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text2process og5.applescript
property cItemPaddingX : 20property cItemPaddingY : 20property cProcessFlowHeight : 80property cActionControlColor : {0.0, 0.501961, 1.0}property cLaneHeaderWidth : 60-- the name of the OG template for new process chartsproperty cProcessTemplate : "process template"my text2process()------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- description: main routine-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on text2process() local vTextDataFile local vProcessData local vLanes local vProcessDoc local vOffsetX -- record containing the process name and a default location to save the chart local vSaveDefaults --open text containing process data set vTextDataFile to choose file of type {"public.plain-text"} with prompt "choose text file with process data" without invisibles set vSaveDefaults to my getDefaultPathFromTextFile(vTextDataFile) set vProcessData to my readDataFromText(vTextDataFile) --get lanes from text set vLanes to my getLanesFromData(vProcessData) -- create a new document set vProcessDoc to openTemplate(vSaveDefaults) -- create lanes my createLanes(vLanes, vProcessDoc) -- add actions set vOffsetX to my drawProcess(vProcessData, vProcessDoc) --resize lanes to fit size of process my extendLaneWidth(vOffsetX, vLanes, vProcessDoc) end text2process------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- description: adapt length of every lane to the length of process, resize lanes after finish drawing-- parameters: pOffsetX --- pLanes - list of lane names as text-- pProcessDoc - the current document-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on extendLaneWidth(pOffsetX, pLanes, pProcessDoc) -- groups local vLane -- shapes local vLaneBody -- canvases local vCanvasProcess -- dimensions local vWidth -- text local vLaneId tell application "OmniGraffle Professional 5" set vCanvasProcess to canvas "process" of pProcessDoc repeat with vLaneId in every item of pLanes -- get the matching lane group set vLane to (first group of layer "lanes" of vCanvasProcess whose value of user data item "lane_id" is vLaneId) --get body of target swimlane set vLaneBody to (first shape of vLane whose value of user data item "lane_item_type" is "swimlane_body") --resize lane set vWidth to pOffsetX - (x of origin of vLaneBody) set vHeight to y of size of vLaneBody set size of vLaneBody to {vWidth, vHeight} end repeat end tellend extendLaneWidth------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- description: create swimlanes for process-- parameters: pLanes - list of lane names as text-- pProcessDoc - the document to draw on-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on createLanes(pLanes, pProcessDoc) -- initial postion for new lanes local vLaneOffsetX, vLaneOffsetY -- a single lane name local vLane set vLaneOffsetX to 20 set vLaneOffsetY to 20 repeat with vLane in every item of pLanes my addLaneToProcessCanvas(pProcessDoc, vLaneOffsetX, vLaneOffsetY, 710, cProcessFlowHeight + cItemPaddingY * 2, vLane) set vLaneOffsetY to vLaneOffsetY + cProcessFlowHeight + cItemPaddingY * 2 end repeat end createLanes------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- description: find lane names in text-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on getLanesFromData(pProcessData) local vProcessStep, vProcessItems -- text local vLane set vOldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "," set vLanes to {} repeat with vProcessStep in every item of pProcessData -- get lane name from first column of process data set vProcessItems to text items of vProcessStep if (count of vProcessItems) > 1 then set vLane to second text item of vProcessStep if vLanes does not contain vLane then -- append lane to list set end of vLanes to vLane end if end if end repeat set AppleScript's text item delimiters to vOldDelimiters return vLanes end getLanesFromData------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- description: open the document containing the process shapes-- parameters: pDefaultPath - the location of the text file-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on