- Django 4.2 and 5.0 support
- Django 3.2 support
- Django 3.1 support
- Dropped support for Django < 2.2 and Python2
- Django 3.0 support
- Dropped support for Django < 1.11
- Added new DJANGO_FRONT_EXTRA_CONTAINER_CLASSES setting to inject extra classes on the div wrapping the editable code blocks
- Test against Django 2.2a
- Test against Django 2.1a
- Add support for the Summernote editor
- Test against Django 2.0 final
- Test against Django 2.0b1
- Add missing migration 0003
- Missing static folder (Issue #14, thanks @sekiroh)
- Added support for Medium Editor
- Test against Django 1.11
- Test against Django 1.10b1
- Fixes a possible unicode decode error on funky input
- Support for running tests via setuptools
- Supported Django versions are now 1.7, 1.8 and 1.9
- Wrap all JavaScript plugins in their distinct scope receiving a local jQuery
- Support for the Froala editor
- Upgraded the CDN and bundled versions of ACE, EPIC and CKEditor
- Test against Django 1.8
- Fixed editor history on RedactorJS > 10.0
- Fixed documentation
- Generate documentation during tox tests
- Added a missing migration
- Test against Django 1.8a
- Switched to tox
- Added an API allowing copying content from one Placeholder instance to another (e.g. same name, different arguments)
- Support for RedactorJS v10 API
Version 0.4.1 Version 0.4.0 ============= * Destroy editor before removing its container. Issues #6 and #7, thanks @syabro
- Test against Django 1.7 final
- Use event delegation instead of direct binding on .editable blocks
- Support both South and Django 1.7 native migrations, inspired by https://github.com/SmileyChris/easy-thumbnails
- Test against Django 1.7RC1
- Refactored JavaScript files to use "jQuery" instead of the shortcut ("$")
- Missing image in the EpicEditor static. (Issue #5, thanks @twined)
- Support for CKEditor
- Shipping with documentation
- History of content, possibility to move back to a previous version of the placeholder
- Massive rework of front-end side, modularization of editor plugins
- Added an "ace-local" plugin, for when Ace is served locally
- Add an extra class to the container, when the placeholder will be rendered empty
- Add a min-height on empty placeholders
- Make sure the urlconf entry was added properly
- Set a min-height on Redactor
- New DJANGO_FRONT_EDITOR_OPTIONS settings allows for options to be passed on to the editors (works with WYMeditor, Redactor, EpicEditor)
- Added support for the EpicEditor (thanks @daikeren - Issue #2)
- Clarified the installation section of the README (mentioned that django.core.context_processors.request needs to be enabled in TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS)
- Added the test project to the settings, so that it's easier to run tests
- Test against Django 1.6b1
- Python 3.3 support on Django 1.5+
- Namespaced the layer and dialog CSS classes
- Editing mode (lightbox or inline)
- Support for Redactor 9 beta
- Support for the Redactor editor
- Include the Django Wymeditor theme, because django-wymeditor doesn't by default
- Push the STATIC_URL to the JavaScript context so that we don't have to assume it's /static/
- Basic test cases
- Support for WYMeditor (see note in README about installing django-wymeditor)
- Settings (permissions)
- Cleanups
- First release