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daronco edited this page Feb 14, 2011 · 27 revisions

Mconf-Web is the social network in the Mconf webconferencing system. It is developed using Ruby on Rails and is a fork of the VCC project ( If you want more information about this project, please visit (Portuguese and English).

If you like this project and want to give us some feedback, please contact :)

If you have a suggestion or discovered a bug, please create an issue.

Also if you want to collaborate with this project, send us a patch and we would be glad to receive and merge it.

About the developers

Mconf-Web is part of the project Mconf:

Mconf-Web uses

Technologies and systems used in this project.

VCC (Virtual Conference Centre)

VCC (now know as Global Plaza) is a project developed in Ruby on Rails to provide a virtual event service for the Internet. It uses the Isabel system to provide webconferencing.

You can find the Global Plaza project running at:

Mconf-Web is actually a fork of VCC. It's source code can be found at


BigBlueButton (BBB) is the webconferencing system used by Mconf-Web. BBB is developed in Java and Flash, and is one of the best open source webconferencing softwares (if not the best) today. You can find it at:

As VCC uses Isabel, Mconf-Web uses BBB.

Other libraries

How to start

Setting up the development environment:

  • Install ruby using rvm (
    • Quick steps to install rvm (the project currently uses rvm 1.2.6):
      • Run: bash < <( curl )
      • Add the following line to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile:
      • [[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" # This loads RVM into a shell session.
      • Start a new prompt or load source in the current shell with: source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
        • To check if it worked, run type rvm | head -1 and it should output rvm is a function
      • Run rvm notes and install the packages under "For Ruby (MRI & ree)"
      • Mconf-Web uses rubygems 1.5.0. If needed, you can specify the version with: rvm rubygems 1.5.0
  • Install the bundler: gem install bundler
  • Run script/setup to install the system packages needed
  • Run bundle install to install all gems
  • Configure the database and the mailer
    • The script setup will create these files for you, but you need to open and configure them
    • Database: config/database.yml
    • Mailer: config/initializers/mail_conf.rb
  • Run rake setup:development


If you have problems such as "no such file to load -- sqlite3", setup might not have installed everything. Run script/setup without parameters to see the available commands. You might need to:

  • Install all packages: script/setup development packages
  • Install all gems: script/setup development gems