openTemplate(pDefaultPath) local vCanvasProcess local vNewDoc local vAllCanvases tell application "OmniGraffle Professional 5" activate set zoomed of front window to true try -- assumes that the OmniGraffle Professional template dir contains a OmniGraffle Professional template named "process template" set vNewDoc to make new document with properties {template:cProcessTemplate, path:pDefaultPath} -- activate the process canvas set vCanvasProcess to canvas "process" of vNewDoc on error log "didn't found process template - create a new document from scratch" -- create a new document from scratch set vNewDoc to make new document with properties {path:pDefaultPath} set vAllCanvases to canvases of vNewDoc if length of vAllCanvases > 0 then -- just rename the first canvas to process set vCanvasProcess to the first item of vAllCanvases set name of vCanvasProcess to "process" else -- create a new canvas process set vCanvasProcess to make new canvas at the beginning of vNewDoc with properties {name:"process", adjusts pages:true} end if end try end tell return vNewDoc end openTemplate------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- description: draw a new swimlane-- parameters: pProcessDoc - -- pOriginX - -- pOriginY - -- pWidth - -- pHeight - -- pLaneId - the name of the lane as text-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on addLaneToProcessCanvas(pProcessDoc, pOriginX, pOriginY, pWidth, pHeight, pLaneId) local vIsTemplateAvailable -- canvas local vCanvasLib, vCanvasProcess -- shapes found by search filter local vMatchingShapes -- shape components of the lane local vLaneBody, vLaneHead --assume the template is available set vIsTemplateAvailable to true tell application "OmniGraffle Professional 5" try set vCanvasLib to canvas "lib" of pProcessDoc on error set vIsTemplateAvailable to false end try set vCanvasProcess to canvas "process" of pProcessDoc if vIsTemplateAvailable then --copy swimlane body set vMatchingShapes to graphics of vCanvasLib whose value of user data item "lane_item_type" is "swimlane_body" set vLaneBody to first item of vMatchingShapes duplicate (contents of vLaneBody) to beginning of layer "lanes" of vCanvasProcess with properties {origin:{pOriginX, pOriginY}, size:{pWidth, pHeight}} set vLaneBody to first shape of vCanvasProcess --set name set text of vLaneBody to {size:96, alignment:center, color:{0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.4}, text:pLaneId} --copy swimlane head set vMatchingShapes to graphics of vCanvasLib whose value of user data item "lane_item_type" is "swimlane_head" set vLaneHead to first item of vMatchingShapes duplicate (contents of vLaneHead) to beginning of layer "lanes" of vCanvasProcess with properties {origin:{pOriginX - (60 - cLaneHeaderWidth / 2), pOriginY + (60 - cLaneHeaderWidth / 2)}, size:{pHeight, cLaneHeaderWidth}} set vLaneHead to first shape of vCanvasProcess --set name set text of vLaneHead to {text:pLaneId, alignment:center} --mark lane for later identification set value of user data item "lane_id" of vLaneHead to pLaneId set value of user data item "lane_id" of vLaneBody to pLaneId --assemble lane to a group set vLaneGroup to assemble {vLaneHead, vLaneBody} else --create the lane from scratch tell vCanvasProcess make new shape at end of graphics with properties {draws shadow:false, size:{pHeight, cLaneHeaderWidth}, text:{alignment:center, text:pLaneId}, rotation:270, origin:{pOriginX - 45, pOriginY + 45}, user data:{lane_item_type:"swimlane_head", lane_id:text of pLaneId}} make new shape at end of graphics with properties {draws shadow:false, size:{pWidth, pHeight}, origin:{pOriginX, pOriginY}, user data:{lane_item_type:"swimlane_body", lane_id:text of pLaneId}, text:{size:96, alignment:center, color:{0.6, 0.6, 0.6}, text:pLaneId}} set vLaneGroup to assemble (graphics -2 through -1) end tell end if -- add action button to extend lane heigth my addScriptActionControlToLane(pLaneId, vCanvasProcess, pOriginY) --mark lane for later identification set value of user data item "lane_id" of vLaneGroup to pLaneId set value of user data item "lane_item_type" of vLaneGroup to "swimlane" end tell end addLaneToProcessCanvas------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- description: add action button to extend height of the given lane-- parameters: pLaneId - the name of the lane as text-- pCanvasProcess - the canvas to draw on-- pOriginY - the y position of the lan-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on addScriptActionControlToLane(pLaneId, pCanvasProcess, pOriginY) -- shape components of the control interface local vTriangle, vButtonOutline -- groups local vExtendButton -- text local vActionCode set vActionCode to "
