Plutus welcomes contributions from everyone.
First of all, thank you for considering to help make Plutus better. Here are some ways you can contribute:
- by reporting bugs you encounter
- by closing issues that are not complete
- by adding a failing test for reproducible reported bugs
- by reviewing pull requests and suggesting improvements
- by writing code (no patch is too small! fix typos or bad whitespace)
Thanks for helping us make Plutus better.
If you would like to add a new feature to Plutus, please follow these steps:
- First, check github issues to see if the feature has been discussed
- For complex features or questions, Discuss the issue at the plutus mailing list.
- Open an issue
- Fork plutus, and create a feature branch on your fork for your changes.
- Commit the code and at least one test covering your changes to the feature branch in your fork.
- Don't commit any changes to gemspec or change the version number
- Send us a pull request from your feature branch.
If you don't hear back immediately, don’t get discouraged! We all have day jobs, but we respond to most tickets within a day or two.
If you'd like to discuss features, ask questions, or just engage in general Plutus-focused discussion, please see the Plutus mailing list on Google Groups.