This directory contains the API for the MQTT client implementation inside u-blox modules.
IMPORTANT: this common API is currently only mapped to u-blox cellular modules where it is supported on SARA-R5 and the SARA-R4x series; it may be subject to small changes when it is mapped to u-blox Wi-Fi/BLE modules. This text will be updated when more is known about those changes and the associated timescales.
The api directory defines the MQTT client API. The test directory contains tests for that API that can be run on any platform.
NOTES: For short range modules, uMqttClientConnect() API does not really connect to broker, The real connection to the broker happens only when the user invokes uMqttClientPublish() or uMqttClientSubscribe() after calling uMqttClientConnect()
uMqttClientGetLastErrorCode() API is not implemented for short range modules.
Retrieving the QoS of received message is not supported by uMqttClientMessageRead() API for short range modules.