-- canvases
local vCanvasProcess
-- numbers
local vSlideVector, vHeight, vWidth, vXOrigin, vYOrigin
-- groups
local vLane, vActionControl
-- shapes
local vLaneHead, vLaneBody
-- graphics
local vShapesBelow, vItem, vActionControlItems
-- text
local vLayerName
set vCanvasProcess to canvas of self
set vLayerLanes to layer \"lanes\" of vCanvasProcess
--get lane head and body
set vLane to (first group of layer \"lanes\" of vCanvasProcess whose value of user data item \"lane_id\" is \"" & pLaneId & "\")
set vLaneBody to first shape of vLane whose value of user data item \"lane_item_type\" is \"swimlane_body\"
set vLaneHead to first shape of vLane whose value of user data item \"lane_item_type\" is \"swimlane_head\"
set vSlideVector to (" & cProcessFlowHeight & " + " & cItemPaddingY & " * 2)
--get all action graphics below extended lane body and move them down
repeat with vLayerName in every item of {\"lanes\", \"actions\", \"control\"}
if text of vLayerName is \"control\" then
--move action controls
set vShapesBelow to (graphics of layer vLayerName of vCanvasProcess whose y of origin ≥ (y of origin of vLaneBody))
set vShapesBelow to (graphics of layer vLayerName of vCanvasProcess whose y of origin ≥ ((y of origin of vLaneBody) + (y of size of vLaneBody)))
end if
repeat with vItem in every item of vShapesBelow
slide vItem by {0, vSlideVector}
end repeat
end repeat
-- resize lane
set vWidth to x of size of vLaneBody
--extend height of lane by height of one shape + padding
set vHeight to (y of size of vLaneBody) + " & cProcessFlowHeight & " + " & cItemPaddingY & " * 2
set size of vLaneBody to {vWidth, vHeight}
--because of its rotation modify width of lane head
set vWidth to (x of size of vLaneHead) + " & cProcessFlowHeight & " + " & cItemPaddingY & " * 2
set vHeight to (y of size of vLaneHead)
--because of its rotation adjust origin of lane head
set vXOrigin to (x of origin of vLaneHead) - (( " & cProcessFlowHeight & " + " & cItemPaddingY & " * 2) / 2)
set vYOrigin to (y of origin of vLaneHead) + ((" & cProcessFlowHeight & " + " & cItemPaddingY & " * 2) / 2)
set size of vLaneHead to {vWidth, vHeight}
set origin of vLaneHead to {vXOrigin, vYOrigin}
" tell application "OmniGraffle Professional 5" -- add extend lane button to the lane head set vTriangle to make new shape at beginning of graphics of layer "control" of pCanvasProcess with properties {corner radius:8, draws shadow:false, size:{22.0, 22.0}, origin:{24.0, pOriginY + 95}, stroke color:cActionControlColor} set vButtonOutline to make new shape at beginning of graphics of layer "control" of pCanvasProcess with properties {name:"VerticalTriangle", draws stroke:false, textSize:{0.5, 0.6}, draws shadow:false, size:{14.0, 17.0}, origin:{28.0, pOriginY + 98}, textPosition:{0.25, 0.0}, fill color:cActionControlColor} set vExtendButton to assemble {vTriangle, vButtonOutline} set value of user data item "lane_id" of vExtendButton to pLaneId set script of vExtendButton to vActionCode set notes of vExtendButton to "use OmniGraffle Professional action on this button to extend lane height" end tell end addScriptActionControlToLane------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- description: place an action on a lane-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on addProcessActionToLane(pProcessDoc, pLaneId, pPreviousItemId, pType, pId, pText) -- coordinates local vItemOffsetX, ItemOffsetY local vOffsetX, vOffsetY -- canvases local vCanvasProcess, vCanvasLib -- layers local vLayerLanes --size of the shape to paste local vMaxGroupWidth, vMaxGroupHeight -- y offset in lane from the previous item local