The goal for this week is providing trackings of cars in the AI Cities dataset and refining the techniques to produce them. In particular, we have reimplemented both Kalman Filtering and Max Overlap Tracking to substitute our previous faulty implementations.
We also study different optical flow algorithms and systems to incorporate it to tracking, although we have not been able to produce meaningful results out of it (we were running short on time mostly).
We have adopted a similar modular strategy as last week in order to be able to precompute significant chunks of data and then pipeline their processing with either global python scripts or shell scripts.
The following directory structures are assumed
- AI Cities dataset: Default structure
+-- cam_framenum
+-- cam_loc
+-- cam_timestamp
\-- train
+-- S01
│ +-- c001
| ...
│ \-- c005
+-- S03
│ +-- c010
| ...
│ \-- c015
\-- S04
+-- c016
\-- c040 <Example inner directory>
+-- det
+-- gt // We add a COCO dict with the same info as gt.txt here
+-- mtsc
+-- segm
+-- vdo_of // Generated Optical Flow
\-- vdo_frames // Generated per-frame images
- Results will be generated in a tree like the following
\-- train_models_test<SEQUENCE>
+--- ai_cities<SEQUENCE><CAMERA>
+-- coco_instances_results.json // Prediction bboxes in COCO format
+-- demo_<NAME>.mp4 // Various demos in GIF or MP4 format
+-- instances_predictions.pth // Predictions for the last layer of the model
+-- stats.json // Detection evaluation metrics
+-- summary[_purge].csv // Tracking evaluation summary
\-- track[_purge].txt // Track in MOT format
We provide our results tree here
We have a requirements.txt file in the root directory detailing packages needed to run our code. We use Detectron2 for object detectors, which can be installed following their documentation.
Additionally, we require ffmpeg to split frames and make gifs (and also output videos with the opencv wrapper) and the various optical flow libraries we use need to be installed separately.
There is a fair share of paths that can be found within the scripts that may need to be adjusted to your machine (we have used argument parsers whenever we could, but some automations like bash scripts are designed to exploit path structures as much as possible).
Core scripts that implement each task are named accordingly:
performs Task 1.1 - our implementation of the Block Matching Algorithm. The script itself automates experiments, whereas all tooling and detailed implementations may be found
(this also applies to Task 1.2 and 1.3)
performs Task 1.2, which tests some current implementations of
performs Task 1.3. The implementation of the optical flow tracker may be found in
performs Task 2. It computes tracks using max overlap and our simple track purging system (can be disabled or enabled).
Some other important scripts include
, which evaluates the performance of a track comparing either against a .xml or a .txt mots
generates an optical flow .npy file for each pair of frames in a video. Use with care, results are uncompressed and may use a lot of disk space.
Many of these scripts are designed to be run through bash scripts, if they are
to be run as singletons, use the help
command for each of them.
We have automated many tasks in our quest to be able to generate global results
for comprehensive sets of sequences. The bash
directory contains
all of these automatisations. Essentially:
use track information in each of the results directories and produce our
executes training for all models in all combinations of output
files everywhere in the dataset into singleton frames stored invdo_frames
produce track files for all combinations of model and input data. This wraps