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FOLIA ✅ PAPER ✅ PURPUR ✅ 1.19.4 - 1.21 ✅

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Example plugin with which uses HologramLib

First Steps    • Initializing Manager
   • Rendering Modes
   • Creation
   • Text Animations
   • Leaderboards
   • Passengers
   • Viewers
   • Transformations
   • Management


  • Text, Block & Item Holograms
  • Text animations
  • Minimessage support
  • Packet based
  • Per player holograms
  • Leaderboard generators
  • Advanced hologram customization
  • Attachment and parenting support
  • Flexible rendering modes


  • Download packet events
  • Download HologramLib-[version].jar file from the latest release
  • Upload the HologramLib-[version].jar and packet events file on your server (yourserver/plugins folder)
  • Add the plugin as a dependency to your plugin and use it


You might also want to add packetevents as a compile-only dependency to your plugin
if you want to use (import) certain features, such as the ItemStack for the item hologram.

Gradle installation

repositories {
  maven { url '' }

dependencies {
  compileOnly 'com.github.max1mde:HologramLib:'

Maven installation



Add this to your plugin plugin.yml

  - HologramLib

Example/Showcase Plugin

First Steps

Initializing HologramManager

private HologramManager hologramManager;

public void onEnable() {
    hologramManager = HologramLib.getManager().orElse(null);
    if (hologramManager == null) {
        getLogger().severe("Failed to initialize HologramLib manager.");


If you are shading the library use HologramLib.getManager(<Your plugin instance>) instead!

Hologram Rendering Modes

// Different rendering modes available
TextHologram hologram = new TextHologram("example", RenderMode.NEARBY);
// Modes include:
// - NEARBY: Render for players near the hologram
// - ALL: Render for all online players
// - VIEWER_LIST: Render only for manually added viewers
// - NONE: Do not render


Display.Billboard.CENTER = the hologram rotates to the player like a nametag (default value)
Display.Billboard.FIXED = The holograms rotation is fixed
Display.Billboard.VERTICAL = The hologram only rotates to the left and right (is horizontally fixed)
Display.Billboard.HORIZONTAL = The hologram only rotates up and down (is vertically fixed)

Hologram Creation

Text Hologram

TextHologram hologram = new TextHologram("unique_id")
    .setMiniMessageText("<aqua>Hello world!")
    .setScale(1.5F, 1.5F, 1.5F)
    .setTextOpacity((byte) 200)
    .setBackgroundColor(Color.fromARGB(60, 255, 236, 222).asARGB())

Block Hologram

BlockHologram blockHologram = new BlockHologram("unique_id")
    .setScale(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F)

Item Hologram

ItemHologram itemHologram = new ItemHologram("unique_id")
    .setItem(new ItemStack.Builder()
    .setScale(2.0F, 2.0F, 0.01F)

Spawning any hologram (including leaderboard objects)

hologramManager.spawn(hologram, location);

Hologram Animation

1. Creating a Basic Text Animation

To get started with text animations, you first need to create a TextAnimation object and add frames (text lines) to it. Each frame represents a state of the hologram's text that will be displayed during the animation cycle.

*Creating a basic text animation with a 20-tick delay and 20-tick speed
TextAnimation textAnimation = new TextAnimation()
    .setDelay(20) // Delay before starting the animation (20 ticks = 1 second)
    .setSpeed(20) // Speed at which the animation updates (20 ticks = 1 second)

textAnimation.addFrame("Hello World!")
    .addFrame("Welcome to HologramLib")
    .addFrame("Enjoy the animations!");

* Applying the animation to a hologram
* which also automatically starts playing the animation
hologramManager.applyAnimation(someHologram, textAnimation);

In the example above, the TextAnimation object is created with a delay and speed setting. Then, we add multiple text frames, which will be shown in sequence.

2. Typing Animation

To simulate a typing effect, we can slowly reveal text frame by frame. Here’s how to set up a typing animation:

TextAnimation typingAnimation = new TextAnimation()


hologramManager.applyAnimation(someHologram, typingAnimation);

3. Color Changing Animation

You can also animate the color of the hologram text. Here’s an example of a color-changing animation using MiniMessage formatting.

TextAnimation colorChangeAnimation = new TextAnimation()

colorChangeAnimation.addFrame("<red>Red Text</red>")
    .addFrame("<green>Green Text</green>")
    .addFrame("<blue>Blue Text</blue>");

hologramManager.applyAnimation(someHologram, colorChangeAnimation);

In this case, each frame will change the color of the text using the MiniMessage syntax. You can replace the <color> tags with any color code supported by MiniMessage.

4. Modifying animations

There are a few more methods in the TextAnimation class which you can use.

TextAnimation animation = new TextAnimation()...;


Leaderboard Creation

Map<Integer, String> leaderboardData = new LinkedHashMap<>() {{
    put(1, "MaximDe:1000");
    put(2, "dream:950");
    put(3, "BastiGHG:500");
    put(4, "Wichtiger:400");
    // ... more entries

LeaderboardHologram leaderboard = hologramManager.generateLeaderboard(
                .title("Top Players - Kills")

 Update the leaderboard later if needed
         ou can also use different options here 
         which will be applied to the leaderboard

Setting a hologram as a passenger

hologramManager.attach(hologram, parentEntityId);

Managing Hologram Viewers

This only makes sense if you set the holograms RenderMode to VIEWER_LIST


// The players who see the hologram
List<Player> currentViewers = hologram.getViewers();

Advanced Transformations

hologram.setTranslation(0, 1, 0) 
    .setLeftRotation(0, 1, 0, 0) 
    .setRightRotation(0, 1, 0, 0)
    .update();  // Apply changes (make them visible to the player)

Hologram Retrieval and Management

Optional<TextHologram> retrievedHologram = hologramManager.getHologram("unique_id");




Contributions to this repo or the example plugin are welcome!