vLastOffsetY -- target lane local vLane, vLaneBody --shapes local vUnknownAction --lists local vMatchingShapes -- detect if the process template is available local vIsTemplateAvailable local vText -- assume that the template for process shapes is available (location: template folder from OmniGraffle Professional) set vIsTemplateAvailable to true -- set the offset x depending from the previous process item set vOffsetX to my getOffsetX(pProcessDoc, pPreviousItemId) tell application "OmniGraffle Professional 5" set vCanvasLib to canvas "lib" of pProcessDoc set vCanvasProcess to canvas "process" of pProcessDoc set vLayerLanes to layer "lanes" of vCanvasProcess --get target swimlane set vLane to (first group of vLayerLanes whose value of user data item "lane_id" is pLaneId) set vLaneBody to (first shape of vLane whose value of user data item "lane_item_type" is "swimlane_body") --setup position offsets in dependency of the item type if vOffsetX is 0 then --set initial offset - start of swimlane set vOffsetX to cItemPaddingX + cLaneHeaderWidth + (x of origin of vLaneBody) end if --get items from templates set vMatchingShapes to graphics of vCanvasLib whose value of user data item "item_type" is pType --check if shape type available --TODO: check if unknown description contains gateway and use default gateway then if (count of vMatchingShapes) is 0 then log "Couldn't find shape of type >" & pType & "< in lane >" & pLaneId & "<" set vMaxGroupWidth to 130.0 set vMaxGroupHeight to 80.0 set vOffsetX to vOffsetX + cItemPaddingX set vFinishX to vOffsetX + vMaxGroupWidth + cItemPaddingX set vLastOffsetY to my getOffsetY(pProcessDoc, pPreviousItemId, pLaneId) set vOffsetY to (80 - vMaxGroupHeight) / 2 + (vLastOffsetY) set vUnknownAction to make new shape at end of graphics of layer "actions" of vCanvasProcess with properties {draws shadow:false, size:{130.0, 80.0}, text:{{alignment:center, font:"Helvetica-Bold", text:"type not found:
"}, {alignment:center, text:pType & "
id: " & pId & "
" & pText}}, origin:{vOffsetX, vOffsetY}, magnets:{{0.5, 0}, {-0.5, 0}, {0.0, -0.5}, {0.0, 0.5}}, thickness:2, user data:{item_type:"unknown"}, stroke color:{0.701961, 0.266667, 0.0}} set value of user data item "item_id" of vUnknownAction to pId else --get max width and heigth of group to setup offsets set vMaxGroupWidth to 0 set vMaxGroupHeight to 0 repeat with vItemPart in every item of vMatchingShapes if x of size of vItemPart > vMaxGroupWidth then set vMaxGroupWidth to x of size of vItemPart end if if y of size of vItemPart > vMaxGroupHeight then set vMaxGroupHeight to y of size of vItemPart end if end repeat --next offset depends on item size set vOffsetX to vOffsetX + cItemPaddingX set vFinishX to vOffsetX + vMaxGroupWidth + cItemPaddingX set vLastOffsetY to my getOffsetY(pProcessDoc, pPreviousItemId, pLaneId) set vOffsetY to (80 - vMaxGroupHeight) / 2 + (vLastOffsetY) -- prepare list for copied items set vCopiedItems to {} -- copy items repeat with vItemPart in every item of vMatchingShapes --get item offset from user data (previously saved with template) try set vItemOffsetX to value of user data item "offset_x" of vItemPart as number on error set vItemOffsetX to 0 end try try set vItemOffsetY to value of user data item "offset_y" of vItemPart as number on error set vItemOffsetY to 0 end try --copy item part duplicate vItemPart to end of layer "actions" of vCanvasProcess with properties {origin:{vOffsetX - vItemOffsetX, vOffsetY - vItemOffsetY}} set end of vCopiedItems to last graphic of layer "actions" of vCanvasProcess end repeat repeat with vItem in every item of vCopiedItems set value of user data item "item_id" of vItem to pId end repeat if length of pText > 0 then set vText to my stringReplace(pText, "<comma>", ",") --TODO: find a better way to determine items holding text set text of first item of vCopiedItems to {text:vText, alignment:center} end if end if end tell --return offset for next item return vFinishXend addProcessActionToLane------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- description: draw items for each entry in process list-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on