Remove Invalid Parentheses
* Question : 301. Remove Invalid Parentheses
* Complexity : Time: O(2^n) ; Space: O(n)
* Topics : Backtracking
class Solution {
Set <String > set ;
public List <String > removeInvalidParentheses (String s ) {
if (s == null || s .length () == 0 ) {
return new LinkedList ();
set = new HashSet <>();
int leftRemove = 0 ;
int rightRemove = 0 ;
// Calculate how many left and right brackets needs to remove.
for (char c : s .toCharArray ()) {
if (c == '(' ) {
leftRemove ++;
if (c == ')' ) {
if (leftRemove == 0 ) {
rightRemove ++;
} else {
leftRemove --;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
dfs (s , 0 , 0 , 0 , leftRemove , rightRemove , sb );
return new ArrayList (set );
private void dfs (
String s ,
int index ,
int leftCount ,
int rightCount ,
int leftRemove ,
int rightRemove ,
StringBuilder sb
) {
if (index == s .length ()) {
if (leftRemove == 0 && rightRemove == 0 ) {
set .add (sb .toString ());
return ;
char c = s .charAt (index );
if (c == '(' && leftRemove > 0 ) {
dfs (s , index + 1 , leftCount , rightCount , leftRemove - 1 , rightRemove , sb );
if (c == ')' && rightRemove > 0 ) {
dfs (s , index + 1 , leftCount , rightCount , leftRemove , rightRemove - 1 , sb );
// If right brackets are more than left brackets, it's impossible to find a solution.
if (rightCount > leftCount ) {
return ;
sb .append (c );
if (c == '(' ) {
dfs (s , index + 1 , leftCount + 1 , rightCount , leftRemove , rightRemove , sb );
} else if (c == ')' ) {
dfs (s , index + 1 , leftCount , rightCount + 1 , leftRemove , rightRemove , sb );
} else {
// lowercase English letters
dfs (s , index + 1 , leftCount , rightCount , leftRemove , rightRemove , sb );
sb .deleteCharAt (sb .length () - 1 );