with a powerful configuration library and automatic merging of coverage across test suites

Default HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool for ruby 1.9+

MIT whitelisted

Default HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool for ruby 1.9+

slop v3.6.0

Simple Lightweight Option Parsing

MIT whitelisted

A simple DSL for gathering options and parsing the command line

Simple, feature rich ascii table generation library

MIT whitelisted

thor v0.19.1

Thor is a toolkit for building powerful command-line interfaces.

MIT whitelisted

Thor is a toolkit for building powerful command-line interfaces.

A collection of data structures and utilities to make thread-safe programming in Ruby easier

Apache 2.0 whitelisted

Thread-safe collections and utilities for Ruby

tins v1.6.0

Useful stuff.

MIT whitelisted

All the stuff that isn't good/big enough for a real library.

unf v0.1.4

A wrapper library to bring Unicode Normalization Form support to Ruby/JRuby

2-clause BSDL manually approved


This is a wrapper library to bring Unicode Normalization Form support to Ruby/JRuby.

unf_ext v0.0.7.1

Unicode Normalization Form support library for CRuby

MIT whitelisted

Unicode Normalization Form support library for CRuby

webmock v1.22.3 (development)

Library for stubbing HTTP requests in Ruby.

MIT whitelisted

WebMock allows stubbing HTTP requests and setting expectations on HTTP requests.

xml-simple v1.1.5

A simple API for XML processing.

ruby whitelisted

yard v0.8.7.6 (development)

Documentation tool for consistent and usable documentation in Ruby.

MIT whitelisted

YARD is a documentation generation tool for the Ruby programming language.
It enables the user to generate consistent, usable documentation that can be
exported to a number of formats very easily, and also supports extending for
custom Ruby constructs such as custom class level definitions.

yard-rspec v0.1 (development)

YARD plugin to list RSpec specifications inside documentation

MIT whitelisted