drawProcess(pProcessData, pProcessDoc) local vConnectId, vStepId, vTargetLane, vDescription, vItemType, vOldDelimiters local vCurrentFinishX, vFinishX, vDrawnProcessSteps local vProcessStep, vProcessItems local vConnectIdList local vAutoStepId set vOldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "," set vDrawnProcessSteps to {} set vOffsetX to 0 set vFinishX to 0 set vPreviousItemId to null set vAutoStepId to 0 repeat with vProcessStep in every item of pProcessData set vProcessItems to text items of vProcessStep if (count of vProcessItems) > 3 then set vConnectId to null set vStepId to text item 1 of vProcessStep -- set step id for process step automaltically if id is missing from text file if vStepId is "" then set vAutoStepId to vAutoStepId + 1 set vStepId to "auto" & vAutoStepId end if set vTargetLane to text item 2 of vProcessStep set vDescription to text item 3 of vProcessStep set vItemType to text item 4 of vProcessStep try set vConnectId to text item 5 of vProcessStep on error set vConnectId to null end try if vDrawnProcessSteps contains vStepId then --process step was already drawn, only another connection is needed if vConnectId is not null then my connectShapes(pProcessDoc, vConnectId, vStepId, "") end if else if vConnectId is null then --connect item with previous item set vCurrentFinishX to my addProcessActionToLane(pProcessDoc, vTargetLane, vPreviousItemId, vItemType, vStepId as text, vDescription) else --TODO: resize lanes and adjust following lanes my extendLaneHeight(pProcessDoc, vTargetLane) set vConnectIdList to my getConnectIdsFromText(vConnectId) set vConnectId to first item of vConnectIdList --TODO: calculate alternative offset for this step of process set vCurrentFinishX to my addProcessActionToLane(pProcessDoc, vTargetLane, vConnectId, vItemType, vStepId as text, vDescription) end if if vCurrentFinishX > vFinishX then set vFinishX to vCurrentFinishX end if if vConnectId is not null then repeat with vConnectId in vConnectIdList my connectShapes(pProcessDoc, vConnectId, vStepId, "") --TODO: get relevant item from connection list for defininig origin offsets end repeat else if vPreviousItemId is not null then my connectShapes(pProcessDoc, vPreviousItemId, vStepId, "") end if end if --mark the current process step item as the new previous process step item set vPreviousItemId to vStepId --put already placed items into a list set end of vDrawnProcessSteps to vStepId end if end if end repeat set AppleScript's text item delimiters to vOldDelimiters --return x offset for lane return vFinishX end drawProcess------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- description: connect to shapes-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on connectShapes(pProcessDoc, pStartShapeId, pEndShapeId, pConnectionType) local vStartShapes local vStartShape local vEndShapes local vEndShape tell application "OmniGraffle Professional 5" set vCanvasLib to canvas "lib" of pProcessDoc set vCanvasProcess to canvas "process" of pProcessDoc --set default connection type to >sequence flow< if length of pConnectionType is 0 then set pConnectionType to "sequence flow" end if --copy connection line set vMatchingShapes to graphics of vCanvasLib whose value of user data item "item_type" is pConnectionType set vConnectionLineSource to first item of vMatchingShapes duplicate vConnectionLineSource to end of layer "actions" of vCanvasProcess set vConnectionLine to last line of layer "actions" of vCanvasProcess --get connection source set vStartShape to my getConnectShape(pProcessDoc, pStartShapeId) --get connection destination set vEndShape to my getConnectShape(pProcessDoc, pEndShapeId) --connect line with shapes set source of vConnectionLine to vStartShape set destination of vConnectionLine to vEndShape set head magnet of vConnectionLine to 0 end tellend connectShapes------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- description: in a group of items find the one to connect-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on getConnectShape(pProcessDoc, pShapeId) tell application "OmniGraffle Professional 5" set vCanvasLib to canvas "lib" of pProcessDoc set vCanvasProcess to canvas "process" of pProcessDoc set vShapes to shapes of vCanvasProcess whose value of user data item "item_id" is pShapeId if (count of items of vShapes) > 1 then try set vConnectShape to first shape of vCanvasProcess whose value of user data item "connect" is "true" and value of user data item "item_id" is pShapeId on error set vConnectShape to first item of vShapes end try else set vConnectShape to first item of vShapes end if end tell return vConnectShape end getConnectShape------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- description: read text file into variable-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on readDataFromText(PTextDataFile) --open file set vText to (open for access PTextDataFile) set vData to paragraphs of (read vText) set vProcessedData to {} repeat with vParagraph in every item of vData set vParagraph to my stringReplace(vParagraph, "\\,", "<comma>") set end of vProcessedData to vParagraph end repeat --close file close access PTextDataFile --return list of records from text file return vProcessedData end readDataFromText------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- description: does a string replace-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on stringReplace(pSource, pSearch, pReplacement) local vResult local vOldDelimiters set vOldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters set AppleScript's text item delimiters to pSearch set vResult to text items of pSource set AppleScript's text item delimiters to pReplacement set vResult to "" & vResult set AppleScript's text item delimiters to vOldDelimiters return vResultend stringReplace------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- description: extend height of a lane for one additional process flow inside a lane-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on extendLaneHeight(pProcessDoc, pLaneId) -- canvases local vCanvasProcess -- numbers local vSlideVector, vHeight, vWidth, vXOrigin, vYOrigin -- groups local vLane, vActionControl -- shapes local vLaneHead, vLaneBody -- graphics local vShapesBelow, vItem, vActionControlItems tell application "OmniGraffle Professional 5" set vCanvasProcess to canvas "process" of pProcessDoc set vLayerLanes to layer "lanes" of vCanvasProcess --get lane head and body set vLane to (first group of layer "lanes" of vCanvasProcess whose value of user data item "lane_id" is pLaneId) set vLaneBody to first shape of vLane whose value of user data item "lane_item_type" is "swimlane_body" set vLaneHead to first shape of vLane whose value of user data item "lane_item_type" is "swimlane_head" set vSlideVector to (cProcessFlowHeight + cItemPaddingY * 2) --get all action graphics below extended lane body and move them down repeat with vLayerName in every item of {"lanes", "actions", "control"} if text of vLayerName is "control" then --when moving action controls include action controls of the current lane set vShapesBelow to (graphics of layer vLayerName of vCanvasProcess whose y of origin ≥ (y of origin of vLaneBody)) else set vShapesBelow to (graphics of layer vLayerName of vCanvasProcess whose y of origin ≥ ((y of origin of vLaneBody) + (y of size of vLaneBody))) end if repeat with vItem in every item of vShapesBelow slide vItem by {0, vSlideVector} end repeat end repeat -- resize current lane set vWidth to x of size of vLaneBody --extend height of lane by height of one shape + padding set vHeight to (y of size of vLaneBody) + cProcessFlowHeight + cItemPaddingY * 2 set size of vLaneBody to {vWidth, vHeight} --because of its rotation modify width of lane head set vWidth to (x of size of vLaneHead) + cProcessFlowHeight + cItemPaddingY * 2 set vHeight to (y of size of vLaneHead) --because of its rotation adjust origin of lane head set vXOrigin to (x of origin of vLaneHead) - ((cProcessFlowHeight + cItemPaddingY * 2) / 2) set vYOrigin to (y of origin of vLaneHead) + ((cProcessFlowHeight + cItemPaddingY * 2) / 2) set size of vLaneHead to {vWidth, vHeight} set origin of vLaneHead to {vXOrigin, vYOrigin} end tell end extendLaneHeight------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- description: get x offset for next process item-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on getOffsetX(pProcessDoc, pPreviousItemId) local vMaxWidth, vOffsetX, vCenterXOrigin, vCanvasProcess, vPreviousItem if pPreviousItemId is null then set vOffsetX to 0 else tell application "OmniGraffle Professional 5" set vCanvasProcess to canvas "process" of pProcessDoc set vPreviousItem to my getConnectShape(pProcessDoc, pPreviousItemId) set vOffsetX to (x of origin of vPreviousItem) + (x of size of vPreviousItem) + cItemPaddingX end tell end if return vOffsetXend getOffsetX------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- description: get y offset for next process item-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on getOffsetY(pProcessDoc, pPreviousItemId, pLaneId) local vCanvasProcess, vOffsetY, vOffsetY, vPreviousItem -- groups local vLane -- shapes local vLaneBody tell application "OmniGraffle Professional 5" set vCanvasProcess to canvas "process" of pProcessDoc -- y offset is lanes y origin + padding set vLane to first group of layer "lanes" of vCanvasProcess whose value of user data item "lane_id" is pLaneId set vLaneBody to first shape of vLane whose value of user data item "lane_item_type" is "swimlane_body" set vOffsetY to (y of origin of vLaneBody) + cItemPaddingY if pPreviousItemId is not null then set vPreviousItem to my getConnectItem(pProcessDoc, pPreviousItemId) -- check if previous item shares the same lane if (y of origin of vPreviousItem > y of origin of vLaneBody) and (y of origin of vPreviousItem < ((y of origin of vLaneBody) + (y of size of vLaneBody))) then -- get y offset from previous item set vOffsetY to (y of origin of vPreviousItem) + (y of size of vPreviousItem) / 2 - (cProcessFlowHeight + cItemPaddingY * 2) / 2 + cItemPaddingY -- check if previous item is already connected if (count of outgoing lines of vPreviousItem) > 0 then -- increase y offset for multiple connections set vOffsetY to vOffsetY + ((count of outgoing lines of vPreviousItem) * (cProcessFlowHeight + cItemPaddingY * 2)) end if end if end if end tell return vOffsetYend getOffsetY------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- description: gets the widest item of a process shape, which contains connections to other process steps-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on getConnectItem(pProcessDoc, pItemId) local vMaxWidth, vConnectItem set vMaxWidth to 0 tell application "OmniGraffle Professional 5" set vCanvasProcess to canvas "process" of pProcessDoc repeat with vItem in (every shape of vCanvasProcess whose value of user data item "item_id" is pItemId) if vMaxWidth < x of size of vItem then set vMaxWidth to x of size of vItem set vConnectItem to vItem end if end repeat end tell return vConnectItem end getConnectItem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- description: get id's from text to find actions to connect with-- parameters: pConnectIds - text from data column with connect ids-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on getConnectIdsFromText(pConnectIds) -- text local vOldDelimiters -- list local vConnectIds set vOldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters -- expect the - (minus) sign as delimiter for multiple connect ids set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "-" set vConnectIds to text items of pConnectIds set AppleScript's text item delimiters to vOldDelimiters return vConnectIds end getConnectIdsFromText------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- description: extract the process name from the path of the input text file-- parameters: pTextDataFile - path to text input--result: returns the path of the text file with extension .graffle-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on getDefaultPathFromTextFile(PTextDataFile) local vOldDelimiters local vTextFilePath tell application "System Events" set vTextFilePath to POSIX path of PTextDataFile end tell set vOldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "." set vTextFilePath to first text item of vTextFilePath & ".graffle" set AppleScript's text item delimiters to vOldDelimiters return vTextFilePathend getDefaultPathFromTextFile